Friday, September 18, 2009

PLEASE help us pass the Parental Right's Amendment

This just came in from We're making a dent and I urge you all to make those phone calls or email our congressmen. I'm going out to get pictures of the boys cleaning the barn which I'll post later. For now, I'll share this picture of my friend, Sarah K, and her children with me on the double swing. People like Sarah and I are the ones who God has determined should decide what is best for our children--not the state and definitely NOT THE UNITED NATIONS! PLEASE JOIN IN THE FIGHT FOR THE FAMILY AND GET INFORMED. Then let your congressmen know that you expect them to protect the family unit which God formed at creation. That is one man married to one woman raising children to serve Him so that they will continue the pattern. That is God's way, folks, and guess what? IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!


Today’s video submission is titled, “Not On Our Watch,” and the fact is, we like that theme. Will the U.S. accede to a treaty that takes away parental rights and transfers family law authority from the States to the federal government? Not on our watch. Will the Congress ignore the call for a Parental Rights Amendment and just continue business as usual? Not on our watch. Will our nation stand by and do nothing while parental rights erode in the federal court house? Not on our watch.
Of course, there is a price we agree to pay when we say, “Not on our watch.” It’s a pledge to be vigilant, a pledge to be involved, a pledge to be heard.
This week, by the thousands you have told Congress, “Not on our watch,” and they are listening. We aren’t seeing the results on our cosponsors list yet, but we are feeling the tremors. North Carolina is especially vital right now. Two Democrats there may be close to signing, and we firmly believe that if we can reach just 4 or 5 Democrats altogether, the one-party stigma will fall away from our Amendment and many more Democrats will sign on.
We at want to thank you. We are close to a breakthrough, and we would not be here without you!
Given the progress made this week, we are going to try to keep up the pressure for one more week beginning Monday. (We have also extended our membership drive and T-shirt offer through today only.)
If you haven’t done so yet, or if it has been a few days, why not take a couple of minutes and call your Congressman and Senators right now? To see if they are already cosponsors, and to get their contact information, simply find your state at Urge your Congressman to contact Rep. Hoekstra and cosponsor H.J. Res. 42, the Parental Rights Amendment. Urge your Senators to contact Sen. DeMint and cosponsor S.J. Res. 16.
Together we are making a difference. Will Congress ignore us and let this movement die?
Not on our watch!

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