Sunday, July 4, 2010

Master Cleanse 4 ~ Day 5

Happy Independence Day everyone!!!!! I hope that you like this tribute to our country which, even with all of it's faults, is still the most wonderful place to live in the world. We really have no idea how much our military goes through to shelter us from tyranny. This video says it better than I ever could.

I am frustrated with my camera right now. It's not really the camera's fault, but my own, for not paying attention when Andrew was importing pictures from the card to the computer. I wasted half an hour this morning, trying to figure it out, until Robert called.

I guess the single-axle truck, which the boys are using to move the big square bales to the end of the field for stacking, was running low on gas. They needed me to drive to Napoleon (13 miles) and fill the gas cans. Then they needed me to drive out to the field (about 20 miles) to take them the gas. Then I had to drive home (about 15 miles), and now I can try to finish my post.

I haven't much time, as we're getting ready to go to the rodeo tonight, but I wanted to write a short post about yesterday. I had hoped to import all the pictures I took of us swinging yesterday, so you can see that we really ARE lazy one day a week. :)

I so love the Sabbath, but it IS the hardest day not to eat when the family is enjoying our wonderful feasts. Somehow it didn't seem so bad yesterday, though, so thanks to those of you who are covering me with your prayers. Please let me know if you ever have any prayer needs.

Maybe the reason that this cleanse seems easier than the others is because I am VERY motivated to be just as pure and cleansed as possible when my family of origin meets at my dad's house for his auction one week from today. I want to make sure that I am totally open to do whatever the Lord wants me to do and to say whatever the Lord wants me to say.

Do you remember the passage where Christ said to His disciples, "This kind of evil spirit goes out only with prayer AND fasting?" Although there have been tons of times since I started the cleanse (like just now out in the hayfield with my menfolk) that I would have LIKED to eat, my spirit keeps girding me up not to. It's like it's saying, "Prepare yourself for what is coming up at the sale. Go in with a positive spirit (not one bogged down with digestion), and see the wonders that the Lord will do to answer your prayers of 40 years for these people."


So, even today, when we're going to the rodeo, I'm not really troubled about not eating. I have chosen to do this cleanse for my healing and strengthening, and that is JUST what I am doing. I am being true to my desire to have the Lord purify me through this 10 day Master Cleanse.

I do think, though, that it may be easier this time because I have done 3 cleanses before this. I remember reading that each one gets easier, as the junk from a lifetime slowly comes out. That doesn't really help when you're starting out, though, but just hang in there if you're on the cleanse right now too. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Keep your goals always before you and pray constantly for the Lord to strenghten and heal you and HE WILL DO IT!!!

Well, I will post tonight's pictures of the rodeo tomorrow (hopefully). The perfectionist in me is bugged that I fell behind with my posting about the Cleanse, but that old beast is slowly dying. I'll get to it when I have the time. It IS important to me to post every day, when I'm on the cleanse, so that others who may decide to do the cleanse can come here and find out what to expect. It also helps to have something to do, that I like, while everyone else is eating. Did you ever notice how often we eat?




sml451 said...

The Master Cleanse Diet works very well for what it is intended. To clean you out and keep you healthy inside and to lose a few pounds if you need to. Lately it is being used for drug detox and for passing pre-employment drug screens. It is also known as the Lemonade diet, and the Beyonce Diet. It is not intended to replace food. I have used it and had no adverse affects. I usually do this 4 times a year for about 10 days. Just make sure you are getting the REAL Master Cleanse for a good price and not some wannabe. Check it out below.

Master Cleanse Expert

Anonymous said...

I learned years ago not to call myself an expert when I heard this definition for the word. It was explained to me like this.
An "X" is a "Has-been" and to be pert is to be a "Know it all". So, if you put the 2 together you get someone who is a "Know it all has-been". Just thought you may want to know that that's how you came off to me this morning, but it may be just because I'm cleansing and not having the best day--day 7.
Before I started cleansing,I bought Raylen's e-book which has helped me through three 15 day cleanses last year. Have you read it? If so, how is your program any better than his?
PS. I guess if you put out pushy, that's what you get back. Ever notice that?

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