Sunday, September 25, 2022

What are you Harvesting?


The guys are starting our soybean harvest today.  

 How can Summer be over?  

  If you've read here for long, you know that I am a Summer lover.  Walking barefoot.  Picnics with family. Digging in the dirt.  Going for a swim.  What can be better than NO COATSS--NO GLOVES--NO HATS--NO BOOTS--NO SCARVES?????

  Still, I do love living where there are 4 seasons.  I do love Summer cooling off into Autumn and Winter following where hot chocolate is the very best thing on the planet.  Then, after we're weary of being locked inside for months and months, comes the Spring with new life and new hope.  

  I have much I had hoped to do today including making my world famous "Freezer Tomato Sauce" that my daughter and I used to make together every year.  I have to get some blue jeans washed for my guys plus I have sick clients needing my attention.  Then there's tea tomorrow--HERE!!

  So, although I have much calling for my attention, my usual Sunday post kept calling to me.  "Dawn, Dawn" it said "Your readers are waiting for an update."  So here it goes.

  I still need prayers for my son; his wife; and their 3 sons.  They got a nasty bug about 3 weeks ago and they keep giving it back and forth to each other. Pray for them to destroy that creepy thing soon!

  Then I'm asking for prayers for a safe harvest.  This year has been exceptionally upsetting as there was a 3 person murder/1 person suicide right here in a wheatfield of ND!  Also 2 other farmers around us were killed in farm accidents.  Please pray for safety for farmers world-wide as I so often do.

  Prayers for strength are always appreciated.  I had hoped that the rumor I heard earlier this year would be true.  "They" were saying that med-beds would be available for the public and I got excited when I heard that news.  This MS pain gets worse when it's cold outside so I'm still hoping and praying for some med bed treatments soon.

  Pray for my dog, Boomer.  He hurt his right front foot somehow.  I've been working on him but it's "Interesting" working with an energetic half-grown German Shepherd.  Have I shared his picture here yet?  HERE'S BOOMER!

  Basically, it's a super busy time of year with the crops and the garden produce ready to harvest.  It's exciting to reap what we have sown and tended to all Summer.  Now to get the harvest done!

  As you know, I love poetry so I went in search of a poem that expresses my thoughts today.  This is IT!!!

  Have a great week serving the Lord,



A prayer for those
Whose lives are thin
And shelves devoid of
Bread and tin.

A stronger prayer
For those who stand
With more than enough
In every hand.

For in God's Kingdom
Love is King
And generosity
The trendy thing.
  • There is no lack
    Or chance despair.
    No deprivation.
    No hunger there.
    In God's town..
    No cupboards bare.
    No hungry child.
    No shadow there.
    In the City of Angel's
    No fears you'll find
    For hope and joy
    Are all refined.. hands and feet
    Of those who love
    And serve the one
    true God above.
    So come on people!
    Come and see
    What God can do through you.
    Through me.
    It's Harvest
    And in the Autumn glow
  • The words of truth are
  • "Reap" and "sow"

For heaven need not
be a 'distant place'
If we love our neighbour,
At this time.
In this space.

So here's my prayer;
Dear God above..
Open our hearts
Through the power of Your love

And help us to see, every moment we live,
With the eyes of Your generous Spirit.
Teach us kindness.
Teach us to give.

For the path may be narrow
But our hearts can be wide.
Under God's season of plenty..
..and blessing
No-one can hide.

And in closing I ask
That I never walk by.
That I look that God given task
Square in the eye.
Keep me soft in the heart
Never letting it harden.
That the Eden we seek
Is right here in this garden.

Copyright ©  | Year Posted 2020

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