Friday, August 31, 2018

Cheering myself up

I lost a grandbaby this week due to a miscarriage.  Please cover our family in your prayers!
As I prepare to do some energy healing for the grieving mother, I knew that I needed to get my mood lighter in order to help her through this.  So, as I ate my lunch, I searched through the funny goat videos and chose this one.
We raised goats for 17 years and they are amazingly brilliant animals.  They're some of my favorites that's for sure. 
I'm so glad that my daughter and son-in-law bought a few goats and I milk them and watch them play.  For those of you not so fortunate as to have goats living across the road from you, I hope that you will enjoy this collection of goats making their owners laugh.
Happy Sabbath too,


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

You too?

I have a confession to make. I'm a procrastinator. In fact, sometimes I blog in order to procrastinate doing something that I don't want to do--like make supper or fold whites or shampoo the carpets!

WOW--I feel better that my secret is out! I even have a picture of a dandelion ready to spread it's seeds on my frig. It says, "Procrastination is the thief of dreams." Did you notice that I'm writing a blog post?

So this seemed interesting to me and I think it's GREAT! If you put things off until they're large and ominous, much larger and ominous than they were in the beginning, then I urge you to watch this video--sometime soon!


Monday, August 27, 2018

Got a shamrock?

This is going to be a silly post. I have so much to say about my expanding grandmotherhood and Elsie's first birthday and harvest and an Appleseed shoot at our farm. Why in the world would God want me to share this video with the world??  Who knows but here goes.  First a little bit of background.
My mother-in-law was here with us over the weekend and this morning she helped me with my plants.  I kind of know what to do with plants but most of the time I don't have the time for them.  That's why they've been looking so shabby here lately.
We started by giving the monster in the corner of the family room a major haircut and now it looks like this!  Then we moved to my living room plants and spent quite a bit of time cleaning out the dead or ugly limbs.  When we got to the shamrock that my grandmother had 45 years ago, I asked my mother-in-law's opinion on how to transplant it.  She didn't have a clue but suggested that I ask Mrs. Google-- so I did.

Marly and I were both amazed at what we learned.  Later Marie and Timothy came for water and she's been wondering how to transplant her shamrock too.  We watched the video together and were so pleased to see how easy it is to start a new shamrock. 

So, if there is anyone in the world with an almost dead looking shamrock plant, then this video is for you!  If not, pass it on to someone else.



PS  Just skip to 16 seconds. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Short and sweet

Hello everyone,
We're super busy with harvest yet so this will be short and sweet. 
If any of you have been reading about Robert Henderson's books or Lynn Hardy's books about the Courts of Heaven, you will want to join Lynn for morning prayers.  Lynn is a pastor filled with the Holy Spirit and has made many trips to Heaven's Court. 
I urge you all to go to the "Courts of Heaven" Facebook page and sign up for Morning Prayers with Lynn.  She is such a blessing.
Further, I urge you all to read about going to the courts of Heaven (Robert Henderson's book OPERATING IN THE COURTS OF HEAVEN) is where I started.  Then sign up with Lynn for court visits with her and seers on her staff. 
My prayer partner, Paula, and I have been going to court individually and together for months and have seen MANY positive changes in our lives and in our families.  Please prayerfully consider doing the same. 
PS  I haven't watched this video yet so I'm sharing for my edification as well as yours.  However, if something is different from his earlier teachings, I will remove it. 

Friday, August 17, 2018

I'm rambling again????

Dear friends,

Things are REALLY crazy here right now so I might not be writing for awhile.  It's harvest time on the farm and the wheat yield is amazing. Robert told me last night that he's never grown such a great wheat crop!!  The combination of the seed variety he chose plus early moisture plus God's anointing power have produced an abundant harvest of wheat!!!
Although we're truly grateful for the harvest, the price they give the farmers for the stuff is so low that farmers are going out of business left and right OR committing suicide.  One of Andrew's grain cleaning customers, a man of vast riches, couldn't get his financing this Spring so he killed himself. 
That's certainly not the best solution, and perhaps no solution at all, but I've been there where the emotional pain is so great that one can't see any relief in sight.  Just yesterday, during my massage with Lucy, I remembered graphic details of the incest that I'd stuffed for over 50 years.  No wonder I've struggled with, and have had to push away, suicidal thoughts all my life!
ANYWAY, it's harvest time plus we're hosting an Appleseed shoot plus Michael's dad has been very ill and in the hospital so Michael is over in MN helping his mom with the harvest over there.  Then there are baby's first birthdays coming up and garden produce coming out of our ears--not to mention clients who need my help to cope with all of their stress!
Well, all my yapping doesn't get the work done so I'll close.  I just want you all to know that I love you and hope to be back here soon sharing my rambling thoughts with anyone bored enough to read them.  lol
In the meantime, I leave you with a whole bunch of hymns to fill your homes with Heaven's music.  When I get overwhelmed, I listen to Heaven's musicians praising God and my heart begins to sing again!  May it be so for all of you as well.
Lots of love,


Monday, August 13, 2018

Want a fantastic experience?

It's Summertime and that means APPLESEED time.  I'd like to urge all of you freedom lovers to work on improving your shooting.  We've had lots of people come to our range and shoot Rifleman level and come back the next year and they're not even close. That's because shooting well, like anything else, takes practice.
If you are interested in learning more about the Appleseed program, check out their website:  Click on your state and find when and where Appleseed shoots will be held near you.
As you ponder investing this much time into your shooting skills, here is a good page to check out from the website.
All I can say is that we've been hosting shoots here at our farm for 9 years.  Each one has been exciting and informative.  You also make powerful friendships when you're shooting on the firing line for 2 days with other lovers of freedom.  It is exilerating when the line boss yells, "FIRE" and all the way up and down the line shots ring out!!
You haven't really lived until you've experienced an Appleseed shoot.  I'm not exaggerating either.  You WILL be a better person, not just a better shot, for attending an Appleseed.  It comes from learning how much others gave for our freedom.  It comes from learning what great shots they were back then.  It comes from hearing how they all pulled together against tyranny.  It's an American tradition!!!
I urge you to get off the couch and get down to the range this weekend!!!  Better yet, attend an Appleseed.  You'll be glad you did.
PS  Here's a photo from one of our recent shoots.  Below is a quote from the Appleseed website to inspire you to attend an Appleseed shoot near you.

Skilled Marksmanship: An American Tradition

You can’t write the story of America without including several chapters about the skill and bravery of our forefathers. On April 19, 1775, at Lexington and Concord, American colonists stood with muskets in hand and faced down the British forces that were trying to seize their arms. The colonists did it with grit, determination, and superior marksmanship. They were real marksmen: nobly and ably putting their skills on the line in pursuit of liberty.
We are the descendants of those fearless men and women who earned our freedom on the battlefield. We honor their pursuit of liberty by passing along the skills and knowledge that aided them in securing it. Today’s Rifleman understands that owning and mastering a rifle is part of his/her American heritage. Whether you’re a new shooter or a seasoned marksman, Project Appleseed can help transform you from a person with a rifle into a principled and skilled Rifleman.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Harvest time

Harvest has begun here on our farm on the Great Plains of North Dakota.  The guys got the combine rebuilt after the tornado dropped the Quanset on top of it.  It's purring right along this afternoon. 

The wheat is good and dry with high protein and average weight.  The combine monitor is still a bit whacked as it said that the yield was anywhere from 35 to 60.  We'll have to figure that out later.

Here Jacob is driving the combine as Robert brought the semis down to the field.  The guys are so happy with their 40 foot header.  This is the first time that they've used it and it sure takes a bite out of the field. 
We'd appreciate prayers for safety as the rush is on!!
PS  Notice the wheat piling up in the hopper on top? 
PPS  What's a harvest post without a harvest poem?


It steals along the morning vale
The dewdrops of the autumn mist
And through its curtain the sun shines pale
Along riverbank it will persist

Then softly blows the wind of morn
Over bounteous fields kissed with sun and rain
And whispers in the ears of wheat and corn
Harvest time is here again

It tosses the head of majestic tree
Plucking coloured gems from its crown
Where from the branches falling free
The autumn leaves come winging down

And now there is unceasing toil
From morning sun ‘til harvest moon
To gather the bounty from the soil
For winter days are creeping soon

And busy hands gather in the wheat
The earthy potatoes from the drill
The fruit of tree so good to eat
For barns of storage are to fill

Back through the mist of years
Jesus walked the harvest field
And gazed upon the golden ears
When mother earth had produced her yield

And watched it fall to reaper swing
The ripened heads fit for harvest now
After days of growing from the spring
When seeds were sown behind the plough

Then compared the world to whitened field
Where dying souls are like falling leaves
Who will reap the harvest field?
And carry home the precious sheaves

Who will seek precious souls to win?
Before scythe of death begins to mow
To tell of Jesus who frees from sin
For they will reap what they will sow

Jesus looks to me and calls to you
Who by His blood our sin relieves
His harvest reapers we are few
But let us work to gather in His sheaves

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Can we agree?

I'm sure that you've heard the old expression "Divide and conquer."  Well, after spending about half an hour on my BETAR sound system, Father was able to clear out a lot of old emotional garbage.  After I was able to think more clearly, He taught me the expression, "Divide and Destroy."
He also just gave me the remedy for being destroyed (through cutting ourselves off from others) in another song.  Are you shocked?  So I was using my table just now trying to clear my head for the rest of the day.  I chose the Gaither Vocal Band as my folks loved their music. 
This song spoke to me about the power God's people have when they unite in purpose--the purpose of ushering in the Kingdom of God.  I trust this song moves you to think bigger than you've been thinking.  I urge you to listen to it listening for His instruction on how to build bridges with those you've wandered away from.
THIS IS A SUPER POWERFUL MESSAGE!!!  Please let it sink into your inner most being!!
PS.  Will you pray with me that our church, which is divided now, will be reunited so that the work will be done that Father has for us as a church? 

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Your choice!

Musical tastes are quite diverse, aren't they?  I just heard this song on "Rejoice Radio" and went in search of it on "YouTube" to share with you all.  Now, I think that it would be impossible to dislike this song no matter how it was performed.  NOONE EVER CARED FOR ME LIKE JESUS.  That's the most wonderful concept EVER!!
Since there were options, I decided to listen to several.  The first one was Country Western-ish and I left that behind during my voice lesson years.  The next version I checked out was Sandy Patti's.  Although I LOVE her music, it was just her singing while I looked at the photo of the CD.  Being I prefer to watch and share live performances, I kept looking.

When I saw this one, I knew that it was the one for you.  I grew up listening to 4 part men's singing as my dad sang in several groups.  If this isn't your favorite style, I urge you to check them all out on "YouTube."  Find your favorite style but please listen to the message in this song!  Let it seep into your soul and then share it with a friend.
Happy new week,


Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...