Sunday, August 28, 2011

The many beauties of Montana

As usual my computer has a mind of it's own when it comes to loading pictures.  I see that these are mixed up AGAIN but I must assume that it is this way for a reason as GOD is never mixed up.  Isn't THAT a comfort?  I'll try to tell the story in spite of the order that the pictures are in as it's too stressful to try to get them all moved around. 

How can it be a week already since I took BODYTALK FOR ANIMALS?  It was a highlight of my life, as was the trip.  Actually, I was dreading the trip because I've heard how dry and dead Montana is but Robert reminded me that this is a high rainfall year so perhaps it is more dry and dead on other years.  Then, too, irrigation plays a large role in agriculture out there.  You can see in this first photo how dry things look without irrigation.
 Here is irrigated alfalfa and you can see what a difference the irrigation makes.
 Those are some BIG rocks!
 I'm amazed that I caught our flag blowing in the wind at 75 MPH down the Interstate.  Can you see it?
 We went through much of Montana without seeing cattle.  When we got past Billings, though, there were lots of cattle and we felt more at home.
 This is entering Missoula.  For some reason I have always been captivated by tunnels.
 Here are 2 Roberts.  The "Other" Robert was in class with me.  He kept talking about the Good Food Store so we dropped him off there on our way home so he wouldn't have to walk both ways--a distance of about 3/4 of a mile.
 This is THE most incredible health food store I have ever seen in my life and, if you're ever in Missoula, you MUST see it.  They had about 35 types of rice and they run the store, "Not for profit" with all volunteers!
 Here's a picture of our class with our instructor, Ange, and coordinator, Tory, squatting in front.  Some folks had already left by then as we had 17 all together in class those 2 1/2 days.
 Here's the waiting room at the Red Willow Learning Center where the class was held.
 The grounds of the center were just lovely.
 I asked Robert to take this of me out by their billboard.
  A classmate took this of us.
 Here she is with me.  This is Nancy from Casselton, ND and I was so happy to meet her as she is a true follower of our Lord.  We'll see each other again in Winnipeg next month.
 This was Ange's closing screen on Friday night.  I thought it was so cool as it truly was God who put man and animal together in the garden.  What would man be without our animal friends?
 This is what the front of the room looked like and
 this was my spot in class.  You can see the lemonade by my purse.
 Is this gorgeous or what?
 OK, went we left here on Thursday, we drove to Bismarck and Robert saw the chiropractor for his back.  Then we took off for my brother's house in Sydney, MT which is about 50 miles North of Interstate.  They were so happy to have us spend the night with them and Russell told me that it was the first time that I had ever come to visit him.  LV told me that it meant a lot to him.

Here LV and I are together--she is really short.  She is a seamstress and had just sewn this Hawaiian dress which she begged me (literally) to receive as a love gift from her so that we could match.  Of course, we HAD to have our picture taken together.
 Here Russell is showing us his pin ball table.  I was so glad that the boys weren't there or they'd have been salivating.  He offered to let me play but I've never been good at that and my wrist was bothering me.
 I thought that this clock was soooooooo cute.
 LV is from the Philippines and has some beautiful Asian things in their home.  These fan was the most gorgeous in my opinion.
 It was hard being there and not eating some of LV's Filipino delicacies but I told her, "I'm sure that I'd get sick if I ate anything now."  She understood as she has fasted before too.  It sure was hard when the cheesecake came out though.  I decided to go for a walk while they had their supper and I enjoyed exploring the lovely homes in their neighborhood.
 At 6:30 the next morning we were off for Missoula.  We ran into lots of road construction which slowed us down.  One time that we stopped I noticed that there were loads of lumber going down the road which is something you definitely do NOT see in ND.  You can see the load on the truck that is stopped across from us here.
 Basically, then, we left here Thursday at noon and drove 5 hours to Russell's home.  We spent the night there and left early Friday morning for Missoula.  We drove 11 hours and pulled into the Red Willow Learning Center exactly 15 minutes before we needed to be there.  IS THAT COOL OR WHAT?

We followed the Yellowstone River all the way from Russell's house to Missoula and back to Glendive.  It kept peeking out at us saying, "I'm still here," and "You better keep moving as there's no time for fishing today."  It's beautiful and it's the lifeblood of agriculture in Montana.  Where there was no irrigation from the Yellowstone, there was no crop--no life.  I praise God for giving us the wonderful gift of water!!!!!!
Best get to sessions.  I am sorry that these are so mixed up but hopefully you all enjoyed them anyway.

Have a great week!



Kristi said...

Looks like a BEAUTIFUL trip. Brings to mind a bit your trip one year ago with Robert. Thanks for sharing all these details. I wouldn't have noticed the mix-up of pictures if you hadn't brought it up, as you tied it all together nicely.

Kimberly said...

The pictures are beautiful. I appreciate the time it took to load them all. Good Job.

Dawn Bornemann said...

Thanks for the comments ladies. It seems hard to believe that it's almost a year since our California trip. Where does the time always go?
Say, Kimberly, do you suppose you could help me convince my cousin to start a blog so that we can see what's happening in her world in Wisconsin? I wonder how one twists another's arm online? ;)
Hint, hint, Kristi!

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...