Sunday, December 19, 2010


I realize that this is probably the slowest posting in the universe! I have been meaning to finish this post about our trip to Georgia this summer for months!! However, I've been so busy with the farm; the garden; building LINKS TO HEALING; the animals (both ours and those who call for advice) and now home schooling. However, something has happened recently that has inspired me to return to the joyous days that Jacob and I spent there. That something is BIG NEWS to me so finally I will finish the story.

"Look fast, or you'll miss it," came to be our joke as we drove through downtown Lakemont, Georgia on our way to class at the dome 3 times a day. This picturesque little town is so small that you could miss it if you blink and yet unforgettable for it's historic appeal.

One of the most memorable rooms that I have ever been privileged to enter was the library at Kelly Research Technologies. This is the room where our class was held. Not only was it crammed with books on all sorts of natural healing modalities, it held radionic treasures from the past that one cannot find anywhere else on earth. If you ever get within a thousand miles of the dome, take the chance to go and check out this library! This is about 1/4 of it.

Viewing the class from the second layer, Jacob took this picture of me during one of our breaks. Jacob loved going upstairs to visit Cathie in her office or Ed in the BETAR room.

Even though I had taken a one day class on radionics up here several years back, I still was lost most of the time. What a blessing it was to have Jacob sitting next to me as my brain tried to wrap itself around this technological wonder. I was so glad that I had developed my intuition through the upper level modules in BodyTalk before I took the class so that I wasn't completely lost during our 4 days spent at the dome.

You cannot imagine Jacob's joy to find himself so welcome at the dome. He is a natural radionics operator and a favorite of both the instructor and the owner of Kelly Research Technologies. At the end of the class, the instructor remarked, "How I wish that I had gotten started at age 14!" It made Jacob realize what a gift he's been given.

Oh, what would an office be without an efficient, capable, friendly, helpful, intelligent... secretary holding the place together? This is now my friend and advisor, CJ. Cathie was open to receiving a free BodyTalk session as my love gift for all that she had done to pull the class off. She left that night with far less pain in her arm and she was impressed with BT. Later we traded one of her machines for BT sessions and we BOTH have been very blessed as a result. Jacob is already saving his money to go to the dome again next year and so am I. I am eager to see this smiling face again!
Using my radionics machine on a daily basis has removed my doubts about it's effectiveness. Many nights I put my picture in the input well, when I have that aching pain in my neck and shoulders. I set the machine to the rates that I need; go to sleep; and wake up refreshed and pain free! Now that is the life for me!!!!! Thanks so much, CJ, for the trade!!!

Choosing to take care of my needs, instead of ignoring them, has been a wonderful change of thinking. Each session that I do on myself makes it easier to do as I get rid of those old thoughts from childhood that I don't deserve to be happy. My continual healing has led to a new view on life. Things that used to seem insurmountable, now seem like opportunities--most of the time anyway.
Here is an example. Last week we received the newsletter from KRT (Kelly Research Technologies). In it I read that they are producing a product which repeats the affects of the BETAR machine for a fraction of the cost. I got all excited. You may recall my sharing how wonderful I felt after Ed had given me a free ride on their Master Edition BETAR machine. Now I can give this effect to my clients!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ready to share my "New" discovery, I found Jacob and told him excitedly, "Now they're making BETAR in a box," and showed him the article. He stared at me and said, "Mom, I told you about them when we were in Georgia! We stood right there while they were making them." WHAT? How could I have missed this information completely?
Intrigued by the idea of sharing these with everyone I know, I sent Ed an email. I asked him if I might purchase the products in bulk. Everyone I know is over-stressed and has a hard time relaxing. Many of my clients tell me that they can't sleep without a sleeping pill. These little boxes help reduce people's stress by emitting sound waves that help them to relax or sleep. You must imagine my surprise when Ed wrote back offering me the opportunity to become a BETAR dealer!
Surely you can imagine how a home school mom, who has "ALWAYS" been determined to stay at home and let the world go on without me, would feel when this opportunity came along. A thousand reasons popped into my head why it is just impossible for me to take on "One more thing."
Still, when I pondered that for only $125 a person can have a tool to help them relax or sleep for the rest of their life. I know well enough that stress is what almost killed me in 2006 and how many of my clients are very ill because of their inability to cope with all of the stressors in their lives. How much is it worth to be able to rest thoroughly each and every night?
Can you guess what I decided to do? Yes, I wrote to Ed after a lengthy discussion with my family and told him that I would like to know the details of what it takes to be a BETAR dealer. When he sent over the contract, I at once knew that this is what I wanted to do. I had been nervous that I may have to buy X dollars worth of product to get started, or so much per month, but there was nothing of that.
I gladly wrote back to Ed and told him that I accept and THAT is my BIG NEWS! Now I have to get a sales tax number and then I'll be ready to start. Being I'm now writing on Andrew's computer, I can't get the website address to share with you, but I'll do it soon. I can hardly wait to get one of these stress-reducers for myself and I just know that there is not a person on the planet who wouldn't benefit from owning one. If you're already wanting one, please let me know so that I can order one for you right away when I put in my first order.
God is so amazing how He leads me and I am happy to share my other big news now too. You who read my children's blogs, though, already know that God has blessed me and I have been able to move into a much larger office in Bismarck. I loved my first office but it was a bit crowded when family members came along or when clients came early for their sessions.
Little is nice but big is better in this case. Soon I will post a picture-full epistle of the move and the wonderful new wall the men are building for me so that I can have complete privacy when I'm working with my clients. It's going to be so nice when it's finished as I picked out the most lovely upholstery for the wall on Tuesday.
I had thought about including all of the pictures that I've saved up from that project but this is getting long already. Please pray for me to know exactly how to furnish the room as I want it to be a sanctuary of peace for all who enter within it. Yesterday we spotted some awesome chairs for the waiting room on Bis-Man online but I haven't heard back from the man yet so they may not be the right ones.
Another big news item for our family is that we recently completed a month-long project. In order to direct market our grains, we needed to design a logo and a label which summarizes how we feel about our grains. Did you ever try to put 5 people's ideas into one small picture? One person would like SEEDS OF HONOR (the name of our organic farm) in red; another in blue; another in brown. One wanted a combine to symbolize our farming operation; another a wheat field; another a bag bull of grain.... Finally we settled on a grain bag and then on to designing our label.
Nobody seemed to have any strong ideas about what to put on our labels. We knew that we needed to have our logo on the label along with many other things which our certifying agency insists upon. We were stumped by this for several days until Robert hit upon the idea of using the picture of our farm as the background. He had taken this picture from the airplane on our trip home from San Francisco. After that everything fell into place and we submitted our very own label to International Certification Services for approval.
Only another family farmer could know the joy and pride that filled our hearts yesterday morning when we received the email stating, "YOUR LABEL IS APPROVED FOR USE!" We're going to sell our wheat in my office, you see, along with everything else that the Lord brings to me to share with folks to build up their health. It's all such a wonderful dream come true!!!!! So you see, I really DO have big news to share with all you whom I love tonight! I hope that you were encouraged to know that the Lord has been doing wonderful things in the Bornemann family.
Good night now everyone! Keep checking back for pictures of my new office and our new label! Behold God maketh all things new!!
PS. Have I mentioned about how wonderful I've been feeling since I got my SunSplash from Dr. Mercola? Many who have seen me since I started using it 2 weeks ago has commented how much more health and vibrantly happy I look. Isn't sunshine wonderful?

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

That's wonderful, Dawn. I had forgotten that you told me about the machine during one of our sessions. I want to say, "Put me down for a machine!!!" but I had best ask Tim first though I think he will agree to it.

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...