Well, it's happened again. I picked up Covid last weekend so I started on Ivermectin yesterday. Please pray that the rest of my family will take Ivermectin to beat Covid quickly.
What makes one person grab Ivermectin immediately, upon recognizing the symptoms, and the next person stubbornly refuse to take it? Ivermectin has killed Covid for countless people but still some think they're tough enough and don't need it. PLEASE PRAY FOR EYES TO BE OPEN TO THE REMEDY THAT HAS BEEN PROVIDED FOR US!!!
This devotional helped me to see the answer to my question above. It is lack of self love that makes us feel the need to suffer unnecessarily. Oh that God would get through to ALL of us that HE LOVES US AND DOESN'T WANT US TO SUFFER ONE MOMENT.
It grieves me how people turn on God when they're miserable. ALL misery is from satan and his crew of creeps. Jesus said "The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I have come to give life and life ABUNDANTLY!" John 10:10
Please, Lord Jesus, give my entire family ABUNDANT LIFE!! Amen?

We all long to be seen. Known. Understood. Celebrated. And sometimes we forget that we are—known by the One who knows us better than we know ourselves. He loves us. Likes us. Continues to see the best. Can you sense him now? He’s standing right beside you, enjoying you. Smiling at you.
Sometimes we look in the mirror and close ourselves off to our own hearts. We get caught up in all of our quirks and shortcomings and forget to celebrate ourselves. It’s time to think as highly of ourselves as Jesus does. It’s time to laugh louder, stand taller, love harder, and smile bigger. It’s time to stop being ashamed of our imperfections, because it’s what allows Jesus to shine more brilliantly through us. If Jesus can see us—truly see us—and still call us friend, it’s time for us to embrace ourselves with the same unashamed approval. Jesus, let your unconditional acceptance of me unravel every lie I’ve ever believed about myself. I’ll no longer hide behind walls of insecurity. I won’t be afraid to see my imperfections; I will smile despite them. You see me, every part, and I’m okay with it. From Ever Present Love written by Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez |
John 1:48 The Passion Translation Nathanael was stunned and said, “But you’ve never met me—how do you know anything about me?” Jesus answered, “Nathanael, right before Philip came to you, I saw you sitting under the shade of a fig tree.” |