Thursday, March 6, 2025

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!


Encounter God’s Heart…

Rescuer and Redeemer

The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a political leader, freeing the Jewish people from Roman rule and oppression. Jesus did not come to save or overturn earthly systems. He came to bring eternal salvation, opening the way to have uninterrupted connection with God and to enjoy everlasting life with him in heaven.

As long as our hopes are set on earthly systems, we will be disappointed. In fact, we may be offended by the actual work of God in the world, as the Pharisees were. The Father cares much more about people than he does institutions. Jesus turned the world, as his followers knew it, upside down. He is Rescuer and Redeemer, and his ways are far better than any nation, government, or council.


Jesus, thank you for coming to show us what the Father is really like. Continue to refine my expectations and ideals in the truth of your love.


From God Is Love written by Brian Simmons

John 3:17

The Passion Translation


“God did not send his Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it!”

Thursday, February 27, 2025


 Well, it's happened again.  I picked up Covid last weekend so I started on Ivermectin yesterday.  Please pray that the rest of my family will take Ivermectin to beat Covid quickly.

  What makes one person grab Ivermectin immediately, upon recognizing the symptoms, and the next person stubbornly refuse to take it?  Ivermectin has killed Covid for countless people but still some think they're tough enough and don't need it.  PLEASE PRAY FOR EYES TO BE OPEN TO THE REMEDY THAT HAS BEEN PROVIDED FOR US!!!

  This devotional helped me to see the answer to my question above.  It is lack of self love that makes us feel the need to suffer unnecessarily.  Oh that God would get through to ALL of us that HE LOVES US AND DOESN'T WANT US TO SUFFER ONE MOMENT.

  It grieves me how people turn on God when they're miserable.  ALL misery is from satan and his crew of creeps.  Jesus said "The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I have come to give life and life ABUNDANTLY!"  John 10:10

  Please, Lord Jesus, give my entire family ABUNDANT LIFE!!  Amen?



Encounter God’s Heart…

Loving Ourselves

We all long to be seen. Known. Understood. Celebrated. And sometimes we forget that we are—known by the One who knows us better than we know ourselves. He loves us. Likes us. Continues to see the best. Can you sense him now? He’s standing right beside you, enjoying you. Smiling at you.

Sometimes we look in the mirror and close ourselves off to our own hearts. We get caught up in all of our quirks and shortcomings and forget to celebrate ourselves. It’s time to think as highly of ourselves as Jesus does. It’s time to laugh louder, stand taller, love harder, and smile bigger. It’s time to stop being ashamed of our imperfections, because it’s what allows Jesus to shine more brilliantly through us. If Jesus can see us—truly see us—and still call us friend, it’s time for us to embrace ourselves with the same unashamed approval.


Jesus, let your unconditional acceptance of me unravel every lie I’ve ever believed about myself. I’ll no longer hide behind walls of insecurity. I won’t be afraid to see my imperfections; I will smile despite them. You see me, every part, and I’m okay with it.


From Ever Present Love written by Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez

John 1:48

The Passion Translation


Nathanael was stunned and said, “But you’ve never met me—how do you know anything about me?” Jesus answered, “Nathanael, right before Philip came to you, I saw you sitting under the shade of a fig tree.”

Monday, February 24, 2025


 Robert and I were able to get away and travel to our daughters farm 5 hours from us this past weekend.  There we found a vomiting baby and most of the the other children with terrible coughs.  We helped where we could to help the weary parents but needed to return home to work last night.  I cannot thank you enough if you would keep my family in your prayers!!

  With that in my mind, the Lord led me to this much more urgent prayer need.  I am asking that all of my readers world wide would pray for the release of Alon Ehal who has been held in captivity by the Hamas terrorists since October 7, 2023.  Alan is a classically trained pianist.   Here is what I know of his urgent need to be released from captivity.  


  With deep appreciation for your prayers,


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,

  It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for over 15 years.  It was BodyTalk that saved my life in 2007 when I was dying from shingles on the brain.  Now I help others to recover their health, too, one session at a time.

  I continue receiving HUGE blessings from THE PASSION TRANSLATION of the Bible.  I am encouraging everyone who was raised in abusive situations to read it.  The passionate love of God flows out to me in a way that no other Bible does.  Here is today's email which I urge everyone to sign up for if you really need to feel how much God loves you.

  Sending love,



Encounter God in Prayer…


Lord, there is so much going on in the world and in the lives of those I love. I come before you today, pleading on their behalf. I know that this is an important part of my prayer life—to build a ministry of intercession. You already know and see each problem that I am lifting before you. And you are the God of breakthrough. Breathe new life into areas of destruction and restore what no person ever could.


You are the Mighty Deliverer, rescuing your loved ones from despair and hopelessness. You are the Miracle Maker, providing solutions to problems that no human could fix. Your supernatural power is released with the faith of your beloved ones. May my own faith rise as I watch your faithfulness play out in response to the prayers of your people. You are amazing, God! I will keep praying on behalf of others in need whenever I am stirred by your Spirit. But I will also work to build a practice of intercession that reaches out beyond my little life to pray heaven down to earth.


From Prayers from the Throne Room written by Brian Simmons

1 Timothy 2:1–2

The Passion Translation


Most of all, I’m writing to encourage you to pray with gratitude to God. Pray for all men with all forms of prayers and requests as you intercede with intense passion. And pray for every political leader and representative, so that we would be able to live tranquil, undisturbed lives, as we worship the awe-inspiring God with pure hearts.


Monday, January 20, 2025


  Today is the day we've all been waiting for--President Trump's Inauguration Day!  I suppose the deep state hasn't been waiting for it but TOO BAD!!  God has given them every opportunity to repent.  Let's pray that many have!

  I just heard President Trump's speech as our new 47th President of the United States of America.   I'm sure you can listen to it here later!

  The peace that our President will bring to the world will benefit EVERYONE on our planet.  Please pray for our country to heal now!  Please join me in praying for President Trump and his incredible team of freedom-loving Patriots!!!

  I loved how President Trump kept talking about God being the one to heal our world!!  He is sooo right!  I praise the Lord that we have a President now who wants peace for the entire world--including my country: The United States of America!

  Please keep this man in your prayers as millions of us do every day.  God preserved President Trump's life last Summer for such a time as this.  May God bless America and our entire beautiful world!!!



Thursday, January 16, 2025

Endurance brings JOY?

 Good morning everyone,  

  How are you doing today?  

  I am loving writing again!  It's such good therapy for me to put my thoughts in writing.  To think that there are those, out there in the world, who have the same problems that I have and who are searching for answers from God is strengthening.

  Yesterday I got to lead our neighborhood lady's Bible study.  I had been praying about what to speak on and the word ENDURANCE kept coming up. 

  I went in search of an article about endurance and I found this wonderful word on how endurance brings us JOY in the long run!  I urge you to all go and read this article if endurance is a four letter word to you.  lol

  This morning THE PASSION TRANSLATION wrote about a higher way when we follow God.  It fits so perfectly with our Bible study yesterday that I decided to share it here too at this time.

  We need to remind ourselves, as we follow the Lord, that conquering our trials through faith in our loving Heavenly Father makes us stronger.  This brings us JOY.  Then we know, when the next big trial comes along, that we will be stronger when we get on the other side of it and THAT will bring us joy!  That's what faith is!

  One of the most interesting points in our study yesterday was pondering that those we love are on the same journey.  At times, we will need to encourage them as they climb their mountains.  However, at other times they may need to be reminded that God can get them through ANYTHING!  We can pray for them but they must learn endurance too.  If we try to keep them from their struggles, as parents often do, we can be stealing their joy that will come from them developing endurance in the struggle.  WOW!!!

  As I listened to the ladies share their stories yesterday of how God gave them endurance, during their most difficult trials, I saw even more how lovingly our Father leads us in the ways that we need to go.  He is pruning us of harmful/sinful patterns in our lives so we can live a life of JOY!!   How cool is that?

  So I urge you, if you're in a "When will this ever end?" time in your life, it WILL end!!  Keep clinging to the Lord, reading His word, reaching out to your friends who may not even know you're in a crisis time, and KNOW that He is working all things out for your good!

  My very favorite verse growing up as an incest victim was 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to man.  God is faithful and will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but will, with the temptation, provide a way of escape that you may be able to bear it!"

  My prayers go out to all of you who are pushing towards joy in your life.  It's coming, dear friends, it is on the way!!

  Love always,



Encounter God’s Heart…

A Higher Way

The privileges and blessings of the children of Israel have been passed down to all who have confessed their faith in Jesus Christ. Now, we are a part of his family, set apart ones who receive favor and righteousness all because Yahweh calls us his own.

Jesus has become our Portion, our Way-Maker, our Living Example. As we walk in the light of his presence, we exude the glory he’s entrusted to us. We are favored. We have been called to a life of divine victory, uncommon peace, and exquisite joy. These are the paths we were created to walk upon, but first, we must believe it. We must set our sights on a higher way and connect our faith to the truth. All we need to live a fulfilling life is found in him.


Father, I offer you the disappointments of the past and look to you with hope and expectancy. You have destined me for a life of victory and deep-seated joy and peace. Lead me by your Holy Spirit to paths of freedom so I won’t wander in vain. In you, my victory has been sealed.


From I Hear His Whisper for Women written by Brian Simmons

Isaiah 45:25

The Passion Translation


“In YAHWEH, all of Israel’s offspring will triumph and shine!”

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Meet Dr. Ardis: a TRUE Healing Pioneer

 I cann't overstate that Dr. Ardis is an AMAZING man of God and digger of truth.  Few people have earned my respect and admiration as Dr. Arids has!  

My wonderful neighbor introduced me to Dr. Ardis's work in THE ANTIDOTE.  If you're suffering from long Covid symptoms, please find that video on YouTube and study it!!  For my last birthday, my neighbor Luci gave me Dr. Ardis's new book COVID 19 LIES and I am greatly saddened to learn what he learned when his father-in-law died during that time period.

So I've been wanting to share with my readers about Dr. Ardis but I also want to introduce you to him in as UNcontraversial way as possible.  Yes, Dr. Ardis is not afraid to share with the world what he learns in his research even if he is all alone doing so.  That's what's so amazing about him!!  I know that my health would not have improved as it has in the past year had I not watched and implemented what I learned in THE ANTIDOTE!  Please watch it!

  Today I choose to share this video of Dr. Ardis as he talks about allergies.  Who has or knows someone who has an allergy?  May this video help you feel the heart of Dr. Ardis and hopefully inspire you to watch THE ANTIDOTE.

  Here's to abundant health,


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...