Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pictures from a Wonderful Sabbath Celebration

What a wonderful day of fellowship we had yesterday at the Church of God 7th Day's church in Alfred, ND. It's called HARVEST OF THANKS and we figured out that this was our 9th year in attendance. We only missed the year that Robert was taking me up to the health center in 2006. People came from all over the state and even from South Dakota; Minnesota; and Wisconsin for the awesome day.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we enjoyed our trip over (which takes an hour) as Cora read a few more chapters in THE WALRUS HUNTERS right after she put the hot curlers in my hair. When we arrived, many folks were outside visiting and we were especially happy to see our friends, Lyle and Becky Miller from Streeter and the Donald Gill family from my home town-- Eureka, SD.
The choir did a super fantastic job on their song. In the front row in the green sweater is my friend, Kimberly. Her blog is called QUIET MY SOUL and is listed on my sidebar. The pastor is standing in the back row on the end. These are the altos and bases.
This is the soprano/tenor side of the choir. My dear friend, Betty Jo, played the piano and she told us later that they worked 3 months on the song--no wonder it was so uplifting. :)
This is the guest pastor who taught on how to be thankful in ALL things. The way is to realize that GOD loves us and take us through all of our trials. We ARE SO LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew snapped this picture of me in the kitchen looking for my purse. I can't believe it, but I "Lost" my purse right before the afternoon service. My camera was in it so I didn't get to take any pictures. Thankfully Andrew had his camcorder along and he got most of the pictures that you see here. I was so thankful when I recalled that I put my purse down on the bench when we ran through WITH MY SONG with BJ right after the morning service. Sure enough, it was waiting for me up by the piano. PTL!
Cora and her friend, Monica Schlenker visiting in the kitchen after lunch.
After lunch Robert and I headed outside to take a walk before the afternoon music program.
This is how far we got as we bumped into Shirley, Harris's widow. It's been so long since we visited with her so there was much to catch up on. I even invited her to the shoot when she said that she gets lonely a lot. She said that Harris left a brand new rifle sitting there, so we'll see if she picks it up and joins us next weekend. THAT WOULD BE SOOOOO COOL!!!
Pastor making last minute arrangements with Curt S. who filled in as MC for the afternoon as Terry S. was sick.
Cora visiting with my friend, Bernette S. Years ago Bernette and I adopted each other as sisters. Neither one of us ever had a sister and neither has Cora. So we started this club called THE SISTER-LESS CLUB. I'm not sure if this was an official or unofficial meeting--it's just always nice to visit with Bernette as she's a health nut like me. :)
The men visiting right before supper. Donald Gill from Eureka is on the far left; Ron Neinhuis from Devils Lake is next; then Robert's adopted father is Elroy Schlenker; next is Andrew; and lastly my sweetie.
Sandwiches, chips, and fruit salad was on the menu for supper. We went through the line fairly early so that we could get on the road to get home for chores. Here Cora and Andrew were winding down from a wonderful day. The pastor's wife is in the background in the plum-colored dress.
We headed for home around 6:00 and we weren't a mile down the road when the Ipod was handed to me. We were sooooo close to the end of THE WALRUS HUNTERS and everyone wanted to know if Cheenbuck and Adolay would get married. I suppose I'll ruin the surprise for any of you who ever read it, but they do.
It was kind of obvious that they would almost from the beginning of the book, but it's still nice when things work out "Right". I do love seeing how God brings couples together!!! I am VERY romantic minded and have had to learn to let God lead in this department for my children and everyone in my life. I'm sure that He is quite capable of bringing people together at just the right time and in just the right place--even without MY help! :)
So after a long day away from home, we ran through chores quickly and had time to watch a Bonanza yet last night. It was as lovely a day as they come and I praise the Lord for it. Many thanks to all of you from the Alfred church who worked so hard to make the day a true blessing to our family!!!!!!!!
Shalom (which means peace in Hebrew),


Kimberly said...

Dawn, it was so great to see you and your family. I didn't get to visit with you much but I got little visits with most of your family. I will be praying for your shoot this coming weekend. May you be blessed with good weather. Love you!

P.S. Glad you found your purse!

Tessa Ligon said...

Sounds like you had a great Sabbath. It is always nice to gather with family and friends. Sometimes it is hard to do especially this time of year when everyone is so busy. Glad to hear that you guys are doing okay. Good luck with your Appleseed Shoot this coming weekend.

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