Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Short and sweet

Hello everyone,
We're super busy with harvest yet so this will be short and sweet. 
If any of you have been reading about Robert Henderson's books or Lynn Hardy's books about the Courts of Heaven, you will want to join Lynn for morning prayers.  Lynn is a pastor filled with the Holy Spirit and has made many trips to Heaven's Court. 
I urge you all to go to the "Courts of Heaven" Facebook page and sign up for Morning Prayers with Lynn.  She is such a blessing.
Further, I urge you all to read about going to the courts of Heaven (Robert Henderson's book OPERATING IN THE COURTS OF HEAVEN) is where I started.  Then sign up with Lynn for court visits with her and seers on her staff. 
My prayer partner, Paula, and I have been going to court individually and together for months and have seen MANY positive changes in our lives and in our families.  Please prayerfully consider doing the same. 
PS  I haven't watched this video yet so I'm sharing for my edification as well as yours.  However, if something is different from his earlier teachings, I will remove it. 

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