Sunday, September 22, 2019

Are you training your brain?

Dear friends,

How I love LUMOSITY!!!  Almost 7 years ago I read in the newsletter of the "National MS Society" that they recommended all MS patients to play brain training games to prevent further deterioration of one's thinking ability.

That concept intrigued me but I had no idea where to find such games.  A few days later, someone in my family mentioned that they had heard about Lumosity and that it was good for preventing cognitive function decline.  So I checked it out.

It costs me $14 per year of training with Lumosity and I LOVE it!!  My average score when I began at that time was around 350.  Today, years later my average score is around 1,500!!!!!!!!!  As you can see, my brain did NOT deteriorate at all!  Rather, it improved nearly 5 times by playing the fun and interesting games on Lumosity every day!!

These games are designed by neuroscientists who understand how the brain works.  The 5 main areas of brain function that are included are memory, flexibility, problem solving, speed, and attention.  My weakest area, due to shingles on the brain, is memory and then attention.

My computer keeps track of my progress and sets up a 5 game session for me each day.  When I am falling behind in an area, then the computer sets up games for me in that area.  If I don't like one of the chosen games that day, I have an option of choosing from 3 alternate games.

I cannot recommend enough that all older individuals, particularly those with declining mental function, get on the Lumosity program.  They have a family plan which sells for $100 a year in which 5 family members can all play individually.  You don't even all have to live under the same roof!!!

I hope you enjoy this introductory video of a game I enjoy because of the birds.  Oh yes, I enjoy thinking better after I play this "Game" too.  There are games for everyone and every one helps the brain to work better!

To healthier brains!!


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