Sunday, September 20, 2009

Honoring the Practitioner

Hi all,
I have much that I'd like to share about our Sabbath together with the Dagleys yesterday but we are jumping into the new week with both feet here today. I'll try to post pictures of that quick trip later. Still I always like to write a little something every day, if possible, because it's such a wonderful therapy for me. After a lifetime of, "Keeping my mouth shut to hide the family shame," it is a real joy to just be me in my writing. You see, one of the reasons I chose to start blogging in the first place is to let off steam, before it builds up and causes me more health problems. If someone miraculously gets a blessing from my musings here, then, so much the better. May the Lord do with this blog as He pleases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I was trying to think of something to post here quickly. I remembered that late last week Elizabeth, my BodyTalk practitioner, sent these pictures of the International BodyTalk annual conference which she and Esther attended recently. She wrote that the theme for the conference was:
Yes that is, "Honoring the practitioner." As you can see in the picture below, this banner was the middle one of 7 which summarized all the main branches which make up BodyTalk. I would like to point out to you that the man sitting in the lower left hand corner of the picture is Dr. John Velthim himself. God helped Dr. Veltheim to know how to combine all of the natural healing techniques which he knew, plus some new to him, to regain his health. He had suffered for 4 years with the Epstein Bar virus, and was loosing the battle, before he designed BodyTalk. That was over a decade ago and now BodyTalk is saving lives all around the world. I praise God that I AM ONE OF THEM!!!
This is a picture of Melanie Buzek in front of the banner. Melanie was my BT instructor for Modules 1 & 2 in '07, plus the Advanced class which I took from her in 2008. In many ways, she gets just as much credit for helping to save my life as Dr. Veltheim does. If she had not come to Bismarck 2 years ago to teach Modules 1 & 2, I just know that I wouldn't be here today. Thank you, Lord, for sending Melanie my way.
It's hard to tell from a picture but I can tell you that Melanie has a brilliant mind. Melanie said that Dr. Veltheim is an abolute genius. When Melanie says this, you KNOW that the guy is SMART!!! I'm so thankful that he has the kind of heart where he doesn't feel that he has a right to keep the genuis to himself, but rather shares it with the world. I praise God that he did because age 49 is just too young to die!!!!!!!!!!!

There's one person in the BodyTalk world who is more special to me than all of the others. How can I even begin to say what Elizabeth Hanson has come to mean to me???? Not only did she teach me the Access class in June of '07, which started me on the road to healing, but she has given me some of the most life-changing sessions imaginable. Here she is posing with Melanie at the silly beach party they had at the conference. Maybe, in about 50 years or so, I'll have enough pennies saved up to go to the conference too. :)

In a way, I WAS there though. You see, there's something really neat about the HONORING THE PRACTITIONER banner. Elizabeth told me that they announced right away that the banner had a secret. Each BodyTalk practitioner, who is a member of the International BodyTalk Association has their name embedded in the banner. The names are listed alphabetically and Elizabeth said that it was a thrill to go up and find her name listed among all of those of us who are bringing this hope to the world--A RAY OF HOPE!!! Elizabeth's name was close to the "OR" in "Honor".
Not only was it awesome for Elizabeth to find her name listed, but she also found her daughter, Esther's name on the banner beside hers. Seven years ago Esther had severe autism and as of last December, she became the world's youngest CERTIFIED BodyTalk practitioner. I'm not even certified yet, although I plan to change that in November. :)
Guess what? Elizabeth said that she also found MY name there. I don't know why but I'm crying again. It just seems so miraculous that 2 years ago I was on my way out of this world. Now, through BodyTalk, I am growing stronger and happier with every BT session that I give myself or that another practitioner gives me. NOW I AM HERE TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE GET WELL!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, if you look closely, you'll see my name there. I think often that God spared my life so that I can share BodyTalk with the world. :) What an awesome God we serve. AMEN? About 3 rows down from the top you can see the name. Donna M. Berger. This lady is my aunt through marriage who also would have died had God not brought BodyTalk into her life. In fact, she brought BT to North Dakota 9 years ago. Thank you, Lord, and thank you, Donna. It's a wonderful life!!!!!!!!

I guess I really hadn't intended to "Go deep" with this post but it must have been meant to be. Thank you for listening and please feel free to go to the IBA website to learn more about this incredible mode of healing. Here's the link:
Hope to all,


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
That's great your name is on the banner!

Kimberly said...

I found your name. That is so neat. Thanks for sharing.

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...