Monday, August 27, 2018

Got a shamrock?

This is going to be a silly post. I have so much to say about my expanding grandmotherhood and Elsie's first birthday and harvest and an Appleseed shoot at our farm. Why in the world would God want me to share this video with the world??  Who knows but here goes.  First a little bit of background.
My mother-in-law was here with us over the weekend and this morning she helped me with my plants.  I kind of know what to do with plants but most of the time I don't have the time for them.  That's why they've been looking so shabby here lately.
We started by giving the monster in the corner of the family room a major haircut and now it looks like this!  Then we moved to my living room plants and spent quite a bit of time cleaning out the dead or ugly limbs.  When we got to the shamrock that my grandmother had 45 years ago, I asked my mother-in-law's opinion on how to transplant it.  She didn't have a clue but suggested that I ask Mrs. Google-- so I did.

Marly and I were both amazed at what we learned.  Later Marie and Timothy came for water and she's been wondering how to transplant her shamrock too.  We watched the video together and were so pleased to see how easy it is to start a new shamrock. 

So, if there is anyone in the world with an almost dead looking shamrock plant, then this video is for you!  If not, pass it on to someone else.



PS  Just skip to 16 seconds. 

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