Friday, August 17, 2018

I'm rambling again????

Dear friends,

Things are REALLY crazy here right now so I might not be writing for awhile.  It's harvest time on the farm and the wheat yield is amazing. Robert told me last night that he's never grown such a great wheat crop!!  The combination of the seed variety he chose plus early moisture plus God's anointing power have produced an abundant harvest of wheat!!!
Although we're truly grateful for the harvest, the price they give the farmers for the stuff is so low that farmers are going out of business left and right OR committing suicide.  One of Andrew's grain cleaning customers, a man of vast riches, couldn't get his financing this Spring so he killed himself. 
That's certainly not the best solution, and perhaps no solution at all, but I've been there where the emotional pain is so great that one can't see any relief in sight.  Just yesterday, during my massage with Lucy, I remembered graphic details of the incest that I'd stuffed for over 50 years.  No wonder I've struggled with, and have had to push away, suicidal thoughts all my life!
ANYWAY, it's harvest time plus we're hosting an Appleseed shoot plus Michael's dad has been very ill and in the hospital so Michael is over in MN helping his mom with the harvest over there.  Then there are baby's first birthdays coming up and garden produce coming out of our ears--not to mention clients who need my help to cope with all of their stress!
Well, all my yapping doesn't get the work done so I'll close.  I just want you all to know that I love you and hope to be back here soon sharing my rambling thoughts with anyone bored enough to read them.  lol
In the meantime, I leave you with a whole bunch of hymns to fill your homes with Heaven's music.  When I get overwhelmed, I listen to Heaven's musicians praising God and my heart begins to sing again!  May it be so for all of you as well.
Lots of love,


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