Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Have they not heard of slander?

 Dear friends,

I need your help.  I need you to pray for a man of God named Luke Simons.  Our family has known the Simons family for many years.  They are super fine people!!  Luke has done a stellar job of fighting for freedom in North Dakota.

Recently the North Dakota EXPELLED him from the House of Representatives.  He had no hearing in the committee the House has to handle such allegations.  He was expelled on hearsay.  It was so nauseating to watch the hearing.  Luke had no idea what the charges were against him until they lied about him in front of the whole world.

This is the deep state trying to take out a true conservative--a man of God.  PLEASE pray for Luke!  Today at 3:00 Central time he is having a press conference to tell his side of the story.  Will you help me help Luke?  Will you pray for him to say what needs saying to put the deep state on warning.   Luke has many friends.  Luke's constituents want him to fight for his seat.  The deep state must learn this!!  WE DON'T JUST LAY DOWN AND PRETEND WE LIKE IT WHEN WE ARE BEING ATTACKED THROUGH LIES!

Pray for Luke and his family to see the Justice of God against those who have slandered him shamelessly and had him expelled from the North Dakota House of Representatives.  If you feel led, you can help Luke pay his lawyer by going here.  https://rally.org/f/aMgnPtHRoCA?fbclid=IwAR1uLqxnxPAXGdJqPe5FgkTrl7cmpw_5rC63GF03ETAOu00RNmYnSDiiJqI

Here's an article by a ND free press spokesperson.  It says all that I am saying so you know it's not just me who is out-raged.


Rules for Thee, but Not for Me– House Expels Luke Simons

Rep. Luke Simons (R - District 36) speaks in opposition to his being expelled from the North Dakota Legislature. (Photo via screenshot.)

One of the most shameful moments in the history of North Dakota’s State Capitol took place today. Rep. Luke Simons (R – District 36) was expelled from the state legislature on a vote of 69-25. The vote took place after about a four hour process that included failed attempts to amend the resolution to censure — instead of expulsion — and to hold an investigation into claims of sexual harassment.

As many of us expected, a 2/3 majority of Simons’ colleagues weren’t interested in Due Process. Instead, they voted in opposition to calls for things like an investigation and hearings. House Majority Leader Chet Pollert (R – District 29) stated repeatedly that there was no obligation for Due Process. Let that sink in.

Aside from the insatiable desire for expulsion being so evident to onlookers, there was also the unquestionable reality that the House completely ignored their own rules in dealing with the accusations against Luke Simons. This fact was acknowledged throughout the sham process we witnessed today. But supporters of giving Simons the boot didn’t seem to feel too bad about it.There’s an old saying, “When there’s blood in the water, all the sharks show up.” And today we saw a feeding frenzy.

What every North Dakotan should be asking themselves — especially the people of District 36 — is why there was so much opposition to an actual investigation? What were they so afraid of? Especially if truth was on their side.

Make no mistake about it, today’s action was a disservice to everyone involved. It was a black eye on the State of North Dakota— a national embarrassment.

Never forget— These are the very same people who pass laws and expect the rest of us to follow them. Yet, they didn’t just disregard their own rules. They annihilated one of the most fundamental ideals of our Republic — Due Process — by doing so. They stomped on it, picked it up, shred it to pieces, and threw it all in the face of Luke Simons. If that isn’t evidence of politics, then I don’t know what is.

Welcome to the Bismarck Swamp.

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