Thursday, July 22, 2010


It occurred to me just now, while I was milking the goats, that I never told you about Clara. Clara was the milk cow whom I milked twice a day for over 5 years except when I was too ill to do so; was attending a BodyTalk class; or maybe one or two other minor reasons. Anyway, most of you probably recall the struggle that I went through this Spring as I was pondering selling her.

Clara was 14 years old and in excellent shape. I loved her as I have loved few animals. She was a Brown Swiss and had the most amazing huge brown eyes that always seemed to hold oceans of wisdom. I love, present tense intended for I still do love, her cream-colored muzzle; her elegant long tail (not at all like ordinary cow's tails); and most of all her soft, fuzzy ears that would bend backwards to catch every word I said to her. Well, maybe not when I was upset with her, but that wasn't very often.
You may recall how I agonized for several months about selling her but that the day of Jacob's test I finally had peace to give up my dear one in favor of spending more time with Jacob during his last 4 years of school. When I realized that Jacob needs me more than Clara did, I could let her go. Of course, with my BodyTalk business growing, I needed to make room in my heart for new dreams to replace the one I had of owning the world's oldest dairy cow.
It all was very painful until I took the animal communicator class a week after I'd sold Clara. Kris, the woman who taught the class, took the time to tune into Clara's energy as I gift to me. She told me that Clara was still alive, but was going backwards without her daily BodyTalk sessions. I recall the joy of knowing that I could keep in touch with Clara by doing distance sessions on her just like I do on my clients. Now why hadn't I thought of that?
You may recall that I did about a dozen sessions for Clara after that and she seemed to be doing better. I was VERY happy to be able to help her get over that wet spell we were having as Clara did not do well during wet spells. Then I got very busy dealing with getting ready for my dad's auction sale and I forgot to tune into Clara on a daily basis.
Now, the day of the class, Kris did caution me to be prepared for a final parting. She said that I would know when Clara died as I would no longer be able to get any responses from her body/mind. She had chuckled, "It's kind of hard to get a yes/no response to questions about organs, endocrines, and body parts after an animal is dead."
I had chuckled, but was sure that it wouldn't happen for years. After all, I could still do sessions from a distance and keep Clara going for I knew that she could feel my love through sessions just as when she was being milked and I was sitting right beside her in our milking parlor.
I was wrong, though. I never wrote about it because it was just too painful and, with the sale just a few weeks away then, I didn't really have time to absorb it. But now I've begun processing the moments from an awful day when I went into the milk room and sat down by Clara's stall to get a yes/no to "Permissions a priority?" Except no answer came.
I did the usual things. I checked to see if I needed cortices or was switching and asked again the question which begins all BodyTalk sessions, "Are permissions a priority?" Still no answer. I spent a little time praying for my girl and asked the Lord to guide her session just as I do at the beginning of every session I do. When I asked for the third time, "Are permissions a priority?" and there was still neither a "Yes" nor a "No," it registered in my thick skull that there was a reason for there being no reply.
With tears streaming down my face, I asked the Lord, "Is Clara still alive?" Then I got a very clear, "No" reply. Just to be sure, I asked in the reverse, "Is Clara dead?" and I got a strong, "Yes" reply. I'm crying now just to remember that moment. I know that it's good to cry and get those emotions out, but sometimes I plain old get tired of crying. I wonder sometimes why I've had such a sad life. Maybe the Lord just really likes comforting me?
So now I'm wondering whether or not I should start a new session report column. What do you think? I know that several of you enjoyed it when I was doing sessions regularly for my girl. Any thoughts on this? I have all kinds of animals to choose from, if I did decide to continue doing this. Any suggestions as to which breed of animal to choose from?
Well, I need to go soak in the whirlpool. Jacob and I spent the whole day pulling monstrous weeds in the garden. They got away from me and, with the recent rain, they came out VERY easily. Trouble is, tonight my back isn't thinking that it was an easy day at all. I am so very thankful for the whirlpool and I'm still recommending that everyone get one if at all possible.
Thanks for listening to me talk about Clara one last time! Isn't she beautiful?


Kimberly said...

Oh, Dawn, I'm sorry about Clara. I didn't know her but felt love for her through your posts. She did look more special than "an ordinary cow." Thank you for sharing your pain.

What other animals do you do sessions on? What are our choices? I know you love your goats. I love goats, too. You know me, I love BT and would love reading about sessions with any animal.

Blessings on your upcoming Sabbath.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking about doing a goat as they are the animals that I see every day. I can't decide between Lena who doesn't really need much help and Sandy who REALLY does.

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...