Sunday, May 21, 2017

Appleseed Shoot for Patriots

In today’s world of 24-hour news cycles, changing technologies, and push-button gratification, it’s a challenge to stay connected to the values that our great country was built on. Ideals like integrity, commitment, and personal responsibility are what our founding fathers relied on to win our independence and to then make America a great nation. At Project Appleseed™, we’re dedicated to keeping these timeless values alive. We promote civic responsibility through the teaching of colonial history and the American tradition of rifle marksmanship. Even after all of these years, there is much to be learned from our forefathers’ examples of perseverance, commitment, and civic virtue. With a full calendar of shooting clinics and events, Project Appleseed is here to make sure these timeless principles live on for generations to come.

Skilled Marksmanship: An American Tradition

You can’t write the story of America without including several chapters about the skill and bravery of our forefathers. On April 19, 1775, at Lexington and Concord, American colonists stood with muskets in hand and faced down the British forces that were trying to seize their arms. The colonists did it with grit, determination, and superior marksmanship. They were real marksmen: nobly and ably putting their skills on the line in pursuit of liberty.
We are the descendants of those fearless men and women who earned our freedom on the battlefield. We honor their pursuit of liberty by passing along the skills and knowledge that aided them in securing it. Today’s Rifleman understands that owning and mastering a rifle is part of his/her American heritage. Whether you’re a new shooter or a seasoned marksman, Project Appleseed can help transform you from a person with a rifle into a principled and skilled Rifleman.

OK OK so I copied this from the Appleseed website.  Why not?  Why try to reinvent the wheel?  So what I"m saying is this: IT'S APPLESEED TIME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you live near us, join us here on June 16th and 17th for 2 great days of community building shooting together.  I dare you to join us on the firing line! 

If you're not anywhere near us, then look for a shoot near you.  Bring a friend with you and improve your shooting together.  If you don't have any shooting friends, we'll be your friend.  All you need is a desire to improve your shooting; to become a better citizen; and to make new friends who love our country as much as you do!

See YOU on the firing line in June!!


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