Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Appleseed preshoot review

Almost the minute that the Bartlett young men arrived, we hustled them out to the range which was at least half a mile away. Jonathan is seen in the foreground here studying the situation. He was of the opinion that it would work, so we breathed a sigh of relief but still went back to shoot a few rounds through the straw bales. Were they as tight as the alfalfa bales? YES

How's that for hospitality? The Bartletts had to help set up the camper--boys have fun doing things like that, though, and it was up in no time.
About 5:00 the shoot bosses arrives. Alex is in the blue shirt and Kyle in the grey. Both are fine young men. I see here that Kyle took a liking to Millie right away. Robert said that every time he came in the yard, he went over to visit his canine friend who had to be tied up during shooting hours.

Our men took Alex and Kyle out to the range too and it passed their inspection also. Then the guys introduced them all to our new swing set. I got a kick out of Andrew giving Alex an underdog as he is "Wont to do." Andrew did know Alex from up at Bartlett's shoot and it didn't take long for everyone to feel at home with each other.
That night I went downstairs to get a few snapshots of everyone playing on the re-vamped Foosball table. Cora surprised me and repaid me with this lovely photo.

That's all for now folks. I've got much I need to do before class so I better keep my word use to a minimal. :) AH SHUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

It's nice to see young men enjoying simple things like a swing set. Not that your swing set is "simple!" Blessings!

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