Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Appleseed instructors

Over the past 9 years, I have been privileged to attend many Appleseed shoots!  Each one was an incredible experience!! Each one made me a better person IE less wimpy; more determined; more vocal concerning my rights; more supported by the incredible people who attend and who lead; PLUS I'm a better shot!!

We have had some stupendous shoot bosses namely Alex from Iowa; Kyle from Minnesota; Chris from North Dakota; Steve from Texas; Alex from Minnesota; Jonathan from North Dakota; Tom from Pennsylvania; Dr Rich from Illinois; and now our very own, Andrew Bornemann from North Dakota!!  YAY TO YOU ALL!!!  Also a shout out to Paul, our newest Instructor in training, and to all of the shooters who have filled our firing lines over the years.  You're all WINNERS!!!!!

Lest you think that it is an easy task to become an Instructor with the Appleseed program, I am enclosing these details from their website.  As you read through this, you will come to see the tremendous responsibility that lies on the shoulders of a shoot boss. 

Many people with many firearms must be watched constantly.  Safety is the number 1 concern!  It's that simple.

There's much to be taught and much to learn and it's exciting beyond measure to be a part of a firing line for freedom.  As I think of the attacks that we're having in our world these days, knowing how to shoot a firearm, and how to shoot it well becomes even more significant!

Here's the requirements for all who enter as a leader with the Appleseed program.  There's no pay except the joy of seeing the light of freedom burning brightly in the shooters.  In fact, many of those I've mentioned above, traveled at their own expense to keep the program growing and well.  THESE ARE TRUE HEROES TO ME!!!

If you want to meet someone who loves freedom; who cares about keeping people safe; who conquers their own fears to become a leader; I urge you to attend an Appleseed near you this Summer!


I can hardly wait and I'm hoping to inspire YOU to attend a shoot this Summer!


The Project Appleseed™ Instructor

Part teacher. Part storyteller.

Becoming a Project Appleseed instructor isn’t easy, but it does offer its own unique set of rewards. After all, shooting instruction is only part of the job. The other part is being able to reconnect students with the people and events that helped shape our country, along with the ideals we all hope to preserve from that time.
To become instructor eligible for Project Appleseed, a shooter must attend at least two Appleseeds and achieve a score of 210 or better on the Appleseed Qualification Test (AQT) while shooting from multiple positions. If it’s determined that a potential candidate has the skills and temperament to become an Appleseed instructor, he or she may receive the “orange hat” of an Instructor-in-Training. Then the fun really begins.
Project Appleseed is only as good as its instructors. For that reason, it takes a lot for an individual to earn the coveted instructor’s “Red Hat.” As everyone who attends an Appleseed event quickly learns, the training and hands-on experience of Appleseed instructors result in an experience and level of excellence that’s hard to find anywhere else!

Instructor Boot Camp

An Instructor Boot Camp (IBC) concentrates on teaching instructors and potential instructors how to teach at an Appleseed. The emphasis is on how to teach — not how to shoot. Each student at an IBC should already know the fundamentals of how to shoot. If you’re interested in a fast track to instructor status, think about attending one of our upcoming IBCs.

Instructor Training Requirements for Project Appleseed

  • Pass a series of five written, oral and hands-on tests.
  • Mastery of RWVA Instructor Manual and other training materials.
  • Understudy other instructors at a minimum of five Appleseeds.
  • Perform selected teaching duties under the supervision of a full instructor including telling the three-part history of the events of April 19, 1775.
  • Mastery of Appleseed’s safety protocols including running a safe line.
  • Demonstrating an exact knowledge of Appleseed’s instructional method, including the proper positions, steady hold factors, natural point of aim, rifleman’s cadence, and the six steps of firing a shot.

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