Monday, March 1, 2010


I'm so accustomed to viewing myself as a failure that it never really entered my mind that my booth at the bazaar in Napoleon would be a success--but it was! I don't have much time to write about it now, but I thought I'd share some pictures for you to look at until I do.

This is the information table with the BT brochures and my CBP certificate. I set my massage table up behind it so it was hidden a little bit to allow for a little privacy. I was surprised how it didn't seem to bother anyone that the sessions were done in public. This was way in the back of the room, though, so it was as private as possible.
I printed this sign to let folks know what I was offering and to tell them to fill in their consent forms before I worked on them.

There were about 30 different vendors.
This woman said that she didn't mind my taking a picture of my working on her...
It was kind of dark in there but here we're both smiling for you.
I came home floating with excitement. New possibilities that opened up to me are a chance to teach cortices to the staff at the nursing home and perhaps open up an office in Napoleon's new fitness center opening in May. WOW--and all it cost me was $25 for all of that free advertising. :)


Tamera said...

How wonderful! I'm so glad that it worked out so well for you. You look SO happy!

Anonymous said...

Dear Tamera,
You are such a precious friend to me--always encouraging my growth and I love you sooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope that you had a great visit with your mom and sister!
Gladys called today and said that your basement looks absolutely wonderful now--good for you!!!
It's almost Spring! :)

Kimberly said...

That's great, Dawn! So glad it was a success.

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...