Sunday, September 8, 2019

Can you hear Him?

When I was young in the 1960s and 70s, I used to write poetry. God gave me some poems to share with my Mother which truly blessed her.  My 8th grade English teacher kept giving me A's on my poetry which also pleased my mother.

When I was older, songs came pouring out of me--REALLY GOOD SONGS!!  The trouble is that they would come when I was milking cows; canning; or changing a diaper.  There was never any time to write them down.  Now I am content that they pleased my loving Heavenly Father at the time!

Since my illness in 2006, neither poetry nor music flows out of me like it did back then.  The pain silenced all of that.  However, I just realized as I am writing this, that now healing sessions flow out of me as naturally as the poetry did and the music did.  BodyTalk sessions, or Body Code sessions, or Splankna sessions just ooze out of me when I sit down to work at my desk.  It just happens.  Perhaps that's my new music???

I still love poetry and music though.  I love reading this poet's thoughts.  She has such a beautiful heart and a very strong love for our Heavenly Father.  I went in search of a Christian late Summer poem and found this treasure.  May God bless you with it as He has just blessed me.

Have a great new week!




                                                                      by Deborah Ann

                                                                     August 26, 2019    

                                                                   God speaks in the silence,
of each morning’s dawn
He beckons to me . . .
to be willingly drawn.

He awakens my senses,
to His voice oh, so quiet
so my ears can be open
to His guiding Spirit.

God speaks in the hush,
of a gentle wind blowing
with the promise His will
I can be knowing.

He invites me to lean,
into the stillness
so I can be filled
with all of His fullness.

God speaks ever quietly,
upon morn’s dawning
so throughout the day
we can keep bonding!
The Lord God hath given me the
tongue of the learned, that I
should know how to speak a word
in season to him that is weary.

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