Sunday, May 14, 2017

A mother's thoughts

 If you've come here for very long, you know how very much I love my children Cora, Andrew, and Jacob! 

You know that they are the ones who I kept living for in '06 when I was dying from a mysterious disease. 

You know that they are the ones I gave 22 years of my life for to assist them in their educational process. 

You know the joys I felt on their wedding days and the hopes that I hold in my heart for another wedding day in the future.

You know the excitement I feel for this September when there will be new family members that join us on this Earth. 

You know of my grief that never stops, only ebbs and flows like the tides, for those children that I have sent ahead of me to Heaven. 

I know that they are happy!  I know that they are loved but I also know that they are missed even now.  When I think of my future with them in Heaven, I am comforted.  When I think of my life here without them, though, I think of all the things that I missed out on.

 I wondered if I could find a poem that would express this for me.  When I found this one, I thought of my living children immediately.  Then I thought of those who have passed.  I thought of all that was taken from me and I weep now today, on Mother's Day, for my empty arms and my lonely heart that they never filled!! 

My heart grieves today most of all for the times that I never had with them!  The birthdays we never got to celebrate.  The books I never got to read to them with them snuggling close to me on the couch.  The graduations that never happened................. the weddings that never took place............... the grandbabies that were never born.........................

Oh my aching heart, will you never stop grieving their loss?

NO--not until Heaven is my home!

So, to those of you in the midst of all that parenting means, please know that this time is a GIFT to you from God!!!!  PLEASE cherish every minute with your little ones; not-so-little ones; and your adult children!!  They ARE God's gift to us!!


Being Your Mother

Being your Mother
means that I have had the opportunity
to experience loving someone
more than I love myself.
I have learned what it's like
to experience joy and pain
through someone else's life.

It has brought me pride and joy;
your accomplishments touch me
and thrill me like no one else's can.

It has brought me
a few tears and heartaches at times,
but it has taught me hope and patience.
It has shown me the depth,
strength, and power of love.

Being your mother
hasn't always been easy,
and I'm sure
I've said or done things that have hurt or confused you.
But no one has ever made me as satisfied
as you do just by being happy.
No one has made me as proud as you do just by living up to your responsibilities.

No one's smile
has ever warmed my heart
like yours does;
no one's laughter
fills my heart with delight
as quickly as yours can.

No one's hugs feel as sweet,
and no one's dreams
mean as much to me as yours do.

No other memories of bad times have miraculously
turned into important lessons or humorous stories;
the good times have become precious treasures
to relive again and again.

You are a part of me,
and no matter what happened in the past
or what the future holds,
you are someone
I will always accept,
forgive, appreciate, adore,
and love unconditionally.

Being your mother
means that I've been given
one of life's greatest gifts: you.
Author: Barbara Cage

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