Monday, September 30, 2019

Your words are powerful!!

We have just entered into the Jewish New Year 5780. It is the year of the mouth! We are getting ready to approach 2020 and I am declaring this year to be the year of the prophet. We are in the midst of a new prophetic movement. More than that, I daresay it is a prophetic awakening. We are seeing an emerging generation of prophetic sons and daughters rising into their destinies and callings! It's a new breed, a new prophetic company!
We are being faced with many social injustices in our nation. The Church is under the weight of political pressures that we have never had to face before in America. Our hearts are longing for purity and the fear of the Lord to return to America and the American Church. If I could encourage you with a message of hope it is this: throughout the Church's history, we often see that revival takes place at the darkest of times.
We consistently see that God has preserved a remnant; not one man, woman, or ministry, but an anointed remnant that God will raise up for the purpose of "redeeming the time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16).
The Church was birthed on the day of Pentecost through the sound of a mighty rushing wind, when God filled the 120 disciples! Many of us have experienced salvation, and we each share a heritage of Christianity that we trace back to that day. The 120 began to declare and demonstrate the power of Christ's death, burial and resurrection.
I believe those who prepare themselves in purity and prepare themselves in the secret place will be the ones who usher in the next wave. It's never been God's desire for us to wait upon an awakening. It should never be taught that we are waiting for revival or awakening to see Kingdom power and authority manifested! (Photo via Pixabay)
This is the hour in which we must raise the banner of the Gospel high! We must be reminded that there is a world that is asking the questions, "Is God real? Did Jesus really rise from the dead?" The Gospel hasn't changed. It is the power of God that brings others to repentance and salvation. It is the same Gospel that heals and delivers; the very same Gospel that demonstrates the power of Christ's resurrection.
We are longing for a fresh move, but as we are in a place of transition, let us declare the power of the Gospel!
A Great Shaking
God is raising up a remnant, a company of prophets, even in the midst of a great shaking!
The Word of God tells us that everything that can be shaken, will be shaken (Hebrews 12:27). Let us be reminded in these times of shaking that we are part of a Kingdom which cannot be moved (Hebrews 12:28).
I heard the Lord say to me recently, "Those that survive the shaking will be a voice for a generation!"
One Sound in a Generation
Prophets are to be the mouthpiece of God, and he or she carries a supernatural sound, a sound that the enemy fears, a sound that releases a vibration that shakes the heavens and the earth!
When the Bible mentions the prophets of old, it says that their sound went into the earth and into the ends of the world. I'm entirely convinced that the problems we are facing in our nation will not be won in the flesh, but in the Spirit! As the Word of God says, "...Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit...!" (Zechariah 4:6). ​It is the hour where we must begin to hear from Heaven and release a new sound! (Photo via Pixabay)
I want to encourage leaders, pastors, prophets, apostles, intercessors: there is a generation that needs to hear your sound and the message that God has placed in your heart!
Joshua had led a generation into victory, into the land of their inheritance, and it was supernatural! They marched around Jericho seven times and they shouted and the walls came down. They took the land!
Never underestimate the power and authority that is in your voice. The Bible says that ​God will descend in a shout (1 Thessalonians 4:16). God needs your voice! There is a sound that is deep in your spirit and when it is released, breakthrough happens!
Joshua and that entire generation had passed, and the Bible says that​ there arose another generation that did not know the Lord, nor the works which He had done for Israel (see Judges 2:10). A whole generation had forgotten about their inheritance; they had forgotten about the power of God that had led their fathers to victory! So God began to raise up Gideon.
Gideon started out with 32,000 soldiers but God told him that he had too many! He instructed Gideon to tell all the men who were afraid to go back home, so 22,000 of his fighting men left. God then said that he still had too many, and instructed Gideon to take all the soldiers down to the brook. Those who lapped the water with their tongues as a dog laps would be the ones God chose for him. Those who knelt down to drink would not go into battle. In the end Gideon was left with 300 men.
God is very selective as to who He allows in His army. Gideon had no sword. The revelation that God placed in my spirit as I was reading about Gideon is that God didn't give Gideon a sword, He gave him a ​voice!
On the night he attacked the Midianite army, Gideon overheard one of the enemy soldiers telling his companion about the dream of a barley loaf that tumbled down the hill, into the Midianite camp, knocking a tent flat. The companion told the soldier that this was the sword of Gideon and could only mean that God has given Gideon victory (Judges 7:13-14).
A barley loaf was the cheapest bread, made from the scraps of other pieces of bread. The bread symbolized Gideon and his army; God chooses to use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). Though we may be outnumbered and the odds are stacked against us, it's in our weakness that He is made strong (2 Corinthians 12:9). (Photo via Unsplash)
Every soldier was given a trumpet and a vessel, or pitcher, with a lamp. Gideon instructed the men telling them that when he blew the trumpet, they were to shout, "A sword of the Lord and of Gideon!" (Judges 7:18). As they shouted they broke the pitchers in their hands and the lamps were still burning!
Gideon's trumpet was a representation of his voice. And many of us are like those vessels—broken but still burning! The more surrendered we become, the more of the light of the Gospel will shine from us!
As the Midianites heard the army and saw the lamps burning, out of fear, they turned on one another.
My question to you is this: What can God do through a small remnant of Believers in the earth – a prophetic company? It may be one of the darkest hours that we are facing, but let me encourage you with this: the darkest times in Church history was when the Gospel shone the brightest!
The Glory of Solomon
Solomon built this beautiful house for the presence of God to dwell in. We are symbolic of that house! We are living stones. Abraham went looking for a city whose builder and maker was God. We are the city that Abraham was looking for.
"Indeed it came to pass, when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord, and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the Lord, saying: 'For He is good, for His mercy endures forever,' that the house, the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not continue ministering because of the cloud; for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God." (2 Chronicles 5:13-14 NKJV) (Photo via Flickr)
The glory came so strong that the priests could not stand to minister! The priests and musicians unlocked something through their sound. God's manifest presence filled the house of God.
Now, the Bible says that the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former (Haggai 2:9). We are the latter house!
Those under the old covenant were under the shadow of the glory, they were walking in a shadow, but we are carriers of the substance which is "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27).
We are an end-time generation that will see the early and latter rain upon the earth! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Jesse Shamp
Kingdom Culture International
Email: click hereWebsite:
Jesse and Amy Shamp are a powerful evangelism team based in Nashville, Tennessee, and are the founders of Spirit Word Ministries International. Their mission is to edify and equip the Body of Christ for the work of the ministry. Signs, wonders, and miracles follow their ministry, and they often receive powerful prophetic dreams from God for the Church. They are committed to crusade evangelism and are passionate about bringing in a harvest in the nations.
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Friday, September 27, 2019

Care to join me?


This is our church.  It went through a split last year because a dynamic speaker pulled away half of it's members.  What were they arguing about?  Whether or not Jesus is the son of God.  Our pastor rightly teaches that Jesus is the son of God.  The people who left were all wrapped up in emotion and left in anger.  So be it!  What's there to debate?  Jesus is the son of God--the third person of the Trinity!

I was reading in my Bible this week about when Paul was warning the early church that deceivers would come in and try to pull the early Christians away from Jesus's finished work on the cross.  Why do we do that?  We do we think that anything we do could possibly top our perfect Lord dying for us?

Tomorrow at our church we'll be celebrating HARVEST OF THANKS.  It's the highlight of the church year for many of us.  I was working on a piano solo but then I sprained my finger a few weeks ago and my hand has been too sore to practice.  I'm pondering singing something now.

So I'm writing to invite you all to join me by listening to the live stream.  I'm not sure if the afternoon service will be streamed or not but I sure hope so.  Here's the schedule for the day  We have a special speaker in the morning and then a mammoth lunch is served.  The best part for a music lover like me is the afternoon service.

Everyone is welcome to come and share no more than 2 songs.  We've sat there until nearly 5:00, before the church split, listening to folks praising the Lord with their songs and poetry.  One year the children and I did a puppet skit in honor of the event.  Another year we recited from memory a rather long poem about Autumn.  Almost every year I either sang or played something to the glory of God.

The most amazing memory I have is when BJ would play for the very last song of the day an Alfred favorite.  People all joined their voices and sang "Well, I woke up this morning feeling fine...."

Then our church serves an evening meal and there is a time of games and visiting in the evening.  It's a jam packed day and, when you add in 2 hours for travel, it's quite exhausting!!   The memories of all of the music praising God, though, carries me through for weeks.

Here's the link to the church's website and you can find the livestream link there:  The service begins at 10:30 tomorrow.  I hope you'll join me for a day of worship and fellowship not often seen today--it's real!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of love,


PS  Here's a taste of everyone at Alfred on HARVEST OF THANKS.  WOO HOO!


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Have you heard?

Robert and I were shocked last night to hear the news that one of our unmarried nieces had given birth to a healthy baby girl yesterday afternoon.  Nobody in her extended family had any idea that she was pregnant and suddenly she's a mother in our minds.  WOW

This got me thinking of the life of a single mom as that is the life of our niece now.  I guess it's a byproduct of distance families that a woman can go through 9 months of pregnancy without people knowing a thing about it.  We still wouldn't know about the baby if it weren't for Facebook. 

It makes me sad that families are so out of touch with each other nowadays!  Now it makes me sad for this little child who probably won't ever get to know us even though she lives less than 200 miles away!  I am glad that she's alive!!  Don't get me wrong but today I'm thinking about the life of our niece who is now a single mom.

This sent me in search of information on how we can help her.  I found this video and decided to watch it and, of course, share it with you.  How do you help someone who didn't even feel comfortable to tell us about her arriving baby?

Well, perhaps we'll find some answers here.  May God bless all single moms!! May God turn the hearts of the fathers towards their children as His word says.  May this little girl, Ezrie, have the love of both dad and mom and both sets of grandparents and all her aunts, uncles, and cousins and many friends and neighbors.  Amen?

Let's reach out to all parents around us and be the support that they need as they raise their children in an un-child-friendly culture!  God bless the little ones!!


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

United we can!!

"He's a red-blooded American male."  I wonder how many times I heard my parents use that phrase to describe the perfect human being.  lol  How many people DON'T have red blood??  :)

There are so many ways to separate humans from each other. I have a hard time with many of them especially as someone who has tried to conquer obesity for over 25 years.  Let's talk about discrimination!!  Ooops--that's another topic.

So I am aware that there may be people who read this blog post who won't think what I'm about to share is wonderful.  I am aware there are people who think that murdering babies in the womb is not murder.  I DISAGREE!!!!

Again I digress for this post isn't directly about abortion.  In a way it is, though.  Politics nowadays in America has been separating itself out to either pro-life or pro-death of the next generation.  So, depending on how you feel about the last statement, you may or may not wish to continue reading.

It's no secret to my readers that I greatly admire Jay Sekulow who created the AMERICAN CENTER FOR LAW AND JUSTICE.  This organization fights for life and for religious liberty around the globe.  Jay is Senior council to the ACLJ and he is one of President Trump's legal advisers. 

There, now I've said it.  I've said the name of our President in public and I didn't slam him.  Why would I?  That's what I'd like to understand.  Which of these people who are opposed to building a wall on our Southern border does not lock their houses at night? 

I wasn't intrigued by the idea of a President Trump originally.  However, when he spoke, he made a lot of sense.  Perhaps not to the bought off, radical left media who call themselves journalists.  HA!  To those of us who have worked hard all our lives and respect those who do, HE MADE SENSE.  Yes, I voted for him and will gladly do so again. 

That being said, I am happy to introduce to you a brand new book written by Jay's son, Jordan Sekulow who is also an attorney.  He and his co-authors chose the name THE NEXT RED WAVE!! 

Today THE NEXT RED WAVE is being released around the country.  I urge you to get yourself a copy so you can be totally effective in helping President Trump drain the swamp some more in 2020.  We can't just vote anymore.  That's not enough as the left is viciously pushing their baby-killing agenda forward.

I bought THE NEXT RED WAVE and am donating it to my Republican district.  I urge you to buy the book; read it; and share with your conservative friends.  Together we can DRAIN THE SWAMP!!  This is what Amazon says about Jordan's first book.

Popular radio host and conservative legal and political commentator Jordan Sekulow offers an action plan that will bring real change to government and help secure the future of our nation.
The next red wave is coming: November 3, 2020.
We face battles on many fronts. The Deep State bureaucracy will stop at nothing to undermine the conservative agenda, even when that's the agenda chosen by the American voter. The liberal bureaucracy will continue to work alongside former liberal government officials from, yes, the Obama Administration and Team Clinton. In this election, the Left's prized goal - exclusively - will be defeating President Donald Trump by whatever means necessary.
A red wave that surpasses the turnout and figures of the historic 2016 election will be the only way to win. Our opponents won't be caught off guard by President Trump again. I promise you, the DNC and liberal activists organizations began working on plans to defeat President Trump in 2020 before he was even inaugurated in 2017. In fact, we have evidence of FBI officials attempting to undermine President Trump as he was preparing to take the Oath of Office.
So-called "progressives" and the radical Left relentlessly force their liberal agenda on the American people. Even when Republican majorities control both houses of Congress, the deck can feel stacked against us. The confirmation hearings for Justice Kavanaugh are a good reminder about the chaos liberals can cause even when they are in the minority. Now, Democrats control the House of Representatives while Republicans maintain control of the U.S. Senate.
We deserve better. All Americans deserve better.
We deserve politicians who keep their promises. The only way to force action and hold our elected officials accountable is to know the issues and engage the political process. But it's more than just fulfilling our civic duty at the ballot box. It's being actively engaged in public discourse in between elections. Battles - important battles - are won far more often in the court of public opinion than in any federal courtroom. These battles affect our lives every single day.
It's time to fight back and come together to generate the next red wave. We can't wait another moment. Now is the time to do it. It really is up to us. The clock is ticking.

Here's the link to order.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Intrigued yet?

So have you gotten interested in training your brain with the Lumosity program yet?  If not, perhaps you should scroll down to the last post.  lol

Here's some more information to ponder.  Basically, if your brain seems slower than it did last year at this time, it would be wise to start training your brain.  Why wait until you're 10 years down the road and have a serious cognitive problem?

I do my brain training right away in the morning.  If I feel, as I go through the day, that my thinking ability is slowing down, I play another game.  Towards evening I like to play a few games so that I can keep my speech up where I want it to be when Robert and Jacob come home.  If I skip my brain training for a couple of days because I'm "Too busy," then by evening I am searching for words to express my thoughts.  It is just maddening.

I share this professional information about how Lumosity works.  Hopefully you will all begin training your brains for what lies ahead!  It is so much fun and it really works!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Are you training your brain?

Dear friends,

How I love LUMOSITY!!!  Almost 7 years ago I read in the newsletter of the "National MS Society" that they recommended all MS patients to play brain training games to prevent further deterioration of one's thinking ability.

That concept intrigued me but I had no idea where to find such games.  A few days later, someone in my family mentioned that they had heard about Lumosity and that it was good for preventing cognitive function decline.  So I checked it out.

It costs me $14 per year of training with Lumosity and I LOVE it!!  My average score when I began at that time was around 350.  Today, years later my average score is around 1,500!!!!!!!!!  As you can see, my brain did NOT deteriorate at all!  Rather, it improved nearly 5 times by playing the fun and interesting games on Lumosity every day!!

These games are designed by neuroscientists who understand how the brain works.  The 5 main areas of brain function that are included are memory, flexibility, problem solving, speed, and attention.  My weakest area, due to shingles on the brain, is memory and then attention.

My computer keeps track of my progress and sets up a 5 game session for me each day.  When I am falling behind in an area, then the computer sets up games for me in that area.  If I don't like one of the chosen games that day, I have an option of choosing from 3 alternate games.

I cannot recommend enough that all older individuals, particularly those with declining mental function, get on the Lumosity program.  They have a family plan which sells for $100 a year in which 5 family members can all play individually.  You don't even all have to live under the same roof!!!

I hope you enjoy this introductory video of a game I enjoy because of the birds.  Oh yes, I enjoy thinking better after I play this "Game" too.  There are games for everyone and every one helps the brain to work better!

To healthier brains!!


Friday, September 20, 2019

It's time to rest

As my weary brain turns away from my healing work and my aching body begins to prepare for Sabbath, I am reminded again how very extremely tremendously entirely I love the Sabbath day!!  God created the world in 6 days and then rested on the 7th day and He MADE IT A HOLY DAY!

I rejoice that it is nearly here again.  I hope you enjoy this poem as you wind down from your work week too. 

Lots of love in Jesus name,


             The Sabbath Call

                    by Peter Burn

Come, children all,
Obey the call,
The Sabbath gives to every soul;
Leave work and play,
Make no delay,
Your God hath bless'd the Seventh day:
It floods the world with holy calm,
Its hours are rife with healing balm;
Have you a care? To school prepare, Make known your wants to God in prayer.

"We children all,
Obey the call,
The Sabbath gives to every soul;
All things of play,
We cast away,
And welcome now the Seventh day:
Our Sabbath School we love, we love,
Sweet emblem of 'The Home' above.
We love to raise,
In prayer and praise,
Our voices to the God of days."

With heart and voice
In God rejoice,
We are the people of His choice;
In loss—in gain,
In joy—in pain,
Our songs shall be of joyful strain:
We are the people of His care,
His watchful eye is everywhere;
Of Him we sing,
To Him we bring
Heart,—soul and mind, in offering

"With heart and voice,
We will rejoice,
For we have made the Lord our choice:
In loss—in gain,
In joy—in pain,
Our songs shall be in joyful strain;
We are the people of His care,
His watchful eye is everywhere;
Of Him we sing,
To Him we bring
Heart,—soul and mind, in offering."

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

It IS inevitable, Dawn!

I fight it every year and every year it happens anyway.  My gloriously beautiful Summers draw to a close.  It's when I begin praying for a very long Fall especially since we haven't even begun building our garage.  I suppose it will be another Winter without one.  

I know that I shouldn't bring my readers down--there's enough in life doing that already, right?  However, the end of Summer is the worst time of year for me.  How I love the warmth on my skin.  How I love to watch the growth of my garden and eat of it's savory yields.  How I love no coats and mittens and hats to deal with!!!!

So I take myself to poetry to see if anyone else on this planet feels the way I do.  The answer is YES.  

Hugs to you all,


Last Days Of Summer

Whatever way the Summer days end,
In the type of summer is how it has been,
Whether a good one or bad one,
The last days of summer,
Can be sad or happy endings,
As each season ends,
With another one beginning,

The summer could have been,
Miserable yet,
Sun scorching us everyday,
And sunlight shining on all our faces,
It is how it is,
Out there where all is seen,
Summer days of fun,
Summer days of love,
Summer days of seeing,
Summer days of been,
Out and about where summer is,

And when summer came and went?
With a mundane feeling that it left?
Was the last days of summer,
And the beginning of another,
Autumn as we know it,
Fall in other places,
Where the ending of one season shows,
By the decaying of it,
When Autumn Fall shows,

Where we will wrap up and snuggle,
With warm cuppas drinks,
With a book,
Catch up on watching films,
Musing over the summer days,
Of sunshine memories,

Warm hats and gloves,
With rustle leaves,
That rustle beneath,
Our feet as we walk,
Through the park,
And see,
The summer leaves turn,
To autumn shades,
Taking in,
The last days of summer,

And remember,
The falls of Autumn's,
Is the signs of summer,
That has ended,
And mingling with,
All that falls,
From the summer ending,
To autumn beginnings,
Is the,
Of summer,
To regrow itself,
For next season's of summer,
When it begins again,

In between,
Last days of summer,
And all in bloom again.
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Monday, September 9, 2019

It's possible!!!

Where we live it is normally very dry.  In fact, moments after we bought our farm, the former owner told Robert and I, "We only have a drought here every other year."  Our hearts sank.  What a way to congratulate us on the purchase of our very own farm!!  );

That prediction was accurate and during the second drought I became deathly ill.  I've often wondered how much his cursing us in that way played a role in my severe illness which lasted over a year.  It's name is "Shingles on the brain."

I'm not going to go into my recovery from that terrible disease.  That's not what I am sharing with you all today.  I'm writing to say that the opposite has been the case the past few years.  The rain is very welcome in the early stages of our crop's growth.  However, the crop has been ready to combine for over a month already and still it continues to rain.

Many of us have prayed for the rains to stop so that harvest can resume or begin for some of my friends around here.  My guys just mentioned, on their way out the door to work, that rain is in the forecast all week long!  My heart sank for the opposite reason--from no rain to too much rain!!

During my prayer time I felt convicted to pray against rain all this week.  It's such a foreign concept for me having grown up in drought areas and continue living in one.  I know that floods are too much rain and I've seen photos of the terrible flooding in Nebraska this Spring.  Can we here in the Dakotas have too much rain?

YES, the farmer's grain is getting diseases from the steady cold damp weather we've been having.  Further, if this continues much longer, the seeds begin to sprout in the field and they are totally ruined then.  This means that the farmer gets NOTHING for his work that year.  );;;;;;;;;;;

So, I wondered if someone had been successful in stopping the rain.  I found this video which is exactly the inspiration I've been needing to try.  Will you join with me to pray for the rains in the upper Midwest to stop until after the harvest is completed?  I would truly appreciate it!

God bless you all,


Sunday, September 8, 2019

Can you hear Him?

When I was young in the 1960s and 70s, I used to write poetry. God gave me some poems to share with my Mother which truly blessed her.  My 8th grade English teacher kept giving me A's on my poetry which also pleased my mother.

When I was older, songs came pouring out of me--REALLY GOOD SONGS!!  The trouble is that they would come when I was milking cows; canning; or changing a diaper.  There was never any time to write them down.  Now I am content that they pleased my loving Heavenly Father at the time!

Since my illness in 2006, neither poetry nor music flows out of me like it did back then.  The pain silenced all of that.  However, I just realized as I am writing this, that now healing sessions flow out of me as naturally as the poetry did and the music did.  BodyTalk sessions, or Body Code sessions, or Splankna sessions just ooze out of me when I sit down to work at my desk.  It just happens.  Perhaps that's my new music???

I still love poetry and music though.  I love reading this poet's thoughts.  She has such a beautiful heart and a very strong love for our Heavenly Father.  I went in search of a Christian late Summer poem and found this treasure.  May God bless you with it as He has just blessed me.

Have a great new week!




                                                                      by Deborah Ann

                                                                     August 26, 2019    

                                                                   God speaks in the silence,
of each morning’s dawn
He beckons to me . . .
to be willingly drawn.

He awakens my senses,
to His voice oh, so quiet
so my ears can be open
to His guiding Spirit.

God speaks in the hush,
of a gentle wind blowing
with the promise His will
I can be knowing.

He invites me to lean,
into the stillness
so I can be filled
with all of His fullness.

God speaks ever quietly,
upon morn’s dawning
so throughout the day
we can keep bonding!
The Lord God hath given me the
tongue of the learned, that I
should know how to speak a word
in season to him that is weary.

Friday, September 6, 2019

God's doing it!

It's almost a year since I began doing Splankna. I have seen stronghold after stronghold of the enemy pulled down and swept away with prayers of gratitude.  I have seen marriages rebuilt; friendships restored; and survivors of vanished twins finding joy for the first time in their lives!!  SPLANKNA IS A MARVELOUS HEALING TOOL SENT TO US BY GOD!!!!!

Personally sometimes I'm so happy I can only shout for joy!  God is using me through Splankna; through BodyTalk; through Body Code; through BETAR; and other natural means to free those held captive by the enemies tricks and thievery.

I'm so grateful for all of those who partner with me in prayer as I do this amazing work.  When I started working as an energy worker 12 years ago, I had no prayer support and it was tough going.  Now, whenever someone is REALLY needing prayer, I go to my prayer partners and they add to my work.

 Prayer is powerful but so is energy healing!  Prayer is general.  Energy healing is specific.  Prayer is crying out to God to bless someone we love.  So is energy healing but it's finely tuned to be exactly what Father says that they are needing today.  It's the only healing method I know that listens to what the body/mind/spirit of the client is really needing and then supplies those needs through God's grace.

So I've become more positive since adding in Splankna to my energy healing toolbox.  It's another tool God gave me to bring healing to myself and others.  It's wonderful how prayer is used throughout the entire session to guide the practitioner.  We pray, "Holy Spirit please pick the place where you want us to work today," and He does!!!  I LOVE partnering with God through energy healing.  I have never been closer to Him and it's a thrill to see people getting free!!

I'd like to share this prophecy with you because it is sooo encouraging.  Over the first few years working as an energy healer I lost many I called friends because God called me to do this work on His behalf.  People are afraid of energy which really makes me chuckle.  Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm so miserable--I have too much energy?"

If anyone is interested in learning why God created energy healing; why the church let it slip through it's fingers; why the enemy took it and used it to pull people away from God; and why God wants His people to take it back, then I urge you to read this book " Splankna; the Redemption of Energy Healing for the Kingdom of God"  It will make things clear for you why I am an energy healer today.  Sure, it started out by my getting healed of shingles on the brain through energy healing but why do I continue?  Because God wants me to!!

The main reason I started writing this morning is because I want to share a prophecy with you that I just read on THE ELIJAH LIST!!  However, as I thought about it, I started to wonder if it means that lots of people will open up their minds to energy healing with Christian certified practitioners.  I think it does!  Now I'm REALLY excited!!

God's best to His children!


PS. I welcome you to read this exciting prophecy shared by this prophet from Tennessee.

I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak to me and say, "I am sending terror in the enemy's camp. My children have been pressured long enough. You have been surrounded by the threats of the enemy but there are more fighting for you than against you. It is time for your deliverance. I will show that My hand is not short to save. You will see Me move speedily on your behalf."
"Elisha said, 'Listen! God's word! The famine's over. This time tomorrow food will be plentiful—a handful of meal for a shekel; two handfuls of grain for a shekel. The market at the city gate will be buzzing.'" (2 Kings 7:1 MSG)
The Economy of Your Life Is Changing!
The prophet Elisha boldly proclaimed that there would be a twenty-four-hour miracle. As I read that text, God began to speak to me that He wanted me to release a word that would shift circumstances, situations and dilemmas. He instructed me to prophesy His exact words:
"Some of you have been in famine (lack, drought, barrenness and brokenness) for a long time. In fact, many have even given up hope that your situation would ever change, but I have not forgotten My promises to you. Today, I speak to you and declare that the economy of your life is changing by My Word."
The famine that was in Samaria was so great that they were eating donkey heads and dove's dung. I think we can all agree that they were in dire circumstances. Donkeys were considered unclean animals to eat.
The symbolism seen in what they ate was as follows: a donkey's head was a prophetic representation of man's wisdom, and dove's dung was a picture of a "leftover" move of God. Unfortunately today, some are doing the same thing, feasting on man's philosophies and leftover moves of God. The Lord is sounding the alarm for the Church to wake up to how He desires to move today. (Photo via Unsplash)
Tomorrow About This Time
The prophet Elisha prophesied to those who were in Jerusalem during that time, saying, "Tomorrow about this time," there would be a dramatic shift in their economy, and resources would suddenly be released.
"Then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God, and said, 'Behold, if the Lord would make windows in Heaven, might this thing be?' And he (Elisha) said, 'Behold, you shall see it with your eyes, but shall not eat of it.'" (2 Kings 7:2 emphasis mine)
Whenever God releases a word to you that is about to shift you, the enemy will send doubters to come against that word. They will say, "It is impossible. Don't get your hopes up." Nonetheless, when God speaks a word, it will come forth.
Unexpected Individuals to Bring God's Deliverance
In this instance, God used four lepers to fulfill the word He spoke through Elisha. I love that God chose the rejected, the outsiders, to fulfill His plan. God is raising up unexpected individuals to bring deliverance to His people.
The circumstances were that everyone in the city was starving. The Syrian army had laid siege to the city of Samaria. None of the people could go out or come in. After they ate up all the food in the city, they began to starve, and the four lepers got so desperate, they decided to take a giant risk.
Desperation can push you out of a place of your normal routine and into great action of faith. God is calling us out of the everyday and into a new day.
"And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, 'Why sit we here until we die...?'
"And they rose up in the twilight, to go unto the camp of the Syrians: and when they were come to the uttermost part of the camp of Syria, behold, there was no man there. For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host: and they said one to another, 'Lo, the king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites, and the kings of the Egyptians, to come upon us.' Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents, and their horses, and their asses, even the camp as it was, and fled for their life." (2 Kings 7:3, 5-7)
Note that at "twilight" the lepers arose, which was the exact same time the Lord caused the Syrian army to hear the noise of a great host. Note also that the Lord caused the Syrian army to hear the "noise" of a heavenly host. This "noise," or better said, "God's divine intervention," triggered a terror that fell upon the Syrian army, and they fled for their lives. God has already orchestrated your deliverance! (Photo via Pixabay)
God Is Giving You the Spoils of Your Enemy!
"And the people went out, and spoiled the tents of the Syrians. So a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, according to the word of the Lord." (2 Kings 7:16)
The people "spoiled" the tents of the Syrian army. In other words, "God used their enemy to bless them." God is going to give you the spoils of your enemy too! There are more with you than the opposition against you! God is causing terror to come into the enemy's camp for you. There is divine intervention coming into your situation!
There is a heavenly host being dispatched on your behalf. There is a sound of victory being released for you today! Declare, "Today is the day of my deliverance!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Andrew Towe
Ramp Church Chattanooga 
Email: andrew.towe@theramp.orgWebsite:
Andrew Towe is an emerging prophetic voice to this generation! Andrew preaches the Word of God with fire, inviting God's manifested presence to fall, with signs and wonders occurring in his services. Andrew and his wife Brooke are the lead pastors of Ramp Church Chattanooga, and they reside in Chattanooga, TN along with their two children. Andrew travels extensively, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Wherever he ministers, lives are changed, faith is strengthened, and expectation is ignited.
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