Friday, October 30, 2009

First day off

Well, this is my first day off of the Master Cleanse. So far it's been exactly as it has been for 2 weeks as I've been drinking lemonade and kombucha all day. For the feast tonight, though, Cora and I are going to indulge in our home made apple cider with mulling spices. We made the guys a neat dish with corn bread on the bottom; all beef hot dogs sliced open on top of the corn bread; ketchup, mustard, and pickles on top of the hot dogs; and melted cheese on top of that. It will be hard not to have any of this delicacy but, thank God, we have THE YOUNG FUR TRADERS to indulge in until our stomachs can make the transition back to solid food.

I've been a little glum today. Oh, how I love the cranes when they come back in early fall. We live in the central flyway here and we get to see lots of birds on their migrations. My favorite are the cranes, though. I just am fascinated by their call. I tried taking a picture of them the other day but they were just too high up in the clouds to see them. Anyway, this morning during milking, I heard them over the sound of the milk pump. That told me that there had to be LOTS of them overhead. Rushing to the back door, I looked up to see about a thousand of them in their long Vs heading South. My heart sank as I was hoping that they'd stay around a little longer.

I was a little glum, too, when I weighed myself. I don't know how some people can possibly lose 20 pounds in 10 days. I went 14 days and ONLY lost 12 pounds. I know, this is no small accomplishment but I was hoping for more this time. Well, as Cora reminded me, we still have the 3 days coming out of the cleanse to lose some more as you really don't eat much on those days.

Well, it's the Sabbath and I don't feel one bit profound. The house is clean; the supper is in the oven along with the apple butter that Cora whipped up today; and I need to finish scrubbing the floor. I like to turn my thoughts to more noble things upon the Sabbath day but I find myself at a lack. It occurred to me, then, that maybe you'd like to read some more about Reiki. I really liked this article so I leave you with it as I bless you with wishes for a peaceful, refreshing Sabbath day tomorrow. This is written by a pastor and fellow Reiki Master/Teacher. Soon I will write to explain why, even though I have earned the right to go by this title, I will not as I feel that the only Master to walk the earth did so 2,000 years ago. So I've decided to call myself a Reiki Teacher (at the Master level). More on this later!

In Him,


Christian Minister Uses Reiki
I was born and raised the son of a Christian pastor and became a fourth generation pastor myself. During the 10 years of my pastoral ministry I was often aware of the mental and emotional suffering of those in my congregation and I sought God for understanding regarding the power of love and grace to heal.
I became interested in the field of counseling after my own burn out in ministry-necessitated work with a psychotherapist. My recovery from burnout transformed my ideas of how God desires to work intimately in our lives and led me into a personal understanding of how God’s grace penetrates into the deepest aspects of our hearts and minds.
As my sermons began to reflect this understanding of grace my parishioners began to come to me with deeper issues of their personal suffering. Feeling called to work with people at this level of need I went back to school to pursue a graduate degree in the field of Marriage Family Therapy. My ministry continues to this day a Marriage Family Therapist in private practice running the Center for Open-Hearted Living.
I was exposed to Reiki in 1994 and felt impressed to train with a local teacher. The attunement processes were, for me, a very spiritual experience not unlike my experience of baptism, as I felt an increased connection to God and to His healing power. I continued to practice Reiki on myself and my friends and family, but did not bring Reiki into my practice until 2004.
At that time Reiki self-treatments were becoming very powerful and God was directing the Reiki energy to very deep and pervasive wounds and fears inside of me that I’d been avoiding for years. As I discovered how to let Reiki work this healing within myself I felt confident to begin to integrate Reiki with the psychotherapy that I was doing with clients. To this day I continue to be amazed by the power and efficacy of Reiki with my clients, especially when working with intense emotional processes. Reiki is gentle and nurturing, but powerful in its ability to move difficult emotional energy through and replace it with a sense of abiding peace.
I am utterly convinced that Reiki’s source is the Heart of God. I continued to experience the flow of Reiki as love, wisdom, and healing power. I have been exploring the meaning of grace and its practical application in the lives of human beings for 25 years and I can tell you that Reiki has been my most palpable experience of grace. Its use in my life and in the lives of my clients has resulted in a deepening of the fruits of the Spirit, such as the peace mentioned above, and I have become confident that Reiki is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Reiki, like prayer, belongs to every tradition and no tradition. The word “Reiki” itself may have been coined by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s, but the healing energy itself has been available wherever human suffering has existed. Usui’s gift to us is that he learned how to pass the ability of channeling Reiki to others and gave this process enough structure to allow it to proliferate throughout the world long after he was gone. There are as many explanations of Reiki and its source as there are people who practice it. This is how God is, showing up where, when, and how people need Him and in ways that they can understand and explain from their own experience.
If you struggle with knowing whether or not Reiki is for you, the best way is to seek God’s guidance and have a Reiki treatment. You can read many books and articles on the subject, but ultimately your own experience will make it clear.
God bless you as you tap more deeply into the flow of love and grace being abundantly poured out upon the planet.
Scott Wyman, M.Div., M.A. Marriage Family Therapist, Reiki

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