Friday, March 12, 2010

SICK OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!

As a Christian I was taught to, "Take up your cross and follow me." As a victim I was taught to, "Keep your mouth shut and keep the peace." As a BodyTalker, I'm being taught to "Breathe deeply and let it all out." TALK ABOUT A CONTRAST!

This is a picture of what happens to someone who stuffs everything inside for 50 years. I KNOW that this is essential to my fully getting well, but I am down right sick of this!!!!! Just in case you're wondering, "YES," it does hurt to type with this finger, but then, I'm pretty good at ignoring my pain. After all, that's how I managed to give myself shingles on the brain in 2006.

In an earlier post I wrote about how the middle finger on my left hand got an infection from no apparent cause. This was 3 1/2 MONTHS ago. No matter what I did with herbs, supplements, or even with my personal BodyTalk sessions helped. The infection spread up the finger over the weeks. Later the skin started to peel from the fever in my finger.

Finally I broke down and went to Tone-Lise for BT sessions. She's had all of the modules, plus PaRama and so has more techniques to throw at this thing. She told me that Louise Hay's work indicates different emotions stored in different body parts (even more detailed than what we learned in Module 3).

Well, what a coincidence. The middle finger on the left hand just happens to store anger AND sexuality. Isn't it amazing that this infection in my finger just happened to start at the time that my BodyTalk sessions were taking me deep into the heart of the incest?

In my prayer time, the Lord showed me that I would need 3 sessions from TL to clear through the bulk of the garbage from the time when I was 4 years old and VERY unsafe. After the first session my body felt like it had been run over by a brick truck. After the second one 2 weeks later, I was so depressed I could have just died. After the third one, another 2 weeks later, (which was on Wednesday) I am suffering from both physical AND emotional pain. Yesterday afternoon I just gave up and spent the afternoon in the whirlpool doing Access and Reiki until I finally fell asleep.

I covet your prayers as this finger is driving me crazy. I'm trying to grasp in my mind the concept which TL says I need to somehow be able to come to terms with. It is this, "Even though my parents did not/do not accept me as I am, I CAN ACCEPT ME AS I AM!" I just don't know how to do it--maybe I'm blind or something. I was taught to honor and respect my parents. If they thought I was a second-class citizen, isn't it disrespectful of them for me to think otherwise???????????????????????

I really need help here. If you see something that I don't, PLEASE feel free to share it. In the meantime, I'll share these new pictures of my finger. As you can see, the line of inflammation is now almost up to the knuckle. The skin has peeled all the way up to this line.

What's "NEW AND IMPROVED" since Wednesday is that the finger has now broken out in little blisters. These itch like crazy and kept waking me up all last night. It's not a good picture but maybe you can see them if you look real close.

From the side view you can see the line where the "Good" skin ends and the "Bad" skin begins. Also you can see how red the irritated part is and the swelling in the finger.

This is the back view. You can see how the skin peeled off at an angle for some reason. Actually the back is healing a bit now, so that is a relief, but this new rash on the front is making up for it.

So that's the update on my poor middle finger on my left hand. I write this with the hope of helping people to see how closely the mind and the body are linked. There's a reason for everything that manifests as a problem in the body. Praise God that there is hope through prayer AND BodyTalk. I covet your prayers as I heal from the ugliest sin of them all.
I also am suffering in my heart because a good friend is suffering with so much pain and her husband has decided not to continue her BT sessions--even though they were helping her. SOMEHOW I AM GOING TO HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO DEAL WITH THIS TYPE OF TURMOIL OR GO BACK TO JUST USING BODYTALK ON MYSELF. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME TO FIND PEACE IN THIS STRUGGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I need a BodyTalk session.
Resting in Yahweh,


Anonymous said...

Hello Dawn,
My daughters Grace Elizabeth and Hannah Marie have been following Cora's Blog... it has been profitable, so maybe as I follow yours and invite you to mine, it can be profitable too.

Anonymous said...

Hello Christine,
It was nice to hear from you. Cora loves your daughters so much!!
I pray that you will find rich blessings here and I am looking forward to spending some time at your blog tomorrow.

Karol said...

Dear Dawn,
Just a note to let you know I pray you find peace and healing.
God bless you.
Love and prayers, Karol

Anonymous said...

Hi Karol,
Your prayers mean so much to me as I know that you know what it's like to deal with a long-term illness. In July it'll be 4 years since the shingles on my brain started, but I've been sickly all of my life.
I know that this finger business is only a sign that my mind is processing all of the abuse, so I TRY to be patient, but it just throbs constantly. My BodyTalk training helps me to understand that this is a physical manifes-tation for the emotional turmoil inside. I know that it takes time to process something so horrendous but I've been working on it 20 years already--you'd think that it would HAVE to come to an end soon!
Thanks again for thinking of me!
Sabbath blessings,

damae said...

Dearly Beloved Dawn,
I have a couple of suggestions for you for your finger, one is to soak it in crushed garlic with peroxide. Another is to put sulfur on it, that may well kill the fungus that is attacking you. Herpes/shingles come on when there is an L-lysine deficiency in the body. I would highly recommend cal/mag and KELP along with cod liver oil to help heal this condition. I have had issues with cold sores these many years and the only way I can consistently keep them at bay is to consistently take kelp. Scripture says you are a reward, a heritage, a blessing, and a gift from Heaven!! and that is not conditional on any kind of performance on your part. I can see much has been done to leave wicked scars, but you are on a good path and I felt good after hearing your rant on your last post. These are merely tests for you and an opportunity for you to develop some good boundaries, I suspect this person will come around and if not then I am sorry for them. You go girl, I am proud of you.
I just had a thought, I've gone through something similar and I think what The Creator was teaching me is that I did not need those particular folks approval and that my need for their approval was verging on idol worship. I am much stronger for it all, and so are you, when your mind is renewed!! You are a treasure!!
Prayer and blessings to you!!

Anonymous said...

What a blessing you are to me!!!
I will try the garlic and peroxide as that sounds strong enough to kill ANYTHING. I do understand, though, that the underlying reason for this is that my body is trying to process the incest which began when I was only 4 years old. ):
I really appreciate your encouragement to appreciate myself more. I am sure that will be helpful as I strive to place less emphasis on other's approval of me. This is a weakness I have because of the extreme deprevation of love in my childhood.
I especially appreciate your insights into idol worship! The person who upset me comes from a family who prayed for me for over a year during my illness. However, they rejected me when God healed me through BodyTalk although they know nothing about it.
Many times since then, the coward in me would have limited my BodyTalk to meeting my own needs. Then, either my husband or my son would say, "If you let these people keep you from sharing BodyTalk with a hurting world when God has clearly called you to it, THEN YOU HAVE PUT THEM BEFORE GOD AND THEY ESSENTAILLY ARE YOUR GODS!
Your insights are GREATLY appreciated. It amazes me to think that my ranting about my pet peeve was actually a BLESSING to you! I was taught to keep my mouth shut so it is hard to imagine that this would bless someone else. HMMMMMM. Maybe the Lord really IS using my blog to bless others in ways that I can't even imagine. So be it!!!!
Have a great day in the Lord and PLEASE keep commenting here.

Anonymous said...

Dear Doris,
I tried going to your blog several times but learned that your's is private. I am wondering if you would mind if I would go to yours privately? Is there any way that you would allow me to put your blog on my sidebar as I'd love to share your insights with my readers?

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...