Sunday, September 11, 2022

What do I do NEXT?

  Hi everyone,

  I have much on my mind.  Being I was gone for 9 days to take the adult and infant CFT class, my garden has been sadly neglected.  I kept praying, while I was away, that God would keep my garden watered and He did!  YAY.  I know that some human hands had to have helped as the sprinkler was moved.  Nobody has claimed that they did it so I thank God for preserving my garden in the heat of August!!

  As frost is approaching, my mind resists the end of Summer.  Every year it is the same.  I stomp my foot and shout inwardly, "It is STILL Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  It IS Summer, you know, until the 22nd according to the calendar.  I simply ignore the few yellow leaves and soak up all the rays I can!

  This morning I was thinking about this year's garden and all of the produce that needs to be taken care of yet.  I wondered if there was a poem about gardening that would express my mixture of thoughts.

  I AM truly grateful to be able to work with Father in growing food for my family!! However, it takes a chunk of my time that keeps me from being available to work with others who are hurting.  Especially now that I have been trained in working with babies, that's ALL I want to do!!!!!!  However again, when you live as far North as I do, MOST of the year nothing grows up here!!  The garden is under snowbanks at least half of the year here!

 Where is the balance?  That is the question, isn't it?  My passion is helping people to feel better but my passion also is growing food in the garden.  I mean, have you ever walked in the garden and picked a pea off of the vine or pulled out a carrot from the damp Earth?  How can I have 2 equally powerful passions?  

  Maybe I'm supposed to focus on the garden now as soon the frost will come and kill most of the plants?  I can help folks unwind when the garden is laid to rest.  Still, I have bills to pay and I need to make money by giving sessions.  HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

  So I share this poem with the full joy that gardening brings to me.  I'm sure, in a couple of months, I will be wishing that I had spent more time digging in the dirt when I could have been doing so.  

  Thanks for listening.  Sometimes I come here just to be able to think through something that needs to be put into words. If this mumble-jumble helps someone somewhere, then I am SUPER happy.  May God bless your new week.


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