Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reiki attunements

Hi everyone,

   I hope that you had as wonderful of a Sabbath rest as I had today!  It was a bit disconcerting to have a client call me at 7:00 this morning needing help.  She had been dizzy and throwing up all night and asked for a BodyTalk session.  Although I do not work on the Sabbath, except to do good, I felt that that this was certainly a case of doing good.  I told my client that I would not charge her for the session, as that would be working.  You can just imagine that it broke her heart.  I was just so happy to be able to be there to help Jean as she was thinking about going to the emergency room. 

  After that, the day was very peaceful and comforting.  We are going through the Moody series again called, "The Wonders of God's Creation."  I sat here and just praised God for an hour and a half for the wonderful planet that He has prepared for us to live on!!!! 

Then I rested and woke to Cora telling me that the family was ready to watch a new British Broadcast Company (BBC) movie called, "North and South."  Now, I will say that here lately some of the BBC movies we've checked out from the Bismarck library were down-right boring, but Not THIS one!!! 

Packed with factory worker's strikes; a secret brother; a suicide; an unexpected inheritance; and MAJOR confusion about the true character of the hero and heroine, I was on the edge of my seat almost the entire 4 hours.  Of course, John and Margaret end up kissing in a train station so "All's well that ends well".  I would truly recommend, "North and South" to all of you who are interested in a BBC movie that is "Realistic".  No rich people walking on beaches for hours on end to nowhere for no purpose with nobody saying anything worth hearing. 

Now I need to go practice doing an attunement on my teddy bear.  "What is an attunement?" you ask.  Well, it's like this.  I have come to understand that God made us all to have healing energy flowing through our bodies so that we would not get sick or tired.  That was before sin entered the world, but  now we DO have sin.  This sin keeps us separated from God who is the healer of us all.

Well, when an attunement is done on a person, it opens up their chakras.  A chakra is an opening in our protective energy field where energy can flow in to us from the environment.  Because of sin, the chakras get plugged full of negative energy and healing energy cannot flow into the person.  The attunement process opens up the chakras so that healing can flow in to the person like it did before the fall in the Garden of Eden.

Anyway, tomorrow I am having a class for 4 people in my Bismarck office.  I'll tell them my first attunement story; explain how Reiki began on the planet; give them their attunements; and then have them give each other full Reiki treatments.  The whole thing will take between 5 and 6 hours and I am VERY excited about it.  Every person that I can attune will have the ability to harvest the energy that is all around us to bring them, or anyone they work with, healing.  Anyone who really knows me will understand how much that thrills me! 

I think that I'd like to share my first attunement story with you now while I'm thinking about it.  It was 2 years ago last Fall.  I rode with my friends, Jean and Donna, to Rugby for the afternoon.  We went to the home of a Reiki Master/Teacher who had the most peaceful living room that I have ever entered. 

 Sharon was so gracious to answer our questions before she gave us our attunements.  She had told us that many people were given visions during the process that helped them as they went on their lives.  She said that some people just saw colors, and others words, and some nothing at all.  I didn't know what to expect. 

As Sharon opened up my chakras to be in tune with God, He gave me a vision.  I saw myself nailed up on the cross.  It stunned me, and as I looked around, I saw that I was being crucified between 2 criminals just as Christ had been.  I looked down and saw many of my friends weeping for me.

"WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?" I recall crying out to God.

Into the still room, I heard God's voice saying to me, "You need to remember that any power that comes out of your hands, is from ME!  If you ever start to think otherwise, you will be put up there.  THIS IS MY WORK--NOT YOURS!!!!!!!!!"

I was trembling because I knew that God was serious--Reiki is HIS power and to be used for HIS purposes.  So how does this play out in the average person?  The Reiki energy goes against anything that is bad in the client.  For 3 days, the Reiki will clean out each of the chakras. 

Being the first chakra has to do with survival, let's say that someone has a problem with suicidal tendencies, the Reiki will go to work against that.  This is what my second attunement did for me but that's another day's story. 

Going up through the chakras, the Reiki will clean out negative thinking and habits the next 3 days in the area of sexuality; the next 3 days in the area of personal self-control; the next 3 days in the matters of the heart (self-love; receiving love from others; and giving love to others); the next 3 days with being able to express yourself verbally; the next 3 days with being intuitive; and the last 3 days the Reiki will begin to clear out problems that the client has in his relationship with God.

All of this can be tough on a client so I keep them in prayer a lot those first 21 days.  After those 21 days have passed, then the client can go on to their second attunement in Reiki 2 and the whole process starts over again, but at a deeper level.

Reiki makes us better people, it's that simple.  I love how it has helped me to learn to take responsibility for the things that I do and say rather than just walking around thinking, "I have an excuse for my impatience.... because I was abused." 

Well, I need to study a bit more and then get to bed early.  It's going to be a big day tomorrow and I covet all of your prayers.  In the meantime, if you would like to read more about Reiki, I encourage you to go to the website listed on my sidebar.  I think it's called, "Reiki for Christians." 

Thanks for listening to my rambling and I wish you all a wonderful new week.  It sure was nice outside tonight, when I went out to milk the goats, so maybe Spring really is right around the corner.


PS.  I realized that I haven't shown a picture of my new office yet.  This is right after I moved in, but I thought I'd show it so that you can see me here and send your prayers when you think of me working in here.


Kimberly said...

Interesting. You did a good job explaining that. I feel I understand it a little better. I prayed for you and hope you have an excellent day.

Dawn Bornemann said...

Thanks for all of your support. You are such a precious friend!

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...