Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 11--almost Heaven

I'm serious.  After I made the decision to keep cleansing, yesterday was a fantastic day!  I prayed quite a bit about going off the cleanse with Cora but decided to keep on as my right wrist is still having issues.  It throbs a lot and aches something terrible for no explanation.  I assume that means that there are either some more poisons that need to be gotten rid of or it's emotional and I need to keep doing BT on myself. 
When I look at the consciousness of the wrist, I see that they are stomaching life; digestion of life; flexibility; and hanging on to life.  These certainly do apply to some of the main issues that I am dealing with now so it makes sense that is screaming like my finger did last year. 
Anyway, I was strong yesterday and got lots of laundry done plus drove up to the pasture to do a session on the cattle herd.  THAT WAS SO INCREDIBLE! Last night we all watched the movie called, "Walking across Egypt."  It was one of the best movies that I have ever watched!  Thanks for sharing it, Dorena, if you happen to be reading this.
Today was awesome as we had an incredible session on my elderly lady from Napoleon.  Here's the best news of all.  We worked out an agreement where I will work out of her assisted living home this Winter when she doesn't want to drive.  The more people she brings in for sessions, the greater the discount on her session.  I told her that I'll pay her rent if she has more than 4 lined up for me.  She leaned over; patted my hand; and said, "I won't be too hard on you."  I almost cracked up--what a cutie she is!!!!
Cora told me that there is a man in the nursing home who wants me to work on him but how could he ever get out here?  Perhaps they will bring him over to the assisted living unit as they are attached?  We'll see but it is so exciting as I have been praying and praying for a way to work in Napoleon without having to set up a second office.  Offices are expensive.
Now today's news is that Hristiyan is coming today.  He is my cousin's son and he is bringing his grandma and grandpa for supper.  I have always been fond of my Uncle David so it will be great to have him here.  This means that I'd best get to work on my long list of "Making them feel special" jobs this afternoon.  Hristiyan will be with us until Monday so things are sure to be lively around here.  :)  Thanks for loaning him to us, Kristi and Michaeljon!

Most likely I won't write tonight so this is my Day 11 and Day 12 post.  I'm still not sure how long I will go.  I can't seem to get a clear answer on that.  However, I want you to know that after the first 3 days, things are pretty much clear sailing.  Why, I might stay on this the rest of my life.  Just kidding.

Much love,



Kristi said...

Sorry to hear about your ailing wrist. Has the cleanse relieved you of any foot pain?

I loved your Napolean lady’s line, "I won't be too hard on you."
I cracked up too and can picture her personality with just that line.

Also loved your joke about staying on the cleanse the rest of your life! I am surprised to hear that things are easier after three days.

Thanks for the movie recommendation. I always appreciate that, and it’s always nice when it’s an older one
so that I know it won’t be checked out when I look for it.

But you never gave your trip report. I hope you’ll still do that.

You are welcome for the loan of Hristiyan. I am sure he will have a blast and come home with a multitude of stories.

Dawn Bornemann said...

Hi Kristi,

I know the wrist is an emotional thing but am not sure exactly what I need to deal with for it to clear up. Do you remember when my finger was peeling for half a year? This is like that as there is no physical basis for it that I can think of. I thought maybe it was from doing my exercises but that actually makes it feel better.
Louise Hay has a book that I'm thinking of getting that tells in great detail what the person is emotionally dealing with that causes the physical symptoms that they're struggling with.
I LOVE having Hristyian here--he obeys immediately and is a good influence on one of my family members who tends to lag in that department. He worked all day yesterday and loved it. During prayer time last night he prayed for the work of today like he was one of us--oh so cool!
I'll try to post about the trip tomorrow.
Here's a hug,

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 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...