Thursday, March 11, 2010


GUESS WHAT! I have finally learned how to post a video from U Tube ALL BY MYSELF!!!!!
Maybe I'm growing up! :)

I was just telling a client whose neck is "Killing her" how to find this link. IT IS MEGA IMPORTANT THAT EVERYONE LEARN HOW TO TAP OUT THEIR CORTICES!!!!!! The world would become a much more peaceful place to live in if everyone would start their day, like I do, by tapping out their cortices. It's the first thing that I do, as I've learned that I'm not at my best until I've linked up the 2 sides of my brain. I refuse to step one foot on the floor until I've tapped out my cortices (and done the switching technique) as I think that my family and the world deserves me to be the very best that I can be.

School teachers around the world are starting their school days by tapping out their cortices along with their students. Children learn better; can sit better; are more calm and the whole day goes better. The best part of all is that it is TOTALLY FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot urge you too much to listen to these 2 video clips by the man whom God used to save my life. Dr. Veltheim is a hero to millions of people around the world, including me. I beg you to let him become one to you too!!!

It'll take you 12 1/2 minutes to listen to these videos but for the rest of your life you can become the best that you can be too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You and your family deserve the very best life there is! :)

As we BodyTalkers often say, "Happy tapping!"


PS. Oh yes, my day in Bismarck yesterday was absolutely FANTASTIC. I felt the prayers coming my way and had a fantastic healing experience when Tone-Lise worked on me in the morning. Then the Lord blessed in incredible ways as I worked on 3 lovely ladies in the afternoon. Not only that, Jacob and I came home with 5 new fish for Cora's aquarium. They said to fill it slowly, but that is for Cora to tell about. :) Thanks for your prayer support yesterday.

PS. Did I mention that I now have peace about leaving that office in Bismarck? I'm not sure where I'm going but I sent out an email this morning informing my partners that I'm leaving. I had hoped to have a meeting but things are REALLY bad there and this seemed the least stressful route for all of us. Maybe I'll have courage to tell more about that later. In the meantime, please pray that I can sense God's leading me as to where/if I am to have my Bismarck office after April. Now that I've decided to leave, I am amazed at how calm I am! I'm almost positive that I'd not have been able to leave had it not been for Tone-Lise's session yesterday morning--God bless you TL!


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