Friday, September 20, 2019

It's time to rest

As my weary brain turns away from my healing work and my aching body begins to prepare for Sabbath, I am reminded again how very extremely tremendously entirely I love the Sabbath day!!  God created the world in 6 days and then rested on the 7th day and He MADE IT A HOLY DAY!

I rejoice that it is nearly here again.  I hope you enjoy this poem as you wind down from your work week too. 

Lots of love in Jesus name,


             The Sabbath Call

                    by Peter Burn

Come, children all,
Obey the call,
The Sabbath gives to every soul;
Leave work and play,
Make no delay,
Your God hath bless'd the Seventh day:
It floods the world with holy calm,
Its hours are rife with healing balm;
Have you a care? To school prepare, Make known your wants to God in prayer.

"We children all,
Obey the call,
The Sabbath gives to every soul;
All things of play,
We cast away,
And welcome now the Seventh day:
Our Sabbath School we love, we love,
Sweet emblem of 'The Home' above.
We love to raise,
In prayer and praise,
Our voices to the God of days."

With heart and voice
In God rejoice,
We are the people of His choice;
In loss—in gain,
In joy—in pain,
Our songs shall be of joyful strain:
We are the people of His care,
His watchful eye is everywhere;
Of Him we sing,
To Him we bring
Heart,—soul and mind, in offering

"With heart and voice,
We will rejoice,
For we have made the Lord our choice:
In loss—in gain,
In joy—in pain,
Our songs shall be in joyful strain;
We are the people of His care,
His watchful eye is everywhere;
Of Him we sing,
To Him we bring
Heart,—soul and mind, in offering."

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