Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More time

YAY!  Andrew just got a phone call from our district chair stating that the meeting is postponed due to the blizzard that's coming in.  They even closed the local school after lunch today.

  The meeting has been rescheduled for March 10th at 2:00 so we have more time.  THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS--THIS IS GOOD NEWS.  WHAT WONDERFUL PATRIOTS YOU ARE!!!!!



Pray for patriots

What is a Patriot?  Websters says, "A patriot is one who loves his or her country and supports it's authority and interests."

  I am wondering if the reason I had to look up the definition of the word, "Patriot" is because there is so little to support in the current authority figures who are running our country.  I know that there ARE good men runinng for office but the press isn't telling you about them because they happen to LIKE the state of affairs that our country is in.  DO YOU?

  Tonight our family is going to TRY to become delegates to the GOP convention at the end of March.  It seems interesting to me that the North Dakota GOP sent out an email to me yesterday telling me that Mitt Romney is going to be in Fargo sometime soon.  Why didn't they send me an email telling me that Dr. Ron Paul was going to be in Bismarck last week?  HMMMMMMMMMM

Please pray for us tonight.  The weatherman is threatening a blizzard but does HE make the weather?  I just spent time in prayer with the one who DOES control the weather and HE wants me to be a delegate for Ron Paul AND for Paul Sorum. 

  It was great talking to old friends yesterday who said that they'll be there tonight to vote for me and my family.  I got to thinking that God IS doing great things constantly.  Now, would I have called these old friends if it weren't for the crisis in our country?  God IS using the current state of affairs in the good old USA to unite old friends as we rise to the challange of saving our republic from all of it's enemies.  How cool is that?

  ARISE all patriots in District 28.  Will you conquer your fears and meet me in Wishek tonight?  If you're willing to join the battle, but need a ride, just drop me a note here and one of us Bornemanns will be over to pick you up.  Did you know that the Boston Tea Party was held for a tax which is next to nothing compaired to the taxes that WE pay?  How long will you remain silent and watch our country fall apart??????


Monday, February 27, 2012

In charge

"God has not gone on vacation and left you in charge."  This is the thought for today on my "Famous Christian quotes" section of my iGoogle home page.  How I wish that many of our government leaders would grasp this concept.  Who really IS in charge of this country and our world?  The Republicans?  The Democrats?  I should hope not.

I think it's the nature of the beast that government corrupts good men.  That's why Thomas Jefferson said, "We must bind them (government officials) down with the chains of the Constitution."  The chains to our elected officials ARE our freedoms.  If we're not constantly reminding them that we are well aware of our rights, then we are weak and they will, and have already, taken advantage of our ignorance. 

There is one man who is fighting hard for the rights of our people here in North Dakota.  I know that you're probably thinking I'm going to say, "It's Ron Paul," but I was referring to Mr. Paul Sorum this time.  Mr. Sorum has gone out of his way to help the people of North Dakota.  We're so ignorant that we don't even realize the ways that fellow North Dakotans are suffering in the Western part of our state.  One friend of mine bought a pistol because she doesn't feel safe anymore in their small town.

Please take a moment to read Mr. Sorum's pledge to North Dakota which I copied off of his website.  Also, if you're impressed with what you read, please make a donation to his campaign at his website:  sorumforgovernor.com  Like I just told Jacob right now, the young people are going to live in this country a whole lot longer than I am and it's his generation that needs to come on board and start making a difference.  Who's in charge of the world?  God is.  Who's in charge of our great republic--WE ALL ARE!!!!!!!!

For freedom,


Pledge to North Dakota – A Future That Works

In the face of unprecedented opportunity in North Dakota, the inefficient “business as usual” approach to governing must be reversed. I pledge to make the following reforms to ensure freedom and prosperity for a future that works:
Big Spending …Since 2001, State spending has increased 135%; personal income 26%. I will limit state spending increases to the corresponding rate of increase in personal income.
Debt … North Dakota’s debt and liabilities per capita is 4th highest in the Nation ($3,181 per citizen). In my administration, I will reduce the debt and liability per capita NOT increase it.
Tax Burden … North Dakota’s tax burden on business is higher than all states except Alaska. In my administration, this burden will be reduced making North Dakota competitive with other states.
Government Jobs … In North Dakota, 1 new government job (Federal, state or local) has been created for every 3 new citizens since 2000. As governor, I will streamline state government to be a role model of efficiency for all other the states.
Government Jobs … 1 in 5 jobs in North Dakota are government jobs, this is unsustainable. My administration will create an environment where challenging private sector jobs will be available to everyone.
Out Migration … Our young people continue to exit the state to find career opportunities unavailable here. My administration will focus on eliminating the barriers that keep business and industry from coming to North Dakota.
Water & Roads … There is currently no vision or plan for resolving statewide water and road issues. Using my experience in design and construction, I will work in collaboration with engineers and resolve both.
Low Wages … North Dakota has the third highest percent of people in the Nation working two jobs. I pledge to change that so people will only need to work two jobs if they want to do so.
Credit Rating … North Dakota’s AA+ credit rating is lower than 12 other states. I pledge to take the steps necessary to make North Dakota’s credit rating AAA+, the highest in the Nation.
Education K-12 … According to the North Dakota University System’s own study, only 1 in 4 high school graduates are adequately prepared to enter college. My administration will initiate the necessary steps to change this dismal outcome.
Higher Education … North Dakota’s higher education system is out of control — fewer than 22% of entering freshmen actually graduate in four years. My administration will shine a light on why this is happening and provide leadership to change it.
Infrastructure … In spite of rapid growth in North Dakota’s oil industry, leadership has failed to develop a detailed plan for infrastructure to facilitate long-term growth. My administration will immediately implement a strategic plan to finance and build necessary infrastructure in Western North Dakota.
As a candidate for Governor of North Dakota, I bring proven knowledge and experience in all aspects of our state’s needs. I invite you to embrace our vision to ensure that North Dakota’s best days are yet to come.
Paul Sorum, Candidate for Governor of North Dakota
Sorumforgovernor.comrealize that our rights ARE being trampled on!  Please go to

Saturday, February 25, 2012

It takes so little

Every morning I pray about what to share with the world here. Often, the reply is "Wait--nothing today." This morning I was drawn to this video that arrived in my inbox just now. All I can say, after watching it, is that I cried and prayed for God to use me to bless others like He used this man. It truly does take so little to make a BIG difference in the lives of others. Doesn't it?

  Happy Sabbath to all God's children. 

  God bless,


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kindness works

I'm sure that you know by now that it takes very little to make me happy.  I'm super happy right now, because all of the calves are loaded and at the sales barn in Napoleon for the sale tomorrow.  I'm also very sore from chasing cattle all day so I'm happy that I have my whirlpool to go to for comfort. 

Yesterday I found these words in the Punzeys Spices catalogue that Cora found last year.  It was such a wonderful concept that it, too, made me happy.  I hope that you cooks out there will be as blessed as I was by the following concept.  It's not really poetry but it sure does seem poetic.


Our years of selling spices have taught us that cooking is not a one size fits all world: far from it.  We've learned the wonder of cooking lies in the incredible diversity of the people who cook, and in the incredible variety of the foods they cook. 

Over the years we have come to understand for all of our differences, for the tremendous variety of what we cook, people who cook have something in common.  They care enough to make the lives of those around them better. 

The research shows that the kindness of cooks works.  People who share dinner together at the kitchen table go on to share a brighter future--a brighter future made possible by people with the kindness to build it one meal at a time. 

  It is this kindness we celebrate, this kindness we hope to spread, this kindness that makes all who cook ONE.  Through our pages we hope to share the greater family of human kindness that we've found all cooks belong to.  Come along and join us. 


HOW COOL IS THAT?  Hey, what's for supper?

Dawn--Chief cook and bottle washer

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Twisting truth

Have you ever noticed how people will twist the truth to suit their purposes?  Certainly nobody is shocked about this going on in politics.

Well, Dr. Ron Paul is as pro-life as he can get!  Because Dr.Paul sticks to the Constitution, which limits the size of the Federal government and gives States the rights to decide crucial issues for their State, some people have said that Dr. Paul is pro-abortion.  This is not true.  It simply means that he is not for the Federal government telling the States how to do ANYTHING--including passing legislation to stop abortion! 

I urge you to take one minute and listen to this video so that you can see how ridiculous it would be to draw the conclusion that Dr. Paul is pro-abortion.  Would someone who delivered thousands of babies, be pro-abortion?  NO.  PLEASE watch this video!



Last month my friend, Diane, loaned me her little book called, "Heaven is For Real."  Being I have so many things that I want to learn, books don't always get finished around here.  This one kept nagging at me, though, to "Pick me up and read me a little."  Yesterday I finally finished it and Diane was right, "WHAT A BOOK!" 

Heaven IS for real, folks!  I'm sure that most of my readers don't doubt that but still, I want to share here, that you will be 100% convinced after spending several hours with your nose in this little powerhouse.  Most fascinating is the story about how Jesus looks. 

The 3 year old, Colton, who saw Jesus during a surgery when his appendix burst, rejected all pictures of Jesus until he saw THIS one.  There is another child who has seen Jesus and she paints like nobody!  Her name is Akiane Kramarik and you can see her artwork here: http://akiane.com/home

I am serious folks, you will be amazed at the artwork by Akiane.  Mostly, I was drawn to the picture of Jesus that Colton confirmed, "This one's right."  The Bible clearly teaches that we must be like children and come to Him in faith without doubting.  Here are 2 children who claim to have seen Jesus--even sat on His lap.  I believe them.  Both of them spoke about Jesus as having eyes overflowing with love.  Why aren't I surprised.  ;)

Here's to a childlike faith!



Saturday, February 18, 2012

Need Patriots

Happy Sabbath everyone,

  What can I say?  The more that I get to know about Ron Paul, the more that I love him.  Yes, I actually love this man who has stood in the gap for freedom for so long.  Do I love him because he promises me "Free" government money?  NO, I love him because he does what is right no matter what ANYBODY says against him.  Can "Your guy" say this? 

You may not realize it, but this month is a very critical month for our nation.  As the district conventions are being held all around the state, people will either vote for the same old-same old, or for Ron Paul who definitely will change things for the better if he is our next President. 

I just found a site that has some pretty awesome songs about this unsung hero.  Being the press is so anti-Christ, WE THE PEOPLE must help to get the word out that we have a real live hero running for the President of the United States of America.  PLEASE take a moment to listen to this song and see if you can hear the love pouring forth from the singer.

Please pray for the campaign, if that's all that you can do.  However, if you have time to make a few phone calls to help us find the Ron Paul supporters in your area, that would be so awesome!  If so, let us know and Andrew will get you started calling as he is the head of the campaign for our district.

To freedom!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So suddenly

Life can change so suddenly.  LIFE CAN END SO SUDDENLY! 

Cora left for the day care center early this morning but she wrote this note quickly before she left.  I'm passing along her prayer request as I'm certain this family would appreciate world wide prayers on their behalf.

Cora wrote:  Please pray for the Litfin family today!  Some of their children were in an accident yesterday--and one, Amy, is DEAD! Four are in the hospital now. Camille (who is my favorite Litfin) was in the hospital but is now released. It's only about 2 weeks until the wedding.  Cora

Pray also for the David and Suzanna D family whose baby died recently.  Now they are facing neglect charges which could send them to jail.  As if loosing their baby isn't enough agony! 

Let's join together to uphold these 2 home schooling families in prayer.  God always has His reasons and we must praise Him for the lives that He has given to us to enjoy instead of cursing Him for taking those home when it's their time.   NOW I am thankful that my 17 children live victoriously with Him, but it was terrible losing them at the time.

Q.   Why is it so much easier to curse God when we suffer losses once in a while instead of constantly praising Him for His blessings all around us constantly?

A.  Because we're heaped to the brim with sin.

OH GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON ME, A SINNER!  Please help these hurting ones to feel your loving arms around them today!

Dawn for the hurting

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sabbath treats

Oh, how I love the Sabbath day!  Whether it's a quiet day at home with just the 5 of us, like this photo taken last Sabbath of Cora and her papa depicts,

 OR a whole house-full of people to celebrate with--it is just such an awesome day.    Yesterday we had two wonderful families here although I regret that I forgot to take pictures after lunch.

 This is the S. family from Jamestown who joined us for lunch.  We had shepherd's pie; fruit salad with organic pineapples, apples, and oranges; and apple crisp with whipped cream or ice cream (compliments of Andrew).  Those little people were hungry as we emptied that whole broiler pan full of shepherd's pie.  Please pray for the Lord to bless and protect these special people as they lead us in the up-stream battle of bringing the knowledge of our awesome Constitution back to the people here in North Dakota!
 I truly do love to have a party and it thrills me when the house is full and noisy.  My neighbor, Tamera, remembers when I was so ill that I couldn't stand the noise that her little people made.  I rejoice that I'm so much better now that all of those little people truly were a joy.  Thanks for coming--both of you families!!  Here's the proof that we had lots of little feet around here yesterday.
Chris Stevens is the Field Coordinator for the John Birch Society.  This means that he is OUR field coordinator as we very happily can say that we recently joined this fine organization.  You can learn about the fine work this group does for our country by going to jbs.org.

Just as the Stevens family was leaving, Chris handed me a DVD of the Freedom Project.  He had shared how the John Birch Society is getting into education.  Their main goal in doing so is to teach the next generation the basics of our freedoms outlined in the US Constitution. It is so essential that we all understand our freedoms AND teach them to our children for us to remain a free nation.

 Anyway, Cora and I spent an hour this morning listening to the DVD.  It was very inspiring and educational.  Here is the link to the free information online for your teaching times with your children or grandchildren: http://www.freedomproject.com/latest/videos.  The free videos and articles are under the media tab at the top of the page.

Now, here's something else that is awesome.  There is also a curriculum option with this same theme of preserving our freedoms for VERY reasonable prices which you can learn about here: http://fpeusa.org/  This is for K-12 so I am seriously pondering having Jacob take some of these courses--maybe this year yet.

I've often said that the hardest part about home schooling is knowing which curriculum to use.  This has especially been true in the area of Math with Professor B being my hero for Cora and Andrew but not so with Jacob.  He certainly doesn't mind spending time in front of the computer and, from what I've seen so far, the method of teaching with frequent quizzes is just what he needs.  HMMMMM

Well, I need to get to work but I just wanted to say, "Hi" and share what's new with us.  We're still making calls for Ron Paul in our free moments as the month of February ticks away and our district convention approaches rapidly.  Please keep us in your prayers.


PS. Are you making your plans to attend the Home School Convention at the end of March in Jamestown?  We just secured our lodging with the awesome Stevens family--so that is encouraging.  The convention has always been the fellowship highlight of the year for our family as we look forward to seeing many others who love their children so much that they won't let them out of their sight.  With increasing violence in our State, perhaps it's time for YOU to ponder home schooling if you don't already.  Just a friendly nudge.  ;)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Protein type

I hope that you don't get tired of me talking about getting rid of this excess weight!  If you do, I guess you can stop coming here.  ;)   I am determined to get rid of it, though,  so I keep praying for the missing puzzle pieces.

 I realize that weight issues are probably the most complex issues on the planet.  I can recall vividly what my mom said when I told her that I was leaving Eureka and that I was also taking Cora with me.  She stuck out her lower lip and said, "I suppose this means that all of the bread that I made for you, when you were growing up, means absolutely nothing to you."

  Do you get it?  Neither do I.  The message that does come through clearly to me here is that food plays a role in EVERY event in our lives--literally every aspect of our lives!!!!!  So I keep searching for a program that will help me conquer myself and I think that I found it over the weekend.  Here's the link to the website if you don't want to wait until I'm finished writing to read about it: http://www.thedietsolutionprogram.com/burnfatjw.aspx?hop=m231g&av=3&es=120&ms=1&m=ad&r=aff

For $47 I got the basic program that Isabel, who is a certified nutritionist, is selling.  It's quite a tough decision to know where to stop buying, once you're in the site, but I thought that I'd keep it simple as I don't have tons of time to read or listen to her awesome videos.

Anyway, Isabel has a metabolic test which convinced me, beyond a shodow of a doubt, that I am a strong protein type.  I was pretty sure about this before but now I know it.  The following information in her downloads was very encouraging to me.  Now, not only do I know that I AM a protein type, I also know what to do about it!!!

The thing that was most shocking to me, as I read through this, is that all of the fasting and cleansing and depriving myself of food IS what has made me fat.  Read on if you can relate to how "Watching your weight," has nearly driven you mad and certainly stolen much of your joy in life.  If you find yourself highlighted in this description, then do yourself a favor and spend some time listening to Isabel like I did over the weekend.

Isabel also shares what a carb type or a mixed type needs to do to regain their figure too--check it out at her website.  Here's to a new slender us! 


Protein Types

Protein Types typically crave rich, fatty foods such as pizza, sausages, and salty roasted nuts. If you are a Protein Type, chances are that you love food. You may not feel satiated after a snack and may often feel hungry, even after eating a large meal. When you have eaten too many carbohydrates, you tend to crave sugar. And once you start eating sugary food, you want more and more and may find it difficult to stop. Sugar often causes you to feel jittery and will quickly make your energy levels drop.
Protein Types may have tried to lose weight by using extreme calorie-cutting methods, only to be unsuccessful—and feel miserable in the process. Protein Types cannot successfully lose weight by drastically decreasing calorie intake.

When Protein Types eat the wrong kind of food, they may notice energy problems—extreme fatigue or a wired “on edge” feeling. Eating often makes them feel better when they feel anxious, nervous, or shaky, but then they feel worse soon afterwards. These cycles of energy ups and downs are a definite sign of a mismatch between metabolism type and food consumption.

What Does a Protein Type Need?

Protein Types need a diet high in proteins and fats and low in carbohydrates. But think balance—not the Atkins Diet! Protein Types can eat various carbohydrates in the form of some grains, fruits, and vegetables, as long as they are adequately balanced with proteins and fats.

Because Protein Types metabolize food more quickly than other metabolism types (which is why they feel hungry all the time), heavier protein choices such as whole eggs, dark-meat poultry, beef, and dairy are essential for ideal meal planning. These foods have long been considered “unhealthy” because of their high fat content, but as you will learn in the Chapter on Fats, saturated fat is not the cause of disease; refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and hydrogenated oils are. Protein Types who do not eat heavy proteins with a high fat content will be hungry all day and struggle with their weight. Even worse, they will almost always feel fatigued and anxious.

“Must Dos” for Protein Types"

• Eat protein at every meal and with every snack. Eating only carbohydrates at a meal causes your blood sugar to spike and then drop quickly, which will leave a Protein Type feeling hungry, fatigued, and anxious as well as cause cravings for more carbohydrates shortly afterward. Eating protein—especially animal protein—at every meal and for snacks will help to control your blood sugar levels and leave you feeling satiated and steady throughout the day. Again, remember to listen to your body; pay attention to which meals and snacks leave you hungry or craving more.
Eat small meals frequently or healthy snacks between meals. Protein Types need to eat often; otherwise they’ll suffer from extremely low blood sugar levels. Going too long between meals (or snacks) also will create ravenous hunger, which in turn will cause overeating at the next meal—only to lead to lethargy and an uncomfortable feeling afterward.

• Avoid refined carbohydrates. Foods such as bread, crackers, and pastas—especially those made from wheat—can be extremely disruptive for Protein Types. Wheat breaks down into sugar faster than any other grain and causes the rapid release of large quantities of insulin. That is why sprouted whole grain bread products are the only allowable sources of bread on the Beyond Diet Program. These products are described in the Chapter on Grains.

• Avoid most fruits and fruit juices. Fruits are a wonderful, healthy food, but Protein Types need to be extra careful with their fruit selections. Some fruits are quickly converted to sugar in the bloodstream and cause extreme blood sugar fluctuations. The best fruit choices for Protein Types are apples and avo cadoes (high in fiber and low in sugar). Some people may be able to eat more of these fruits than others.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Drinking beer

Yesterday afternoon, just as I woke from my nap, a thought went through my head.  "I have got to do something about this feminism that is destroying our country."  Just as quickly, a poem started taking shape in my mind.  Now mind you, I am the kind of perfectionist who likes my poetry to have regular meter and rhyme.  This means that, if I do decide to write some poetry, it's got to be PERFECT.  Certainly I would go over it dozens of times before I would ever share it--even with my family.

  All in all, then, this little ditty that came to me in a couple of minutes would not have passed my inspection even a few years ago.  When I shared it with Cora, though, she liked it and suggested that I share it with the world on Super Bowel Sunday.  After all, SHE did a tribute to this special day on her blog.  Did you see it?

 You know what, I'm getting so healthy that it doesn't even matter if anyone else in the whole world likes my poetry--I LIKE THIS ONE!!!  I hope that it will be an encouragement to those of you Christian ladies out there who truly DO want to honor your husband as the head of your family--even though you were never taught how nor know where to begin.  That is my intention.


by Dawn Bornemann

In young and old
The story's told
O're and o're again.

In female breasts
Who once passed tests
Of loyalty to men.

Now all we find
In feminine minds
Much to her disgrace.

"I'll prove to him--
It's not a whim--
I can run this place!"

So they pick and nag
Like some old hag
And drive their men away.

To me it's clear
Why men drink beer
Let's stop this thing today!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

We choose

This was on my screen when I walked through the dining room just now.  I must admit that I was a little miffed at the title.  Then I read the comments below and I realized that someone was using a reverse tactic to get folks to actually take 6 minutes of their life to get to know the man who could be their next President--IF we all work together that is. 

How many of you were required to read George Orwell's 1987 at some point in your education?  It was during my Senior year of High School in Eureka, SD that I was required to read it.  If you have read it, I am certain that you have never been able to shake the affects of it from your life.

When I gave up being a Futurist, for the peace of Preterism, I got rid of a LOT of stress!  However, watching what our government is doing IS enough stress to put me back on my deathbed if I didn't have the tools that I have now.  Is it possible that people don't have a clue that we are heading towards the nightmare world of 1987?  I'm thankful that we've gone 25 years beyond that date, but nowadays we can hear of folks being arrested for things that they were doing which was a protected right under our Constitution.  We can hear these things, if we don't close our minds to them, AND we know what we're looking for.

PLEASE, FOLKS, LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO!  Pay attention to how it makes you feel.  Are you empowered or weakened by the things that you hear?  Then listen to our present President and ask yourself the same thing.  If you want to remain free, then you have got to help us get this man elected to the position of President of the United States.  As Dr. Paul spoke and voted for our freedoms 100% of the time during his 12 years in Congress, I am confident that he will continue to do so as our next President.  I heard him speak in Fargo in November and he sounded just like he sounded here!

Together we CAN protect our freedoms and give our children a world like the one that we have enjoyed.  TOGETHER WE CAN!  We have got to get involved in the battle to preserve our great country.  WHO ELSE WILL?  If you're still not motivated to get involved, perhaps you need to read 1987.  I'd be happy to loan you my copy if you can't find one anywhere else.  I wonder if it's still available?

Anyway, I just checked out the source of the video and found it to be freedom4um.  I went there and liked what I saw during my short visit.  If you are interested in learning more about how our freedoms are being taken from us bit by bit, here is the link to their home page: http://freedom4um.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi  Perhaps you prefer to keep your head buried in the sand of denial instead and wake up someday to living under tyranny?  NOT ME--I learned in my childhood home that to keep quiet only strengthens a tyrant.  DOWN WITH TYRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!  God didn't create us to live under tyrants--HE CREATED US TO BE FREE--FREE TO SERVE HIM WITH OUR WHOLE BEINGS!

Freedom isn't free--the price for freedom is eternal searching out and opposing of tyranny!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Frannie's prophecy

Do you know what I just realized?  Frannie's prophecy DID come true!  Or rather, it started coming true yesterday in my office.  Let me explain.
  On New Year's Eve 2006, which was the year that my illness began, we were invited over to our neighbor's home to bring in the new year with fellow believers.  At one point, Frannie (now deceased) revealed to me that she had just heard an evangalist speak at a church in Bismarck.  She shared that he had shared with those present that God had revealed to him that He was beginning a new healing work on the planet. 
  This man of God had been inspired to say, "Within 5 years, many people from all over the country will start coming to North Dakota and the people of God will have a great opportunity to wittness to them and to begin healing them."
   I remember getting excited at these words as I could sense their significance.  Frannie sat quietly for a few moments and then looked at me wide-eyed and said,  "God just said to tell you that you and I will be a part of it."  How I got tingles then.  Frannie and I gazed at each other, both sensing the presence of God near to us and we prayed together then that the Lord would use us to accomplish His purposes for the lost and hurting world all around us.
  During my long illness, I thought of that special hour many times.  I'd use Frannie's prophecy to pull me through the days that I just wanted to lay down and die.  I'd remind myself, "God told Frannie that we'd be a part of helping to heal not only North Dakota but those who came to it."  This thought would help me to keep fighting for my life and later, to keep doing the BodyTalk sessions which eventually healed me.
When Frannie died less than a year later, I thought of that moment.  I was sad that she didn't get to be a part of the healing work that God had told her about--a work which was to begin 5 years later.  Later, as I used her prophecy to pull me through the dark days of shingles on my brain, I realized that God HAD indeed included her in the work.  Like He revealed things to the prophets in the Bible, who never got to see them fullfilled on Earth, so had He used Frannie to tell me of things to come.
Everyone knows that many people have come to North Dakota in the past few years as a result of the oil boom in the Western part of our huge state.  Many people are aware of the difficulties to the small communities from such a large influx of folks.  Many families are split up as the men come for work and leave their families behind.  Many folks are finding that easy money has it's price tag too.
Indeed, the church DOES have a huge opportunitiy to help in the difficulties which have developed as a result.  I'm including the video which I received this morning to make my point.  While some folks look at the joys of an increased state treasury, the reality is that all of this has damaged the small towns that once were quiet, peaceful abodes. 

Now, about my part of the prophecy come true.  While I haven't worked with anyone involved in the booming oil industry, I have become involved in the Ron Paul campaign because I can't imagine a better President than Dr. Paul who is a staunch Constitutionalist. 
Anyway, politics draws people to an area too so yesterday I was priviliaged to work with 2 people from Virginia.  Now, who would have thought 5 years ago, as I sat with Frannie on her farm near Kintyre, that in 5 years time I would be able to help improve the health of people from Virginia?  or Minnesota? or Georgia? or Nebraska? or Arizona? or perhaps YOUR state?
GOD KNOWS THE FUTURE AND HE DOES REVEAL IT AT TIMES TO HIS PEOPLE!!!  If you doubt this, then dig out your Bible and start reading.  He keeps His word and you can bank on that!
To the work,

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...