Saturday, March 10, 2012

Why I'm running to be a delegate

Hi everyone,
  Happy Sabbath to all of you Sabbath keepers out there!  This Sabbath certainly will be quite different than most of them which we quietly spend at home.  Today I'm going to try to get elected as a delegate to the State GOP convention held in Bismarck at the end of this month.

  Why would I try to get involved in politics when I am so very busy with my BodyTalk practise plus everything else that I'm doing?  That's a good question and one that must have a better answer than, "I'm doing it to support Andrew's efforts."

  Last night a friend sent me this email and then I had fuel enough to support this decision.  I keep remembering, in that angel show about a decade ago when Monica said, "Evil prospers when good men do NOTHING!"  In this email there was enough information to take me out of my, "Let somebody else do it," mode and get it confirmed in my mind that, yes indeed, God DOES want me to run for this position along with the rest of my family.

Is there evil right here in North Dakota?  Oh yes, my friends, it's time that we woke up and recognized that the establishment IS doing evil right under our noses.  Please folks, please, pray for and financially support Paul Sorum who will run a different kind of ship than the the one that we're sailing in now.

I covet your prayers for myself and my family today.  Further, I urge everyone who is waiting for "Things to get better," to get out there and DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE PROBLEMS!  Here's the email.

The Dickinson Press just announced that over half a million dollars - $600,000 - was just handed out to three businesses. WHY??   The Enchanted Castle group admitted that "A bank wasn't going to loan us the money to do the castle in Regent.." And that is because? It won't prosper! So our government hands them the money?? OUR money!

The Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation doesn't even know what they need the money for! $30,000 was just thrown their way.  And KMM, one of the most successful businesses in our state for decades, received $300,000? What for?

I would like to see which people are on the Boards of these organizations, and on the receiving end of these funds, and who of them 'donated' to the incumbents' campaigns. Can someone cross reference that? Check out both Dalrymple and Goettle's donation lists.

Folks, how would YOU like over half a million dollars for YOUR business? Your 'failing' business! How about to pay some bills this month? Purchase something you NEED? It's YOUR MONEY they are throwing away.

THESE are SPECIAL INTEREST groups - that are being funded because of YOUR PROPERTY TAXES. And this is only THREE of them in one small little area on the western side of the state. How many more are there throughout the entire state?

WITHOUT PROPERTY TAXES, these funds would go to LEGITIMATE items that your property taxes currently have to pay for.

NO TAXES are needed to REPLACE Property taxes. The money is THERE. It's being thrown away!

YOU should be able to KEEP YOUR MONEY AND YOUR HOME, and not allow these wasteful special interest fundings that should not happen in the first place. Eliminating Property taxes will force the government to spend the money where it BELONGS. 

Some other questions we need to ask:

1. "Wasn't government established to PROTECT our rights, not to take them away?
The government should be protecting my right to own my own home and property - not confiscating it.

2.. Why are all the opposing coalitions government based, funded, or organized?
Because the ones opposing it are the ones who SPEND it.

3. Why are citizens being oppressed with the continual imprinting that they can't function without the government taking their money and telling them how to live?

4. As I understand M2, for the first time, we will have complete control over how the money is spent. Why is the government fighting so vehemently to stop that?

5. By eliminating property taxes, the government will be forced to stop funding special interest groups and organizations that they have no right to fund in the first place. We will force them to use legitimate taxes for legitimate purposes.

6. Telling citizens they will lose their schools is a scare tactic that holds no validity. I understand that 82% of school funding comes from the GENERAL fund, not property taxes.

7. I listened to one of the heads of Keep It Local coalition tell us how terrible it is to not pay property taxes... but when a man in the crowd pointed out that that VERY man telling us this, does NOT PAY property taxes HIMSELF.. and asked the speaker why that is... the speaker refused to answer the man. Why are the people TELLING US how BAD it is to not pay p-taxes, the very people who DO NOT PAY PROPERTY TAXES THEMSELVES?

8. We're told that it is such a disgrace to let out-of-stater property owners not pay property tax... yet the very same government people telling us that, are OFFERING to out of state businesses that very thing - that they can come here and not pay property tax!
What kind of lies are they telling to citizens! If anyone should not pay property taxes, it is those of us who live here, own property, and pay ALL kinds of taxes in our OWN state.... yet our own government tells out of state businesses they DON'T HAVE TO PAY PROPERTY TAXES! Then they tell us what a BAD DEAL it would be if WE don't pay them, because out-of-state property owners would get that tax break???


Can there truly be any rest for the good people of North Dakota while this kind of rubbish is taking place under our noses?

Here's to pondering,


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