Monday, March 29, 2021

The best prophecy yet!!


"The Dream of the TRUMP Tree"

A few days ago, I was caught up by the Spirit of Revelation in one of the most powerful dream/vision encounters I have had this year 2021. I believe this dream comes at a critical time, both for the Ekklesia and for the nations of the earth—and especially the nation of America, which is being raised up at this time to take her place as a radiant light of the world, as a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

Parts of this dream encounter will reveal clearly that God has not yet finished with His anointed vessel, President Donald John Trump.

The Dream

In this powerful dream, the first thing that appeared to me was what looked like a beautiful and majestic rainbow stairway; a glorious stairway that ascended to the heavens from the nations of the earth.

Now as I looked at this incredible stairway, suddenly I heard these words: "Let My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." After this, I began to hear a sound rising up from the ground...the sound of many voices, all singing with one voice the Lord's Prayer; over and over again, I heard, "Let My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!"

As the sound of those words filled the atmosphere in the dream, I turned and looked again at the sprawling steps of the radiant rainbow stairway, and I saw that each one of the steps was made up of millions upon millions of vibrant, multi-colored stones, and each stone looked different and unique both in shape and size, but every stone was perfectly grafted in like a massive jigsaw puzzle. Every stone had its place...all fitting together as one.

Looking intently at the stones, I saw that they looked alive and seemed to be moving, but without breaking formation. Then I heard the Spirit of Revelation speak to me saying, "Look! For these are living stones, filled with the power of the Seven Manifold Spirits of the Living God!"

The Spirit spoke again saying, "Watch!" Then I saw what looked like 5 letters, and then 5 words being written in gold upon the rainbow stairway of living stones. First I saw the letter T being written and then the word Truth appeared; then the letter R and the word Righteousness; then the letter U and the word Unity...the letter and the word Mercy, and then the letter P and the word Peace appeared before me.

As I looked and looked again, I saw the word TRUMP, which appeared to me in ascending order, starting from the bottom of the stairway—touching the nations—to the highest of heights in heavenly places. Below is what I saw as it appeared:


Now as I looked at this word, I heard, "In this hour My 'Truth' and grace will trump deception and judgment. As My remnant arises, clothed in purity and 'Righteousness,' to take her place, and as they dwell together in 'Unity,' I shall command a blessing and they shall overcome. Watch! For My 'Mercy' will now make way, and the God of 'Peace' will soon crush satan under your feet!"

As these words boomed loudly, suddenly I heard the Spirit of Revelation whisper in a gentle voice, "Come and I will show you what will take place..."

The Roots

As I heard His soft whisper, a mighty oak tree suddenly appeared beside the rainbow stairway of living stones. I immediately heard the Spirit of Revelation say, "Look!" As I looked at the oak tree, I was shown that many areas in its root system were infested with a type of root rot. Some sort of disease and fungus seemed to be growing over some of the roots, badly infecting different areas of its root system, decaying and rotting it from within.

Then I heard the Spirit say, "Watch! For I shall shake, shake, shake the foundations of the mighty oak tree and I will expose the deep rot in the root system; and where decay and death have set in and defiled the fruit, now My Spirit of Truth shall bring forth purification and restoration to the roots!"

The Trunk

My eyes looked up again, and I was shown the thick trunk of the oak tree. I saw that the bark on the tree trunk also looked badly diseased, and large patches of thick, black, sticky fluid were weeping and seeping out of large cracks in the bark, which seemed to be covering the rotting, spongy tissue of the tree trunk.

Then I heard, "Watch! For I shall reveal the disease of deception that has begun to take hold, and I will uncover and bring to the light the subtle manipulation, control and corruption that has caused the trunk of the tree to become weak and compromised.

"But fear not! For I shall bind up the broken-hearted, the prisoners, the mourners and they will be vindicated, crowned and comforted in these turbulent days of great shaking; for the Spirit of the sovereign LORD rests upon My remnant Ekklesia, and they will be called 'Oaks of Righteousness,' the planting of the LORD for the display of My splendor in the nations of the earth."

The Branches

Suddenly, I felt a soft wind begin to blow round about me in the dream, and I felt the ground beneath the tree begin to vibrate and tremble. Then I heard the Spirit say, "Daughter of man, look—look up!" As I looked up again, and my eyes were drawn to the many branches of the oak tree, and I saw that many of them were dead. Then I heard these words echo loudly: "Watch! For now My governing hand of judgment and justice is moving among the branches of the oak tree to cut off and to prune, for every branch that bears no fruit will be taken away, and every branch that does bear fruit, I will prune.

"Therefore I say, remain! Remain again! I say, remain in Me. For no branch can bear fruit by itself. So remain in Me and you shall be a fruitful branch." (Photo via Pixabay)

As the weightiness of those words seemed to permeate the atmosphere, I heard, "Unity! Unity! Unity... How good and pleasant when brothers dwell in unity!"

Then winds began to blow with greater force, and I felt a supernatural shift beginning to take place. I saw the mighty oak tree begin to shake violently, and the dead branches began to fall to the ground as a loud sound of cracking and breaking filled the atmosphere.

The Green Leaves

As I looked up again, my eyes were drawn to the leaves on the oak tree, and I saw that while there were green leaves on the branches, they looked sparse, and there were areas where the branches had no leaves. Many of the branches looked bare and exposed.

Then, suddenly, I saw the numbers 222 begin to swirl round about me, and the Spirit of Revelation said, "Watch, for the curse shall be reversed, and the power of the My Seven Spirit whirlwind shall blow upon the tree to revive, restore and reform! Watch! For My glory shall now return and shall cover the tree once again; for My mercy, mercy, mercy shall trump judgment, and the leaves of the tree shall be for the healing of the nations."

Revelation 22:2, "...And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."

The Fruit

I noticed there was only a little fruit upon the tree, and as my eyes were still trying to adjust to what I was seeing, I heard, "Watch, for the truth determines the fruit, and the rot in the roots has defiled the fruit...but watch and listen! For the sound of the roar of the Lion of Judah shall rise from the ground, and the rot in the roots shall be cleansed, the roots shall be restored, and the fruit shall be purified and come forth as pure gold."

The Rainbow Whirlwind

Suddenly, I saw what looked like a keyhole appear in the midst of the mighty oak tree, and I heard a loud, thundering sound come up from the ground; it was the sound of the roar of the Lion of Judah. As the sound of the roar rose up, a bright and piercing yellow and white light shone through the keyhole in the midst of the tree. As I watched, the keyhole became a door which swung wide open, and out of the door came forth a mighty rainbow whirlwind that began to move with great power and might around the oak tree.

I heard, "Watch, for the spirit and power of Elijah now comes like a mighty whirlwind upon the oak tree to revive, restore and reform! Watch, for now My Seven Spirit whirlwind comes to uproot, tear down, build and plant in the midst of the nations!"

As those words deeply penetrated my spirit, I heard the Spirit of Revelation say, "Daughter, watch!"

The Face of the Lion

As I looked again at the whirlwind moving with great power around the tree, I saw the color purple from within the whirlwind swirling around the roots of the oak, and the face of the Lion appeared before me. I heard, "Listen, for I AM the Lion of Judah and I shall roar over the roots of the mighty oak tree... My roar shall shake and shift the foundations of the nations and awaken those who are in a deep sleep.

"Listen! For My roar shall restore truth within the roots, and shall reveal and unveil true Kingdom identity, releasing the power and governing authority to My apostles once again."

Upon hearing this, I saw, again, the word "Truth" written in gold on the stairway of living stones.

The Great Eagle

Now, as I continued to watch what was taking place in the dream, I began to see the color blue come forth from within the mighty rainbow whirlwind, which began to blow violently around the trunk. Suddenly, the face of a great eagle appeared within the blue winds of the whirlwind, and then I heard the loud and piercing cry of the great eagle coming forth from deep within the oak tree.

I heard, "Watch! For I shall reveal the deep and hidden secrets and mysteries of My Kingdom to My eagles, the prophets, and they shall walk in righteousness and carry divine revelation with greater power and authority in the days ahead."

Then I saw again the word "Righteousness" written in gold upon the stairway of living stones, which ascended from Earth to the heavens.

The Dance of the Great Owl

As I stayed watching all that the Spirit of Revelation was revealing to me, I saw the color yellow within the rainbow whirlwind, which began to move powerfully through the branches of the oak.

As I looked again at the branches that were being shaken back and forth, suddenly the face of an owl appeared within the midst of them, and in that moment, I saw the two bright and shining, yellow eyes of the owl. I heard these words: "Watch! For I shall equip and empower My teachers in this hour with My Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, for My owls will have eyes to see what prowls in the midst of the darkness. I shall expose the serpent spirits in their hiding places, and My owls shall devour the snakes that fall from the branches in this season of great shaking."

Again my eyes were drawn back to the stairway of living stones, and I saw the word "Unity" written in gold upon the stones.

The Face of the Lamb

Then my eyes were suddenly drawn up to the leaves of the tree, and I saw a vibrant color of green coming forth from the mighty whirlwind; the strong winds began to blow upon the leaves, and suddenly the face of a Lamb appeared before me from within them.

I heard, "Watch! For My crowning glory shall return to the tree to cover the nakedness of My sheep, and new life and liberty shall be on the lips of My shepherds/pastors, and they shall speak boldly and without restraint. They shall have the anointing and the authority of the Blood of the Lamb upon their hands for the working of signs, wonders and miracles, and the green leaves shall be for healing of the nations."

As I heard those words, my eyes were drawn again to the rainbow stairway of living stones, and when I looked again at the precious stones, I saw the word "Mercy" written upon them.

The Pure White Dove

The dream shifted, and I was taken up higher by the Spirit of Revelation, and a fiery color of orange appeared over the top of the tree; a whirling and swirling of powerful strong winds began to blow upon the sparse fruit that hung on the branches.

I saw a snow white dove appear within the fiery orange winds of the mighty whirlwind, and I heard, "Watch! For now a fresh fire of My glory will fall upon the heads of My evangelists, for a time of purification and cleansing has now come upon the mighty oak tree. (Photo via Unsplash)

Watch! For out of the very roots shall come forth My truths that shall purify the fruit, for now My Seven Spirit whirlwind comes to shake, shift and separate the wheat and the tares...for a time of great Harvest is now at hand and the God of Peace shall soon crush satan under His feet."

Again, I was shown the word "Peace," which was written in gold upon the majestic rainbow stairway of living stones.

Suddenly I woke up from this powerful dream encounter and I immediately began to draw and write out what I had seen.

Dream Interpretation

The Rainbow Stairway of Living Stones:

First, I believe it speaks to what God is now building and establishing in and through His Ekklesia, for we are living stones grafted in, all having our rightful place and position as one Body. It's out of this place of divine alignment and order of unity, and submission to one another in love, that His will is done...on Earth as it is in Heaven.


I believe TRUMP speaks of the man and the new Kingdom Reformation movement being birthed in the earth! I also believe that it's highly significant that the word TRUMP was written in gold and in ascending order on the steps of the stairway of living stones. First, the gold, I believe, speaks to the the outpouring of His glory that is coming to the earth. Seeing it in ascending order speaks to God starting with restoring the truth of His Word in the foundations of His Church.

Exposing the Rot and Restoring the Roots:

He is now going to fully expose the rot in the root system of the tree (the Church) and He is uncovering and revealing every unrighteous root that has defiled the fruit. Many will begin to hear the sound of the Lion of Judah rising from the ground and roaring over the roots. This is the roar of the Seven Spirits of God which will bring supernatural cleansing and purification to the foundations. The root system will be fully restored by the power of His roar and thus there will be a greater manifestation of a purity of fruit, and much fruit—and fruit that will remain!

God has given Trump a heavenly mandate to tear-down and uproot, build and plant. President Trump is certainly God's trumpet for this new era, and God will continue to use His vessel mightily in the days ahead. Whether people like it or not, God is not done with President Trump.

The Spirit of God says, "Watch what will come forth from a time in exile!"

Like we see in the dream, where a radical change and transformation comes upon the oak tree as the Seven Spirit whirlwind comes upon it, so God is now doing a work of radical change and transformation within the vessel, the man whom He has anointed for this new Kingdom era.

The Building Blocks of a New Kingdom Era:

I also believe that seeing T.R.U.M.P. written on the rainbow stairway of living stones speaks to a Kingdom legacy of peace, mercy, unity and righteousness being built and established on the foundation of His truth, through His Ekklesia.

This will accelerate and advance His Kingdom purposes coming to pass in the nations of the earth, for now the spirit and power of Elijah is coming upon His Church as a mighty whirlwind to cleanse, to cut off, to prune and purify...from the roots to the fruits!

I can boldly declare that the world is yet to see God bring President Trump into the fullness of his destiny!

Furthermore, what I was shown in this dream will also reveal that God not only anointed Donald Trump to be president, but that He would use the man and the name of the man—TRUMP—as a powerful prophetic sign to the world and to the Church of what is now beginning to take place and what will continue to unfold over the next decade.

I boldly declare that we have now entered into a new "TRUMP" era and the reformation of the Ekklesia and restoration of the five-fold ministries within the Church!

So keep praying, Church!

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Veronika West
Ignite Ireland Ministry

Facebook page: Click here

Veronika West has been anointed and appointed by God as a prophetic voice to the nations. Veronika has a heart to see everyone in the Body of Christ fully activated and released in their Kingdom identity, purpose and destiny. Being born and raised in Africa, she also has a passion for deliverance ministry and seeing the hand of God set free the captives that are bound. She enjoys teaching the Word of God through practical application and supernatural impartation. Veronika heads up Ignite Ireland Ministries, and currently teaches a broad range of prophetic truths to those who are actively seeking to walk in deeper realms and dimensions of the prophetic ministry and office. Veronika is married to Andrew West, and together they have two children.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Friday, March 26, 2021

CLEAN UP, oh church!

 "The Roll Out of 'Operation Clean Out!'"

Nathan French, Gig Harbor, WA

Prophetic word of the Lord given on March 12, 2021:

What Is Happening?

"I am looking for willing vessels in this hour to assist Me, the Lord, in accomplishing the fulfillment of every promise I have given. Do you wonder what is happening with the leadership in America? I have a plan and My plan still stands.

"You have heard many words: Marxist, Communist Agenda, and Socialism. The vaccines are not the Savior! I say I will shatter these agendas like clay pots. I will expose the hidden sins of the godless and those who intentionally work against My name from the anti-Christ spirit!

"What is happening?" you ask. The battle between good and evil.

"What is happening?" you ask. A power struggle for America.

Many Want Answers

"I know many want answers about what will happen. I am the Lord God, Almighty, and I am not blind. I can see perfectly the feeble attempts to bring this nation under siege. This nation will be made an example of. This nation, one nation – under God – will be redeemed. (Photo via Pikist)

"Many say, 'Well, for the one world government to take place this had to happen,' or, 'for the one-world order to come to pass all this needed to occur.' Listen to the voice of the Lord GOD almighty. I do not waver in My plans. I am just and will bring justice. I am looking for a certain response from My people.

"I want pure hearts and clean hands. I want repentance and true service.

I Will Do My Part

"Let your allegiance be to My cause. The Kingdom of Heaven is advancing and the righteous shall take it by force. The plan of the dark side is to empower an evil leader. Why do they want an evil leader? Because the anti-Christ spirit wants to fulfill the plan of satan. He has always thought his plan would work, in spite of the fact that his plans never work out in the end.

"I have prepared the outcome as I make allowances for free will. I will do My part to put the House in order. I will do My part to adjust the Senate. I will do My part to remove the lawlessness in this land and settle the injustice to protect those who have demonstrated sacrificial obedience. I am a great defender and I will always come to the aid of those willing to be helped. Many who do not know My love resist My rescue. Many who do not know My ways make plans on their own.

Operation Clean Out

"I am excited to see the roll out of Operation Clean Out. I shall clean out the corruption in the leadership of My Church in America. Many leaders are being exposed while others are being promoted. Many leaders are not leading by example and I have been patient. Many leaders are not leading and many new leaders are going to be placed in powerful positions, based on willingness and not on their credentials. I would rather have a heart that is willing in position than a highly skilled, rebellious person. Credentials can help but do not guarantee wisdom. Wisdom and obedience to truth and conviction are more important than knowledge and the lust for power. (Photo via Unsplash)

A Changing of the Guard

"There will now be a changing of the guard. Remember, the kings of the earth are only as good as their willingness to follow the King of kings. So many pursue earthly success and sacrifice the eternal blessings. I want to reward you, beloved.

"Think about souls. Think about hearts transformed. Think about Heaven's plan of redemption. Think about what is happening and remember what I have promised – it's not over! Everything will be laid bare. I am still working with imperfect people, some who will and some who won't. Watch what I do.

"What is next? I am! I will come as the rescuer. Those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

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Nathan French
Nathan French Ministries


Nathan French and his wife, Danielle, are the founding leaders of The Rock Revival Center, located in North end Tacoma, WA. Nathan has a heart for evangelism, discipleship and healing that is nurtured through a powerful, prophetic gifting. He is an international revivalist with a heart and a passion to bring the movement of the Holy Spirit wherever he goes. Nathan has also served as a business consultant "under the radar." He has a passion for bringing the "success" principles of the Kingdom into action at the companies he has been privileged to serve. Nathan has authored two books: It's NOT Meant to be a Secret: God Wants to Speak to You, and Rushing the Flood Gates of Heaven. Nathan has been featured in several television and radio broadcasts such as TBN, God-TV and Spirit 105.3FM.

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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Are you in the right place?

 "It's Time to Speed Up! Position Yourself for Acceleration"

Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas

The Lord recently spoke to me about an acceleration coming to the Body of Christ. I believe in this upcoming season God is speeding up His plans and purposes for His children to do great exploits in the earth. This is not a season to be sitting around idle, waiting for God to move. This is a season to get into position for the acceleration that is coming. It is time to speed up! We must each properly position ourselves so that when the acceleration of God comes, we will be ready for it.

How can God accelerate you if you have not done your part to position yourself? Do not waste any more time! Whenever God wants to do something new, He positions us for the right reason and season. Positioning is key to the manifestation of the Kingdom. If you want to see the promises of God poured out in your life, make sure you are in position for them to manifest. Understanding the positioning of God is vital for you to fulfill the Kingdom assignments God has for you.

The Funnel of God: How to Position Yourself for Acceleration 

How do we position ourselves so that God can use us and accelerate His purpose for us? I once personally asked the Lord how I could flow with His favor upon my life. As I was praying, the Lord gave me a vision of a bright red funnel. The Lord reminded me of when the oil in a car is changed, the person uses a funnel so that not one drop of oil is wasted. Many times, oil represents the Holy Spirit and anointing. I believe that the Lord is calling us to create godly systems and structures in every area of our lives to act as a funnel so that not one drop of the anointing God has given us will go to waste. (Photo via Pixabay)

Funnels act as a guide and as a filter to direct the flow of that which is being poured. A funnel has a wide mouth at its top and a smaller spout on its end. A funnel is designed so that a perfect stream of oil, or liquid, comes out of the smaller, opposite end of a funnel when something is poured into it. I believe we must create godly structures and systems that can steward what God is pouring out in our lives, like a funnel. I also believe that character, integrity, consistency in the secret place, and right alignments can act as a funnel in our lives. When we have godly structure and character acting like a funnel in our lives, then the flow of Heaven starts to pour in and through our lives.

Funnels only work properly when they are rightly positioned, and if they are positioned with the broad end at the top and the narrow end at the bottom. Wherever the end of a funnel is positioned is the direction in which the stream will flow. It is the same way in our lives. When trials, tests, difficult situations or circumstances come against you, the funnel of God in your life will make sure it all turns out well in the end. If we are positioned correctly, nothing will go to waste.

There are many people in the earth today that are confused and hungry for something real. The world is looking for the Church to have real power. The world needs for us as Believers to walk in signs, wonders, and miracles to do the impossible.

This is an hour where we must each be in a position to manifest the power of God to see the lost saved and those in bondage set free. God is about to unleash an acceleration in the earth that the world will have no choice but to marvel at. If you are a son or daughter of God, get in position and get ready to speed up with God!

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Joe Joe Dawson
Joe Joe Dawson Ministries


Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and Apostle of ROAR Apostolic Network and ROAR Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn Dawson and they have three children Malachi, Judah and Ezra. The Dawson's live and teach a lifestyle of revival and awakening. Their desire is to see every Believer fulfill their God-given destiny and live life to the fullest in God. Joe Joe is also the author of Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

"There's POWER in the Blood!"

 I am speechless with delight!

I "Found" Robin D Bullock a few months ago and have been so blessed by his faith in the Lord God Almighty--Maker of Heaven and Earth.  Robin walks closely with God.  That is certain!!

In this video, I am seeing something that I have never seen before.  I've read a bazillion articles and listened to thousands of sermons about taking my rightful power as one of God's children but it just hasn't happened for me.

I survived my incestuous childhood by keeping quiet.  I learned that putting myself forward only meant more rapes and more beatings.  I learned that "Keep your mouth shut" was the safest way to survive in the hell I grew up in.  So this idea of being bold for God never made much sense to me.  It's something I've struggled with these nearly 52 years of serving the risen Savior.

Now Robin said things in this video that thrill me down to my very blood.  Yes, our blood IS life.  Christ's blood shed on the cross gives us life in Heaven forever when we repent. I've always thought of blood as kind of gross but it is NOT.

Please take the time to listen to this all the way through.  If you're like me, you will see that "Just" being human IS victorious once we surrender our lives to the Lord!!  Victory is ours!  GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without any further ado, I give you Robin. D Bulluck.  Just as a reminder, Steve is the founder of THE ELIJAH LIST which I encourage everyone to subscribe to.  They send out a free email about things that God is saying to His people all around the world.  IT'S AWESOME!!!

I pray that you are encouraged by what God is saying to us about our true worth in His eyes!!


Sunday, March 21, 2021

To resist or lay down and take it?

 Hi everyone,

I know that this doesn't directly apply to most of you but your prayers are powerful.  I need them again.

I've shared here about the shameful treatment that former Representative Luke Simons experienced in the North Dakota House of Representatives.  This has brought about some interesting events.

One district has voted to censure their 2 Representatives who voted to expel Luke Simons on hearsay and without proper due process.  There was NO investigation into the charges.  They just wanted Luke out of office because he very clearly fought for the people's rights!

So here I am.  My son is the District Chairman of our district.  I know a lot of people in our district.  I am strongly feeling led to ask our Executive Committee to censure our Representative who voted to expel Luke too.  However, I know better than letting my feelings, or my anger, make decisions.

Please pray for direction on behalf of the leaders in District 28 Republicans, North Dakota, USA.  Here's the article that was released last night about the first district in North Dakota to censure their Representatives for ignoring Luke's due process rights.  I so want our district to follow their example IF it is God's will that we do so.

Pondering seriously,


Constituents disapprove of lawmakers who voted out Luke Simons

GOP lawmakers censured
GOP lawmakers censured(KFYR-TV)
Published: Mar. 20, 2021 at 10:56 PM CDT|Updated: 12 hours ago

BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) - District 6 constituents are telling their representatives how they feel about the expulsion of former Rep. Luke Simons.

During a local party meeting, constituents voted by a narrow margin to censure Rep. Paul Thomas, R-Velva, and Rep. Dick Anderson, R-Willow City.

According to Thomas and the newly elected district chairman Charlie Adams, the reason for the censure regarded Thomas and Anderson voting in favor of expelling Simons.

Supporters of the censure vote were unhappy with the handling of Luke Simons’ expulsion process and felt there should have been a more thorough approach.

“The vote that I took for expulsion was a vote that was extremely difficult and I didn’t take it lightly. I wish I would’ve never had to do it, but I know it was still the right vote,” Thomas said.

According to Adams, the turnout for the district meeting was “exceptional,” and believes that many of those who took part and paid their party dues on Saturday were there specifically to censure their representatives.

Adams added he doesn’t think this will lead to a recall of their legislative members.

“It’s a pivotal time in Republican politics now; not only at the national level, but at the state level. And there are people that haven’t been involved that want to be involved,” Adams said.

The vote to censure passed by only one vote amongst the more than 50 in attendance.

A censure doesn’t affect a lawmaker’s position in the legislature nor affects their ability to be re-elected. Rather, it’s a public statement against the actions of a public figure.

Anderson was unavailable for immediate comment.

Copyright 2021 KFYR. All rights reserved.

Friday, March 19, 2021

He IS a chip off the old block

 Many years ago I was invited to go to Bismarck with some friends to hear Ron Paul speak.  They said that he was running for President and he "Really loves our country and wants us to be free."  So my son, Andrew, and I rode along with Chuck and Donna.  To say that I was inspired is an extreme under-statement.

  A few years later Andrew got involved in the Ron Paul campaign--again for President.  Andrew would be gone for days at a time but this is when he fell in love with our country through the eyes of Senator Ron Paul.  Of course the Rinos wouldn't have a deep thinker like Dr. Ron Paul but his campaign inspired millions of young people to get involved in politics.  Thank you Dr. Paul.

  After that we "Met" his son--also Dr. Paul--but Dr. Rand Paul.  Rand is a U. S. Senator and he's as bold for freedom as his father is.  This is what he wrote today.  Please be in prayer for Rand to be protected by our Heavenly Father as he speaks out against ALL OF THE STUPIDITY called the corona virus.  If Father leads you to, I'm sure that Rand would be grateful for any donations.

  Without further ado, I give you Senator Rand Paul.


  PS.  Oh, I almost forgot an important aspect of this. Rand is a survivor of COVID!  


Dear Dawn, I believe in science. I spent most of my life studying it and practicing medicine.

I don’t believe that’s what we are currently following in our country.

And I had a few words to say about it to the patron saint of the petty tyrants - Dr. Fauci.

Some days I seem to be the only one up here standing up.

Can I count on your to stand up with me today?

Here’s what I said to Dr. Fauci in our Senate hearing:

   “If people aren’t spreading the diseases, aren’t mask mandates just theater? YOU have had the vaccine, and you’re sitting here wearing TWO masks. Isn’t that just theater?”

   The truth is, it is theater. Nothing else.

   But it’s worse. It’s taking your freedom. The lockdown rules are still costing people jobs and businesses

   The school closures are hurting our kids

   And I’ve had enough.

   I will stand up here in front of every official, every petty tyrant, every camera to reach the American people and tell them - you need to say you’ve had enough too.

   Will you help me wage this battle for our freedom and our economy?

I will be facing an onslaught of liberal special interest money. They will spare no expense

Can I count on your to help fight back? 


In Liberty, 

Rand Paul

Rand Paul, MD

Paid for by Rand Paul for US Senate

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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Have you tried "Turmeric Black?"

 Who hasn't tried EVERYTHING to try to loose weight?  Well, when the Lord showed me a product called  "Turmeric Black ", I grew interested with the hopes of shedding some pounds.  However, when I started reading about it's health benefits, was I ever surprised that it has helped some people with MS too!

  Here's an article that I found in regards to how turmeric can help with MS.  I'm trying not to get my hopes up about any of it but I do believe this is a well thought-out product.  I'll let you know how it's going in a few weeks. 

 In the meantime, I would encourage you all to ponder this product for it's MANY health benefits.  Less inflammation in the body alone is a great benefit.  Here's a helpful article for those who aren't enjoying optimal health.  Perhaps this can help.


8 Science Backed Benefits of Turmeric for Multiple Sclerosis [UPDATED]

If you think Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a rare disease, think again.

Over 2.5 million people across the world have MS.

Multiple sclerosis is a nervous system disorder. It occurs when there is a lack of synergy between the immune and nervous system of the human body.

So instead of working with one another in harmony, the immune system progressively invades the protective membranes, myelin sheath of the nerves causing damage to the brain and the spinal cord in the process.

Common symptoms of the disease include visual trouble, loss of balance and coordination and a recurring ‘pins and needles’ sensation in the limbs.

These signs may begin to show in immunocompromised individuals aging from 20-40.

Most cases are mild, however, in severe incidences, basic motor abilities such as the ability to walk, speak and write are lost.

While the definite cause of the disease is yet to be established there is speculation among scientists regarding possible reasons for its occurrence.

Some say it occurs as an autoimmune reaction while others feel that it may happen on infection of an unrecognized pathogen.

Along with causes of the condition, the question regarding a suitable cure for the same also remains.

Although various organizations are conducting extensive research and clinical trials to aid Multiple Sclerosis treatment, so far only modes lessening its impact and decelerating its progress have been discovered.

The diagnosis of the disease is a complex process requiring a series of tests such as physical and neurological exams followed with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

If you already know about Turmeric, please jump to the relevant section using the Table of Contents below, else please read on.

What is turmeric?

Turmeric is a spice used in Indian curries as a flavoring and coloring agent. Throughout history, it has been used in traditional medical practices as it possesses unique healing properties and some bioactive compounds that can drive away diseases.  Its use as a therapeutic agent is popularized due to its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

8 Proven Benefits of Turmeric in Multiple Sclerosis

Turmeric / curcumin have nerve-protecting properties thus helping in multiple sclerosis. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory property prevents flare-ups and alleviates symptoms of pain while restoring mobility to affected parts of the body. Turmeric’s ability to eliminate free radicles makes it an appropriate natural pharmacological agent for Multiple Sclerosis therapy.

Some of the benefits of turmeric in the treatment of multiple sclerosis have been listed as follows:

1. Turmeric and curcumin are neuroprotective agents

A neuroprotective agent is a compound whose administration protects nerve cells from deterioration and loss of function. Several recent studies have shown the potential of turmeric extracts and curcumin obtained from it to be used as such agents concerning Multiple Sclerosis.

In 2014, Tegenge MA et al. demonstrated the ability of curcumin to defend axons of nerves i.e. nerve projections responsible for transport of electrical impulses across the body.

The mode through which this was brought about was the antioxidant activity of the compound aided with its ability to block the JNK pathway, a key mechanism involved in nerve deterioration.

Another similar study showed the application of curcuminoids extracted from turmeric in some neurodegenerative diseases. The results of this study were highly beneficial as it reordered the anti-inflammatory effects of curcuminoids and also highlighted their ability to protect from environmental toxins.

One more positive effect of turmeric in multiple sclerosis treatments is effective blockage of the enzymes, phospholipases. These enzymes are crucial to neural inflammation and damage to the brain.

Through moderation of their levels, turmeric successfully lessens the impact of neurological problems.

What does this mean?
The curcuminoids present in turmeric possess neuroprotective properties i.e. they act against nerve damage causing agents. They monitor phospholipase activity enabling them useful in multiple sclerosis therapies.

2. It has natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

Neurological disorders are highly complex and have some mechanisms leading to nervous system degradation. As such, new medical developments are being made to target harmful pathways and molecules and eradicate them specifically.

One such therapeutic agent has been developed using the polyphenolic compound present in turmeric, curcumin.

Through an animal model study, it was demonstrated that the administration of Polymerised nanocurcumin (PNC) showed disease preventive results.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the compound aided in strengthening the BBB (Blood Brain Barrier) along with restabilizing nerve cells, in turn returning motility to neurological disorder affected limbs and tissues.

What does this mean?
The compound curcumin present in turmeric acts synergistically against signs of inflammation. The myriad of signals involved in disease formation are blocked thereby delaying the onset of Multiple Sclerosis.

3. Curcumin is a promising nutraceutical agent for multiple sclerosis

Farinotti M through his extensive studies on dietary associations corresponding to their effects on Multiple Sclerosis has constantly stressed on one key finding, vitamins D, E, A, and polyphenolic nutrients are capable of modulating disease symptoms.

This suggests that turmeric’s yellow polyphenolic compound, curcumin has potential as a nutraceutical mode of treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. The ‘disease modifying’ capabilities of the compound can be attributed to its anti-inflammatory effects which soothe the intestinal microflora thus preventing flare-ups of nerve cells.

It also suppresses inflammation promoting genetic markers like NF-κB.

These positive nutraceutical effects have been tested in animal models and are now being examined through clinical trials.

What does this mean?
The administration of curcumin suppresses inflammatory activity in the immune cells surrounding the nervous tissues. This ability to manipulate cell signals and reactions imparts Multiple Sclerosis preventive activity to the compound.

4. It has an immunomodulatory property that can benefit in multiple sclerosis

Astrocytes are cells of the nervous system which get their name from being star-shaped. One of the key characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis is inflammatory activity at the astrocytes which may cause an alteration in their numbers.

This phenomenon is the reason behind the recurrence of symptoms of the disease.

As per a study published in International Immunopharmacology, 2014 curcumin administration may aid astrocyte status is sclerosis affected individuals.

The effects of curcumin on various inflammatory pathways- enzymatic, molecular and genetic level were studied.

It was observed that the activity of proinflammatory cytokines, levels of Interleukin and enzymes like MMP-9 were significantly decreased.

The population of astrocytes was also within regular numbers.

What does this mean?
Turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that prevent and reversing events leading to harmful flare ups. Such compounds also regulate cell signals, and this activity is believed to be responsible for the compound’s therapeutic abilities.


5. It regulates T cell mechanisms to reduce autoimmune responses in multiple sclerosis


T cells are immune cells which regulate some defense mechanisms in our body.

However, it has been observed that these cells contribute significantly to the progression of autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

However, curcumin provides a suitable pharmacological relief for this condition.

It blocks channels responsible for the spread of disease symptoms across the body, particularly the Kv1.3 channel and does not allow the secretion of pro-inflammatory molecules and cytokines.

A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry highlighted how curcumin administration systematically modified T cell activity and decreased concentrations of the inflammation causing agents interferon (IFN) γ and interleukin (IL)-17 in an animal model of the autoimmune disease experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE).

A similar study on a model of EAE showed the antioxidant potentials of the compound as it effectively lowered the expression of two types of T cells- CD4+ and CD8+ in a dosage and time-dependent manner.

These findings were validated once more through Fahey AJ’s experiment determining the ability of curcumin to suppress mechanisms mediated by certain disease-causing factors such as interferon IFN-alpha-induced pSTAT4 molecule.

What does this mean?
Since the compound, curcumin present in turmeric is capable of binding to T cells and regulating their immunological activity, it has potential to be used as a Multiple Sclerosis preventive agent as it acts against inflammation.

6. It regulates gene expression that may benefit from multiple sclerosis

The ability of curcumin to heal multiple diseases is believed by scientists to be due to the pleiotropic effects it exerts on different body cells.

This means that through targeting one pathway it, in turn, blocks subsequent toxic reactions taking place in other unrelated sites.

It blocks some diseases promoting genes thereby suppressing linked transcription factors, proteins, and enzymes. It has also shown potential to modulate cell activities like cell cycle arrest and cell death.

This enables the compound useful in proliferative problems such as Multiple Sclerosis.

Some of the key genetic factors that can be regulated through curcumin administration:NF-KB, AP-1, Egr-1, STATs, and PPAR-gamma.

What does this mean?
The use of turmeric strengthens the genetic defenses in the body and is therefore useful in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.

7. It protects cognition

Several scientific studies have emphasized the linkage between a nutritive diet and brain health. Turmeric consumption can aid the nervous system in many ways.

Due to its high antioxidant levels, it can easily eliminate harmful free radicles.

In fact, turmeric has the 4th highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) among all spices.

Analysis of its effects on an injured brain yielded positive results as it was seen that the radical scavenging activity of curcumin helped lessen the impact of an injury on the brain and in turn returned functionality and thinking capacity to it.

What does this mean?
Turmeric’s antioxidant action helps protect brain health and preserve cognition in multiple sclerosis.

8. It attenuates fatigue

One of the common effects of a neurological disorder is the constant feeling of tiredness and fatigue. This causes body organs to slow down and lose their functionality over time.

Turmeric can reverse such effects as well making it an amazing nutrient source for Multiple Sclerosis patients.

Amit Gupta and colleagues carried out an animal model based experiment to observe how curcumin affected reactivity and sensitivity in an animal model of compromised immunity.

Through their study, they were able to see a signification improvement in mobility and reaction to external stimuli.

Curcumin has also shown fatigue-reducing effects in human trials with patients who had recently undergone surgery.

What does this mean?
Turmeric helps alleviate fatigue in case of compromised immunity.

Dosage of Turmeric For Multiple Sclerosis

Dietary inclusion of turmeric in the form of Turmeric milk or turmeric tea is advised.

Golden paste combines turmeric with black pepper to aid absorption by the body.

There is no specific optimal dosage. It varies from person to person based on what suits them. Starting with a low dose is advised to avoid gastric side effects.

Start with small doses such as ¼-1/2 tsp a day for a week and if no gastric side effects are seen increase gradually by ¼-1/2 tsp every week. The recommended dose is 1-2 tsp 2-3 times a day (precisely 1 tsp 3 times a day).

You can find the recipe for Golden Paste here. You can also make Golden Paste from fresh roots.

Avoid taking on an empty stomach and if taking large doses avoid taking it the same time of taking medications. (Read Does Turmeric cause acid reflux? Black pepper in GP: Does it cause drug interaction?)

Some good brands to purchase are mentioned in our recommendations of organic turmeric brands.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis may require curcumin supplements in addition to dietary turmeric. Please consult a health practitioner about the same.


Despite the multiple benefits turmeric has to offer, it is best to seek the advice of a medical professional before beginning its use as a supplement. (Side effects of turmericPrecautions with turmeric useSide effects and precautions with Curcumin)

Large dosages are sometimes linked to acid reflux. Its use is not advisable on an empty stomach.

Turmeric as spice must be taken in limited quantities if suffering from gut and kidney stones. (Is turmeric safe in gout? Does turmeric cause kidney stone?)

Turmeric has antiplatelet property, and hence turmeric supplements should be avoided if suffering from bleeding risks. You may consult a doctor before taking turmeric in this case. (Read Is turmeric a blood thinner?)

Curcumin interferes with drug metabolism enzymes and hence should not be taken concomitantly with any medication.

Avoid turmeric supplements in pregnancy and lactation.


Turmeric and its extracts, especially curcumin have some nerve-protecting properties. Their high bioactivity imparts in them the ability to regulate molecular mechanisms and drive away markers of multiple sclerosis.

Through inhibition of inflammation causing agents, they help prevent flare-ups and alleviate symptoms of pain while restoring mobility to affected parts of the body.

Its ability to eliminate free radicles is also commendable and makes it an appropriate natural pharmacological agent for Multiple Sclerosis

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 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...