Monday, March 29, 2021

The best prophecy yet!!


"The Dream of the TRUMP Tree"

A few days ago, I was caught up by the Spirit of Revelation in one of the most powerful dream/vision encounters I have had this year 2021. I believe this dream comes at a critical time, both for the Ekklesia and for the nations of the earth—and especially the nation of America, which is being raised up at this time to take her place as a radiant light of the world, as a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

Parts of this dream encounter will reveal clearly that God has not yet finished with His anointed vessel, President Donald John Trump.

The Dream

In this powerful dream, the first thing that appeared to me was what looked like a beautiful and majestic rainbow stairway; a glorious stairway that ascended to the heavens from the nations of the earth.

Now as I looked at this incredible stairway, suddenly I heard these words: "Let My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." After this, I began to hear a sound rising up from the ground...the sound of many voices, all singing with one voice the Lord's Prayer; over and over again, I heard, "Let My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!"

As the sound of those words filled the atmosphere in the dream, I turned and looked again at the sprawling steps of the radiant rainbow stairway, and I saw that each one of the steps was made up of millions upon millions of vibrant, multi-colored stones, and each stone looked different and unique both in shape and size, but every stone was perfectly grafted in like a massive jigsaw puzzle. Every stone had its place...all fitting together as one.

Looking intently at the stones, I saw that they looked alive and seemed to be moving, but without breaking formation. Then I heard the Spirit of Revelation speak to me saying, "Look! For these are living stones, filled with the power of the Seven Manifold Spirits of the Living God!"

The Spirit spoke again saying, "Watch!" Then I saw what looked like 5 letters, and then 5 words being written in gold upon the rainbow stairway of living stones. First I saw the letter T being written and then the word Truth appeared; then the letter R and the word Righteousness; then the letter U and the word Unity...the letter and the word Mercy, and then the letter P and the word Peace appeared before me.

As I looked and looked again, I saw the word TRUMP, which appeared to me in ascending order, starting from the bottom of the stairway—touching the nations—to the highest of heights in heavenly places. Below is what I saw as it appeared:


Now as I looked at this word, I heard, "In this hour My 'Truth' and grace will trump deception and judgment. As My remnant arises, clothed in purity and 'Righteousness,' to take her place, and as they dwell together in 'Unity,' I shall command a blessing and they shall overcome. Watch! For My 'Mercy' will now make way, and the God of 'Peace' will soon crush satan under your feet!"

As these words boomed loudly, suddenly I heard the Spirit of Revelation whisper in a gentle voice, "Come and I will show you what will take place..."

The Roots

As I heard His soft whisper, a mighty oak tree suddenly appeared beside the rainbow stairway of living stones. I immediately heard the Spirit of Revelation say, "Look!" As I looked at the oak tree, I was shown that many areas in its root system were infested with a type of root rot. Some sort of disease and fungus seemed to be growing over some of the roots, badly infecting different areas of its root system, decaying and rotting it from within.

Then I heard the Spirit say, "Watch! For I shall shake, shake, shake the foundations of the mighty oak tree and I will expose the deep rot in the root system; and where decay and death have set in and defiled the fruit, now My Spirit of Truth shall bring forth purification and restoration to the roots!"

The Trunk

My eyes looked up again, and I was shown the thick trunk of the oak tree. I saw that the bark on the tree trunk also looked badly diseased, and large patches of thick, black, sticky fluid were weeping and seeping out of large cracks in the bark, which seemed to be covering the rotting, spongy tissue of the tree trunk.

Then I heard, "Watch! For I shall reveal the disease of deception that has begun to take hold, and I will uncover and bring to the light the subtle manipulation, control and corruption that has caused the trunk of the tree to become weak and compromised.

"But fear not! For I shall bind up the broken-hearted, the prisoners, the mourners and they will be vindicated, crowned and comforted in these turbulent days of great shaking; for the Spirit of the sovereign LORD rests upon My remnant Ekklesia, and they will be called 'Oaks of Righteousness,' the planting of the LORD for the display of My splendor in the nations of the earth."

The Branches

Suddenly, I felt a soft wind begin to blow round about me in the dream, and I felt the ground beneath the tree begin to vibrate and tremble. Then I heard the Spirit say, "Daughter of man, look—look up!" As I looked up again, and my eyes were drawn to the many branches of the oak tree, and I saw that many of them were dead. Then I heard these words echo loudly: "Watch! For now My governing hand of judgment and justice is moving among the branches of the oak tree to cut off and to prune, for every branch that bears no fruit will be taken away, and every branch that does bear fruit, I will prune.

"Therefore I say, remain! Remain again! I say, remain in Me. For no branch can bear fruit by itself. So remain in Me and you shall be a fruitful branch." (Photo via Pixabay)

As the weightiness of those words seemed to permeate the atmosphere, I heard, "Unity! Unity! Unity... How good and pleasant when brothers dwell in unity!"

Then winds began to blow with greater force, and I felt a supernatural shift beginning to take place. I saw the mighty oak tree begin to shake violently, and the dead branches began to fall to the ground as a loud sound of cracking and breaking filled the atmosphere.

The Green Leaves

As I looked up again, my eyes were drawn to the leaves on the oak tree, and I saw that while there were green leaves on the branches, they looked sparse, and there were areas where the branches had no leaves. Many of the branches looked bare and exposed.

Then, suddenly, I saw the numbers 222 begin to swirl round about me, and the Spirit of Revelation said, "Watch, for the curse shall be reversed, and the power of the My Seven Spirit whirlwind shall blow upon the tree to revive, restore and reform! Watch! For My glory shall now return and shall cover the tree once again; for My mercy, mercy, mercy shall trump judgment, and the leaves of the tree shall be for the healing of the nations."

Revelation 22:2, "...And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."

The Fruit

I noticed there was only a little fruit upon the tree, and as my eyes were still trying to adjust to what I was seeing, I heard, "Watch, for the truth determines the fruit, and the rot in the roots has defiled the fruit...but watch and listen! For the sound of the roar of the Lion of Judah shall rise from the ground, and the rot in the roots shall be cleansed, the roots shall be restored, and the fruit shall be purified and come forth as pure gold."

The Rainbow Whirlwind

Suddenly, I saw what looked like a keyhole appear in the midst of the mighty oak tree, and I heard a loud, thundering sound come up from the ground; it was the sound of the roar of the Lion of Judah. As the sound of the roar rose up, a bright and piercing yellow and white light shone through the keyhole in the midst of the tree. As I watched, the keyhole became a door which swung wide open, and out of the door came forth a mighty rainbow whirlwind that began to move with great power and might around the oak tree.

I heard, "Watch, for the spirit and power of Elijah now comes like a mighty whirlwind upon the oak tree to revive, restore and reform! Watch, for now My Seven Spirit whirlwind comes to uproot, tear down, build and plant in the midst of the nations!"

As those words deeply penetrated my spirit, I heard the Spirit of Revelation say, "Daughter, watch!"

The Face of the Lion

As I looked again at the whirlwind moving with great power around the tree, I saw the color purple from within the whirlwind swirling around the roots of the oak, and the face of the Lion appeared before me. I heard, "Listen, for I AM the Lion of Judah and I shall roar over the roots of the mighty oak tree... My roar shall shake and shift the foundations of the nations and awaken those who are in a deep sleep.

"Listen! For My roar shall restore truth within the roots, and shall reveal and unveil true Kingdom identity, releasing the power and governing authority to My apostles once again."

Upon hearing this, I saw, again, the word "Truth" written in gold on the stairway of living stones.

The Great Eagle

Now, as I continued to watch what was taking place in the dream, I began to see the color blue come forth from within the mighty rainbow whirlwind, which began to blow violently around the trunk. Suddenly, the face of a great eagle appeared within the blue winds of the whirlwind, and then I heard the loud and piercing cry of the great eagle coming forth from deep within the oak tree.

I heard, "Watch! For I shall reveal the deep and hidden secrets and mysteries of My Kingdom to My eagles, the prophets, and they shall walk in righteousness and carry divine revelation with greater power and authority in the days ahead."

Then I saw again the word "Righteousness" written in gold upon the stairway of living stones, which ascended from Earth to the heavens.

The Dance of the Great Owl

As I stayed watching all that the Spirit of Revelation was revealing to me, I saw the color yellow within the rainbow whirlwind, which began to move powerfully through the branches of the oak.

As I looked again at the branches that were being shaken back and forth, suddenly the face of an owl appeared within the midst of them, and in that moment, I saw the two bright and shining, yellow eyes of the owl. I heard these words: "Watch! For I shall equip and empower My teachers in this hour with My Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, for My owls will have eyes to see what prowls in the midst of the darkness. I shall expose the serpent spirits in their hiding places, and My owls shall devour the snakes that fall from the branches in this season of great shaking."

Again my eyes were drawn back to the stairway of living stones, and I saw the word "Unity" written in gold upon the stones.

The Face of the Lamb

Then my eyes were suddenly drawn up to the leaves of the tree, and I saw a vibrant color of green coming forth from the mighty whirlwind; the strong winds began to blow upon the leaves, and suddenly the face of a Lamb appeared before me from within them.

I heard, "Watch! For My crowning glory shall return to the tree to cover the nakedness of My sheep, and new life and liberty shall be on the lips of My shepherds/pastors, and they shall speak boldly and without restraint. They shall have the anointing and the authority of the Blood of the Lamb upon their hands for the working of signs, wonders and miracles, and the green leaves shall be for healing of the nations."

As I heard those words, my eyes were drawn again to the rainbow stairway of living stones, and when I looked again at the precious stones, I saw the word "Mercy" written upon them.

The Pure White Dove

The dream shifted, and I was taken up higher by the Spirit of Revelation, and a fiery color of orange appeared over the top of the tree; a whirling and swirling of powerful strong winds began to blow upon the sparse fruit that hung on the branches.

I saw a snow white dove appear within the fiery orange winds of the mighty whirlwind, and I heard, "Watch! For now a fresh fire of My glory will fall upon the heads of My evangelists, for a time of purification and cleansing has now come upon the mighty oak tree. (Photo via Unsplash)

Watch! For out of the very roots shall come forth My truths that shall purify the fruit, for now My Seven Spirit whirlwind comes to shake, shift and separate the wheat and the tares...for a time of great Harvest is now at hand and the God of Peace shall soon crush satan under His feet."

Again, I was shown the word "Peace," which was written in gold upon the majestic rainbow stairway of living stones.

Suddenly I woke up from this powerful dream encounter and I immediately began to draw and write out what I had seen.

Dream Interpretation

The Rainbow Stairway of Living Stones:

First, I believe it speaks to what God is now building and establishing in and through His Ekklesia, for we are living stones grafted in, all having our rightful place and position as one Body. It's out of this place of divine alignment and order of unity, and submission to one another in love, that His will is done...on Earth as it is in Heaven.


I believe TRUMP speaks of the man and the new Kingdom Reformation movement being birthed in the earth! I also believe that it's highly significant that the word TRUMP was written in gold and in ascending order on the steps of the stairway of living stones. First, the gold, I believe, speaks to the the outpouring of His glory that is coming to the earth. Seeing it in ascending order speaks to God starting with restoring the truth of His Word in the foundations of His Church.

Exposing the Rot and Restoring the Roots:

He is now going to fully expose the rot in the root system of the tree (the Church) and He is uncovering and revealing every unrighteous root that has defiled the fruit. Many will begin to hear the sound of the Lion of Judah rising from the ground and roaring over the roots. This is the roar of the Seven Spirits of God which will bring supernatural cleansing and purification to the foundations. The root system will be fully restored by the power of His roar and thus there will be a greater manifestation of a purity of fruit, and much fruit—and fruit that will remain!

God has given Trump a heavenly mandate to tear-down and uproot, build and plant. President Trump is certainly God's trumpet for this new era, and God will continue to use His vessel mightily in the days ahead. Whether people like it or not, God is not done with President Trump.

The Spirit of God says, "Watch what will come forth from a time in exile!"

Like we see in the dream, where a radical change and transformation comes upon the oak tree as the Seven Spirit whirlwind comes upon it, so God is now doing a work of radical change and transformation within the vessel, the man whom He has anointed for this new Kingdom era.

The Building Blocks of a New Kingdom Era:

I also believe that seeing T.R.U.M.P. written on the rainbow stairway of living stones speaks to a Kingdom legacy of peace, mercy, unity and righteousness being built and established on the foundation of His truth, through His Ekklesia.

This will accelerate and advance His Kingdom purposes coming to pass in the nations of the earth, for now the spirit and power of Elijah is coming upon His Church as a mighty whirlwind to cleanse, to cut off, to prune and purify...from the roots to the fruits!

I can boldly declare that the world is yet to see God bring President Trump into the fullness of his destiny!

Furthermore, what I was shown in this dream will also reveal that God not only anointed Donald Trump to be president, but that He would use the man and the name of the man—TRUMP—as a powerful prophetic sign to the world and to the Church of what is now beginning to take place and what will continue to unfold over the next decade.

I boldly declare that we have now entered into a new "TRUMP" era and the reformation of the Ekklesia and restoration of the five-fold ministries within the Church!

So keep praying, Church!

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Veronika West
Ignite Ireland Ministry

Facebook page: Click here

Veronika West has been anointed and appointed by God as a prophetic voice to the nations. Veronika has a heart to see everyone in the Body of Christ fully activated and released in their Kingdom identity, purpose and destiny. Being born and raised in Africa, she also has a passion for deliverance ministry and seeing the hand of God set free the captives that are bound. She enjoys teaching the Word of God through practical application and supernatural impartation. Veronika heads up Ignite Ireland Ministries, and currently teaches a broad range of prophetic truths to those who are actively seeking to walk in deeper realms and dimensions of the prophetic ministry and office. Veronika is married to Andrew West, and together they have two children.

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