Thursday, November 19, 2015

Resting up

Hi everyone,

I'm resting up.  YES, I'm just resting up!  One friend suggested that I take this time to just rest up and I am taking her advice! 

You see, 3 weeks before Cora and Michael's wedding I had a mild heart attack.  I praise God that He had given me the wonderful goDesana essential oils before this as I kept using them, plus taking cayenne pepper, and it was over in about 6 hours.

I didn't want to talk about it as I didn't want to upset anyone before the wedding.  Then it seemed unimportant in the mad rush for my family to go to SD to work on dismantling those 2 huge buildings they bought online. After all, what is one little heart attack in the midst of our Earth's great difficulties these days? 

Well, if you know me at all, you know that writing is one of my very favorite healing tools.  I doubt that anyone will read this anyway, as I have been so neglectful of my blog since I joined Facebook.  Still, somehow this afternoon it seems important to say to whatever readers may find their way here that I am tired of covering up my problems just because someone might get upset by them.

I learned to hide my needs and feeling early in life!  As a survivor of incest, it was safest to keep my mouth shut and maybe nobody would notice me--maybe I'd be safe this time when dad and mom left me home alone.  I saw much of the drug problem in our town but it seemed best to me to say nothing.  Later I learned of others cheating in school and in marriage and in business but it was safest, once again, to keep my peace.

It's not so much that this post is about talking about all of that stuff.  You can hear all kinds of crap just listening to the news all day long.  What I feel nudged to share with you, dear readers, is how very harmful it is to live a life never sharing your heart and your true feelings no matter how ugly they may seem!!  "Keep your mouth shut and keep the peace in the family," may have been good advice as a newlywed but who can say how much it contributed to the heart attack I suffered through?

Basically what I'm trying to say is that if you are keeping your mouth shut about EVERYTHING that you see wrong in your life, you may be setting yourself up for heart problems and who knows what else.  Support groups have tremendous healing potential for those who don't have people that they can trust with the ugly truths of their lives.  Most pastors would sit and listen and I'm sure that everyone must have some trusted old granny or gramps in their lives who are aching to be useful to somebody!

You've GOT to talk about it if you will ever get well!  That's my advice today for any of you who have chest pains that you're ignoring like I did before my heart attack.  Most likely it won't get better on it's own. 

At any rate, PLEASE rest when you're tired!  Just sit down and rest for a few minutes and read or listen to music and calm yourself down.  This is NOT something to feel guilty about!! You'll wish, if you ever have a heart attack, that you had done it a few minutes a day instead of feeling helpless, weak, and hopeless for months afterwards as I am these days.

Here's one more piece of advice that the Lord sent me last night as I was resting.  As always, music lifts my spirits so when I felt the nudge to watch " Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" I decided to follow that inner suggestion.  Little did I know how I would laugh and smile and sing just as though I had no problems in the world whatsoever.  When Rebecca sang, "Come and Get your Happiness," something sad and lonely in me melted.  THAT WAS WHEN  I KNEW THAT IT WAS UP TO ME TO FIND MY JOY EACH DAY!!!

Dear tired, sad, lonely one PLEASE give yourself this treat as a gift from me to you.  Let's rest together!


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Cora and Michael's wedding

Yesterday Cora and Michael were married one week!

 What can I say?  I survived the wedding!  I LOVED it!!!   I was so proud of my girl to attract such an awesome man as Michael.  I am now a "Mother-in-law!"

If you'd like to read the wedding report, bit by bit, that I am doing on Facebook, you can go here:

If you don't want to wait that long to get to the end, you can watch it all here!  Andrew set up the live stream so all the credit for this goes to him.  It has been VERY interesting to hear all of the places that it was watched in, including the Mall of America! 

Yes, I am needing prayers to do well with all of the adjustments that are required of me right now! 


PS.  Yes, it was me singing the song as Michael and Cora poured the sand together depicting their 2 lives coming together.  They chose that song from all of the ones I played and sang for them and I loved it.  GOD HAS GIVEN YOU TO ME!!! 
PPS. Cora and Michael's slideshow begins around 54 minutes into the video!

PPPS.  The Kingery concert begins at 2 hours and 2 minutes.

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...