Saturday, August 27, 2011

Last Days

No, I am NOT referring to the rapture?  Actually I meant days 13, 14, and 15 of the cleanse.

Thursday (Day 13) was GREAT!  I worked in Bismarck and saw 6 clients.  One of these was a horse so it was my first official AnimalTalk session.   BIG CAT is a race horse who got injured coming out of the gate in her last race.  The vet said, "Put her down," but the owners couldn't.  I can see why those with only conventional animal care skills would have been distraught at the condition of that leg but love has kept BIG CAT alive since the accident.  I am hoping to help her to heal completely so we'll see if the owners ask for more sessions.  I was too excited that day to notice any hunger and I just kept sipping my lemonade.

Yesterday was also busy as we picked up our beef from the locker and did other errands in Napoleon.  If anyone is in need of a quarter of some of the finest beef I've ever eaten (one customer termed it, "Premium"), you can let me know here by posting a comment which I will keep confidential. 

In the afternoon, we cleaned and cooked for Sabbath and I worked quite a bit on Cora who is down with a cold.  Also, I began radionics for a very handsome bull of another client who is very down with a sore leg so he is my second "Official" animal client.

Now, today is the Sabbath for which I am very grateful.  It's my 15th and last day of the cleanse.  I'm not sure why it was necessary for me to feel so terribly achy, with an upset stomach, on the last day but I guess it is.  Please cover me with your prayers, if you're so inclined, as I so despise feeling wretched on the Sabbath.

Church was wonderful, though.  We had a hymn sing complete with a vocal lesson for Hristiyan to begin to grasp singing in parts.  I was so pleased with my children, as they did the lesson, and it was fun to watch. 

Then we watched a Pastor Davis video on acceptance and rejection.  He shared about a teacher who touched her student's lives by having them all write something nice about each other.  She then compiled a sheet for each student with all of their classmate's kind remarks attached.  Years later she learned that this had been a turning point in their lives.

We decided to do it too and spent the next half hour blessing each other.  It's private, of course, but I was so encouraged with concepts like faithful; kind; concerned for others; brave to stand for truth no matter what; a good energy worker; and honest applied to me.  I put all the scraps of paper on a recipe card and dated it.  Then I put the card in my treasure chest to pull out on doubtful days.  I can highly recommend this for any families where there have been rejection issues in the past.  WOW--it sure felt good!  The Lord knew that I needed a picker upper today.

Robert and the older children just drove to Napoleon to pick up supplies for root bear floats and to try out Andrew's "New" car.  Not wishing to watch their enjoyment when they return, I am heading for the whirlpool but first I'm going to use my SusSplash.  I've been neglecting this part of my self-care, with all of the wonderful sunshine these days, but perhaps it'll help settle this upset stomach.  I'm not usually upset in the stomach unless something is upsetting me emotionally.  How little we understand ourselves.  Now why would I be upset when I just received all of these wonderful affirmations from my family and from Hristiyan?  Perhaps I don't think I deserve it??????????????????

As Maria said right before she entered the Captains house, "OH HELP!"

Blessed Sabbath rest,


PS.  I started looking through trip pictures but my stomach won't let me post right now.  Perhaps I'll get to it later today.


Kimberly said...

I hope you are feeling better today, dear friend.

Dawn Bornemann said...

Hi Kimberly,
I am feeling MUCH better today--PTL! That whirlpool is such a miracle worker for me as most of
my problems are from stress. I don't know a better de-stresser (other than BT) than a good long soak. My body wanted over a cup of sea salt yesterday which is a LOT even for me.
I just got a call with 2 new clients so I'm glad that I'm feeling better. In fact, I have noticed that when there is a dry spell in my business, it's because the Lord wants me to focus on my needs. He is soooo awesome!
Have a great week!

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...