Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 7 included a Gentleman

I love to watch how the Lord brings people into my life--each day is so unique.  Yesterday, which was day 7 of my 5th Master Cleanse He brought a gentleman into my day.

Fridays are always so very busy for us that I rarely go to town on Fridays. We have much to do on Preparation Day to get things ready for our day of rest to be as peaceful and pleasant as possible.  With cleaning and cooking and finishing up laundry there's just not much time for anything extra. 

However yesterday I was unpleasantly surprised to learn, when I went to the net teller, that I was overdrawn.  How can that be?  When I had gotten home late on Thursday night, I checked my balance.  Seeing that it was overdrawn, I transferred enough money to cover it, and went to bed.  "Now, how come I'm overdrawn?" I growled.

Knowing that I needed to get my checks put into the bank, I asked if anyone needed anything else done in Napoleon.  Robert said to call the car dealer that we bought our new wheels at and see if they could put in the struts that were weak on the hatch.

Being it was only the week before that we'd bought the vehicle, the owner knew me when I called to ask if that would work for them.  He said, "I'll hold my man over if you'll come right away."  Quickly putting my deposit together, I headed for town and got there around 2:30.

I asked the fellows, "How long will this take?"  They both assured me that it would only take 10 to 15 minutes.  Handing the employee the keys I said, "Ok, I'm going to walk up to the bank while you're fixing it.  I can't wait that long."

When the owner heard that he offered me a ride.  Seeing as I was in a hurry, I accepted.  On the way to the bank, we talked about our first week with the Pacifica.  As we neared the bank, he said, "I'll pick you up when you're done.  Just give me a call."

Well, I've never been one to enjoy bothering others, I declined saying that it wasn't that far to walk.  He persisted,  "But it's 3 degrees below zero with a breeze."

I insisted, "I'm used to being out in the cold as I got out to do chores every day."

Then he got serious and said, "PLEASE LET ME COME BACK TO PICK YOU UP!"

Wow--what do you say to that?  So I laughed and said that it would be nice and got out of the SUV.  "Give me a few minutes to get the struts in before you call me to get you," he said and was gone.

To make a long story short, inside the bank I learned that the policy had changed last year about when the cutoff time is for deposits.  One of the things that we had liked about this bank was that they had an outside deposit box.  If you had the deposit into that box (or transferred online) before 8:00 the following basis day that you overdrew, then you'd be fine.

HOWEVER, I learned that that policy had changed so that the cutoff time is now 4:00 PM.  That is why I was overdrawn even though I had transferred the needed funds into my account before I went to bed.  I'm sharing this for anyone in our area who has not realized this so that you might be spared the agony and embarrassment of an overdraft.

So, after I was defeated in the bank, I asked if they'd call the car dealer for me as I'd forgotten my cell phone at home.  When the teller dialed the number and handed me the phone, I was amazed.  A few minutes later the vehicle pulled up in front of the bank and I hopped in.

When I told my family this story later on, they all were as amazed as I was and said, "only in a small town."  It truly was a joy to ride in a warm vehicle with a gentleman instead of freezing my legs walking the 5 or 6 blocks down there.  So that's my big news from yesterday--I learned that gentlemen still exist on this planet.  YIPEE!!!

We quickly finished cleaning the house when I returned home and everyone enjoyed their feast while I enjoyed some more of Dr. Mercola's wonderful whey protein powder.  Then we watched a fantastic movie which Cora had ordered for us called, "Faith like potatoes".  Now there's a fantastic movie for you about how God can change a life completely around.  PRAISE HIS NAME FOREVER!!!!

Happy Sabbath all,


Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 5 and 6

Day 5 was the first day that I saw any "REAL" cleansing, meaning that it showed on the scale that I had lost 4 pounds.  It was a great day around here too as the hostess, who has so graciously opened her home up to me, and I made the final arrangements for her house meeting on Sunday.  This is the email that I received from her that night.

Well, my homework is done.  Invites are out with extra emails sent
too.  I hope many can attend.

Thank you Dawn for all you do for me. 
I really do love you!

About an hour later I received this email from a client whom I had just worked on that afternoon here at my home.

Thank you so much for my session today!!!  You are an angel and I am so thankful
for you!  Have a great evening with your family.

WOW--talk about feeling blessed, but that's not all.

That day in the mail I had received a check for a distance session that I'd done for a friend.  In with her check was the cutest note that I've ever received full of squigglies and packed with love.  As best as I can remember, this is what it said.

Hey Sweetie,

Thanks so much for the session.  It was such a blessing.................

You are a good person--remember that.

Yesterday (Day 6) was great too.  I saw 6 clients; sold 2 BETAR units; came home with $600 in my pocket driving our new wheels.  WOW.
Then when I got home I learned that the cattle prices were VERY good at the sale and it looks like we'll be able to pay all of our bills on time!!!!!!!!  YEAH!!!!!!!!  PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!
On top of all of that, I stood on the scale this morning and saw that I have lost 6 pounds since I started.  Now, I know that some people loose lots more than I do on the cleanse, but I'm not giving up hope yet of wearing that cute red and black checked dress at the home school convention.  It seems to take me a long time to get the ball rolling and I have another week yet. 
I rejoice that, even though I'm cleansing, I'm able to work all day like before.  I KNOW that the difference is because of Dr. Mercola's whey protein powder giving me the extra energy I need.  I realize that this may mean that I actually end up loosing less weight, but I must keep my work schedule up.  I can't just tell people, "Sorry no sessions for half a month as I'm on the Master Cleanse."
I continue to need your prayers and words of encouragement.  If you have been blessed by my work in any way, I'd appreciate your dropping me a note to add to my LINKS TO HEALING blog to encourage others to open their minds to all that BodyTalk has to offer.
Blessings for a peaceful Sabbath tomorrow.
Love you all,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

MC 5--Day 4/Amended version

Day 4 was FULL of excitement.  First of all, we're trying to decide which radionics machine to purchase for Robert to use in the upcoming class--and thereafter.  I got no less than 4 emails from Ed at KRT so that was a thrill!
If ever I had a loving brother, it would be somebody like Ed.  He is so understanding, and supportive, and encouraging--surely this is the role that a real live brother would play in his sister's life in a loving family!  PRAISE THE LORD--HE FOUND A WAY TO GIVE ME BROTHERS THROUGH HIS NETWORK OF AWESOME PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then, the day went well as far as hunger pangs went.  I was happy to note that the worst is behind me as those first 3 days can be kind of grueling when you watch your family sitting here eating.  Yesterday and this morning, though, I found myself thinking, "I'm on a roll now and I KNOW that I WILL live without food for another week!"  In fact, I wondered yesterday if I am meant to go all the way through the home school convention and into the next week.  I certainly am willing to do whatever is meant for me to do.  Perhaps the home school convention is needing fasting, along with prayer, this year for some reason.
There was a box that came for me from too.  All right, it's confession time.  I have been doing something a little bit different this time around.  I fell in love with Dr. Mercola's whey protein powder.  He had a great deal on if you bought 6 containers of this delicacy, so I did. 
Truly, there were times on the first 4 cleanses (three 15 day ones and one 10 day one) when I was literally weak.  At those times, I'd allow my body the rest that it needed as it cleans out deeply junk that has built up in me over the past 5 decades. 
The trouble now is that I have a business where people depend on me to help them to get well.  I can't just lie around detoxifying and say, "Sorry that I can't help you for half a month but I'm doing the Master Cleanse, you see."
So, leave it to the Lord, He sent me Dr. Mercola's whey protein powder.  Yes, I am adding that to this master cleanse whenever I feel weak.  Within minutes I'm ready to go back to work and my brain just loves the stuff. 
Part of me feels like this isn't, "Perfect" because it's not sticking to the lemonade and herbal teas only.  However, I have made my peace over it and I understand that the perfect one, my loving Heavenly Father, knows exactly what I need to do every day.  Now that I'm resolved to this, I am loving THIS cleanse like none before it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now for the most exciting part of our day yesterday.  We got an email from Gail B., who is with our home school association, stating that the House of Representatives was going to vote on the home school bill TODAY.  She said, "PLEASE write to your representatives and ask them to support the bill IMMEDIATELY--so we did.

It was so funny to hear Cora in on her laptop typing away and Andrew in his bedroom typing away as I frantically typed out here in the dining room asking our Representatives to, "VOTE YES".    After that, we rushed through lunch (for me that meant lemonade) and listened to the House meeting in the boy's room.  I'll never know how Andrew figures out how to go to all of these places, but it sure is interesting living with him.  At first we were watching it but it couldn't bring it in that fast so we just listened.

As we sat on the edge of our seats, we heard the call for the vote and I prayed madly as this was a VERY important vote.  When the announcement came that they voted "YES" by a large majority, we were all grinning from ear to ear.  There is just something about being a part of the political process that is so fulfilling--especially when we win!

Of course, the battle is only half over as we'll need to go through all of the this again when our bill gets to the Senate side.  However, if the House had voted, "No" that would be the end of things.  We'd go back to the dark ages of home schooling in North Dakota. 

Well, we're loading calves to sell tomorrow in  Napoleon so I've got to get going.  Please keep us in your prayers--today for safety loading and hauling them and tomorrow for as good a price as possible.  I won't be able to attend the sale this time as I'll be seeing people in my Bismarck office--6 tomorrow.  OH HOW I LOVE BEING BUSY DOING THE WORK OF THE KING!!!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Three days through

Hi everyone,
  As you can see, I have not been able to keep up with my posting during this, my fifth, Master Cleanse.  I had a hard time getting started for some reason and didn't begin when I had written that I was going to.  Something about the time wasn't right, so I'm "Behind" where I had hoped to be by now.

  This has made me accept that I won't get 15 days in before the home school convention.  I've counted that it will work to get 12 in, though, if I come out of it on the end with my first meal of solid food coming on the last day of the convention.  Then, too, I wondered if maybe the Lord wants me to fast all the way through the convention to lend more umph to my prayers that God be glorified in ALL that is said and done there.  Have you ever noticed how you pray more earnestly when on a fast of any length?

Anyway, yesterday was my third day so that means that the worst part is over.  I am happy to say that I haven't had the aches that I had with the earlier cleanses.  I suppose that is because I have gotten rid of those poisons earlier on.  Praise the Lord--that means that each one will most likely be easier than the last.  :)

Here is the latest on the Parental Rights Amendment.  The newest development here is that we will be taking a table at the used book sale, during the home school convention, to try to collect more signatures.  Have YOU signed the petition to try to influence our federal legislators to co-sign the Amendment?  If not, PLEASE take the time to do so by going to the link on the forward

Have a great day and please keep me in your prayers.  There are so many sick people that sometimes it gets me down, but all I can do is work on the people who come to me.  I'm working with a 23 year young man now who almost died from a reaction to a prescription drug.  One of my clients recently buried her 17 year old grandson from a massive heart attack.................  OH HELP!

To the work,


~February 10, 2011
Planned Parenthood Attacks the
Parental Rights Amendment

No doubt you’ve heard about
Planned Parenthood in the news lately. They’ve been criticized for covering up
the sex trafficking of minors, and they’ve come under media investigation. Their
dishonorable techniques have once again been exposed by Live Action’s president Lila Rose. They have
counseled an investigator posing as a pimp on how to avoid detection and yet get
abortions and other related services for girls as young as 14 and 15. Of course,
Planned Parenthood is utterly committed to the proposition that parents have no
right to knowledge or consent of the activities of their teenaged daughters when
they walk in the door of these deadly clinics. Even if the girls are being held
as sex slaves, Planned Parenthood wants to keep both parents and government out
of their grisly business.

And, of course, one of the most stalwart and
effective defenders of the rights of Planned Parenthood to secretly perform
abortions on underaged girls is the American Civil Liberties Union.

Rose, a young woman raised by a fine homeschooling family in California, has
taken on the giant of Planned Parenthood and she is winning. She is the example
of the kind of young person that is sent forth to help America become a better
place when parents are free to train their children in truth and uprightness.

I was at a meeting this week with the Speaker of the House and other top
leaders in Congress and the pinnacle of the talk was on Lila Rose’s activities,
as well as a movement in Congress to defund
Planned Parenthood – they received $363 million in government (tax payer) funds
last year.

I pointed out that Lila Rose had been homeschooled and that we
needed to be sure that the Parental Rights Amendment is passed to ensure that
all parents have the ability to be involved in the crucial decisions for their
children’s future.

There was a good reason that Planned Parenthood and
the ACLU were on my mind during this meeting with the Speaker of the

Last week, when Montana’s Senate Judicial Committee considered a
resolution urging Congress to adopt the Parental Rights Amendment (PRA) and send
it to the States for ratification, Planned Parenthood of Montana, the ACLU, and
the Human Rights Campaign (a “gay rights” organization) spoke against it.

For all their troubles now, Planned
Parenthood remains a heavy hitter with an annual budget of $1.117
– and they have taken aim at the PRA. Not that they succeeded
in this case – the resolution passed out of committee by a vote of 7-5 on Friday, and will now proceed to the Montana
Senate floor.

But Planned Parenthood will not stop
. Like a cornered beast, they will lash out wherever they can, and
right now that seems to mean our resolutions and Amendment.

We cannot
hope to counter the misinformation campaign of Planned Parenthood unless we all
recommit ourselves to a deeper involvement in this issue. Remember,
Planned Parenthood received $363 million from the federal government
last year; we didn’t receive a dime.
We are dependent on concerned
partners like you if we are to keep spreading the truth. Please consider helping
us in the following ways:

1) Please donate today. Advertising isn’t free. Our
website isn’t free. Our staff is very lean and we need to be able to meet our
obligations to them and their family. Our giving this year is down and we simply
cannot lead this effort to victory without your support. We need your support in
this crucial hour. If you can give on an ongoing, monthly basis, please check
the appropriate box on the Donate form. But whatever you can give, please do it now.

Donate Now

2) Track the status of the resolution in your
and be ready to speak in its favor. Please email Michael
if you can speak to a committee to support a resolution in your
state. If you live in Montana, call your state senator now and
urge him (her) to support SJ
in favor of a federal Parental Rights Amendment. You can identify your
senator and find contact information here.

3) Get ready to fight in Congress. We have been
working behind the scenes in the House to put together a new leadership
coalition to lead our efforts to pass the PRA. Our former champion, Pete
Hoekstra, retired from the House to run for Governor of Michigan. We have
assurances from the GOP leadership in the House that they will help us push the
PRA. I fully expect that we will have hearings, committee votes, and then floor
action in the House this year.

This is our time to push the PRA through
the House of Representatives. We need your help now more than ever. Being
attacked by the likes of the ACLU and Planned Parenthood is a good sign that we
are on the right track and that we are getting close to



Saturday, February 19, 2011

Leaving the state


  Seeing as Cora and Andrew have been saving their comments about Robert's surprise to our family, I had better get on the ball and write about it.  To make a long story short, Robert asked me yesterday morning, "What are you doing today?"  After I ran off my long list of goals for the day, he said, "I was kind of hoping that you'd ride into town with me this afternoon." 

"What for?"  I asked.

Sheepishly he told me that he's been vehicle shopping for some time, which was not a surprise to me.  However, I was surprised when he told me that he'd found one he liked; had made all the arrangements to buy it; that we are approved for the financing; and that all I needed to do was go in and say whether or not I like it.  Now how's THAT for a surprise?

Well, the day ended up being unforgettable.  First of all the trucker came and took our third semi load of organic wheat headed for Marianthol, Kansas.  Then we made the final decision to take a trip out of state.  Then we took our organic screenings into town and sold them for $11.61 a bushel--that's more than we got for our GOOD wheat in the past!  After putting our checks in the bank, Robert drove me in the old truck over to the Cenex but I didn't drive home in the old truck.  Across the street from the Cenex in Napoleon is Wentz Auto Sales.

Now Robert had told me several things about this vehicle--it's kind of the color of the van; it has 58,000 miles on it; and that it's all wheel drive which we MUST have living out here in the country.  Then, he had me walk down the row of cars and try to pick which one I thought that it was.  From that description, I saw one small car that it could have been but my heart sank at thinking that he was all excited about that car.

However, there was one awesome looking vehicle sitting out on the side of the road which I ignored.  I don't know why but I just thought it would be in the row of cars.  Then the salesman came out; tapped it on the bumper; and asked me how I liked it.  I looked at Robert with wide eyes and asked, "SO THIS IS IT?"

He burst out laughing and the salesman felt like a worm to have ruined Robert's surprise but we got over it soon enough as he started showing us the features.  The next thing I knew I found myself behind the wheel and heading North out of town.

To make a long story short, we signed the papers and I brought it home.  You should have seen the children's faces when they saw my driving in with new/used wheels. 

That's not all the news that I have, though.  Recently, we learned from our friend Ed, that there is a radionics course in a nearby state. We have decided that Robert, Jacob, and I will be taking the class the second week in March.  Jacob was bummed as he wants to go to KRT at the dome again this Summer for our next level of training.  However, when he saw the way that we'll be traveling, he chilled out.

And now, with no further delay, here are the pictures of our new wheels.  I really like the name of it too, which is Pacifica.  I told Darcy, the salesman at Wentz's, that we just got back from the Pacific Ocean so that this vehicle is perfect for us.   

Happy Sabbath everyone!


PS.  I'll post more about our upcoming trip in the days ahead.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Taking the plunge

Well, finally the big day has arrived.  I was going to start my 5th Master Cleanse in January.  However, the maple syrup was on back order until some time in February.  Then, when it came, I was just not "READY," to begin a 15 day cleanse--if you know what I mean. 

However, I certainly want to do another cleanse before the home school convention so that I can fit into my red and black checked dress that Cora dug out of one of the free boxes at, :Digger's Delight" in Bismarck.  I mean, this is one cute dress and the price was just perfect.  It is so "ME," but just a bit too tight to be seen in yet. 

I've been working on this all winter but, as I've gotten more busy with my business, I've had less time to exercise.  ):  Finally last week the maple syrup arrived and I couldn't use that as an excuse any more.  Still, I didn't really "Feel like doing it," so I put off starting.

 Then the other day, somebody mentioned the convention and I thought, "I better find out how many days I have before then."  When I took a look at my calender, I was shocked to realize that I didn't  have enough time to work into it for the 3 days the way it's recommended doing.  Still, I REALLY want to wear that dress at the convention, so I took one day (yesterday) to get ready.

  Today is day one and I'm doing well--so far.  Robert and Cora weren't home for lunch so I read to the boys from the cowboy story Jacob and I are wrapped up in for his school reading.  Did you ever notice that it's hard to eat when you're interested in a good book--particularly when you're the one reading?  Thank God for good books!!!!!!!!

Well, I thought that I'd invite you all again to join me on my journey.  Perhaps you would like to do the Master Cleanse with me for 1 day or 3 days or 10 days?  If you're interested in pondering this super duper way of safely cleansing your body of junk, check out my side bar for the website and blog link for the Master Cleanse.  I'd love to have some company so please, if you do decide to join me, let me know.  If not, please pray for me to be healed even further from all of the traumas that I have endured. 

Anyway, some day I want to look like my friend, Jackie, whom I started home schooling with nearly 2 decades ago.  We met at the capitol last week and she's just as gorgeous as she always was--and that's after FIVE boys!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Lets help Jean

Hi everyone,
  Please pray for my client/friend Jean who had a stroke on Friday morning.  She's in the hospital in Bismarck and needs lots of prayer. 

  Jean has been under lots of stress here lately as she does tax preparation AND her son-in-law has been dealing with testicular cancer. 

  I just spoke with Jean and learned that she does NOT have any paralysis, so that is a comfort.  Those of you who do Reiki, I urge you to send some to Jean too.  Let's work together to get her out of there and back home at work.  Many people are needing her help just now.



Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reiki attunements

Hi everyone,

   I hope that you had as wonderful of a Sabbath rest as I had today!  It was a bit disconcerting to have a client call me at 7:00 this morning needing help.  She had been dizzy and throwing up all night and asked for a BodyTalk session.  Although I do not work on the Sabbath, except to do good, I felt that that this was certainly a case of doing good.  I told my client that I would not charge her for the session, as that would be working.  You can just imagine that it broke her heart.  I was just so happy to be able to be there to help Jean as she was thinking about going to the emergency room. 

  After that, the day was very peaceful and comforting.  We are going through the Moody series again called, "The Wonders of God's Creation."  I sat here and just praised God for an hour and a half for the wonderful planet that He has prepared for us to live on!!!! 

Then I rested and woke to Cora telling me that the family was ready to watch a new British Broadcast Company (BBC) movie called, "North and South."  Now, I will say that here lately some of the BBC movies we've checked out from the Bismarck library were down-right boring, but Not THIS one!!! 

Packed with factory worker's strikes; a secret brother; a suicide; an unexpected inheritance; and MAJOR confusion about the true character of the hero and heroine, I was on the edge of my seat almost the entire 4 hours.  Of course, John and Margaret end up kissing in a train station so "All's well that ends well".  I would truly recommend, "North and South" to all of you who are interested in a BBC movie that is "Realistic".  No rich people walking on beaches for hours on end to nowhere for no purpose with nobody saying anything worth hearing. 

Now I need to go practice doing an attunement on my teddy bear.  "What is an attunement?" you ask.  Well, it's like this.  I have come to understand that God made us all to have healing energy flowing through our bodies so that we would not get sick or tired.  That was before sin entered the world, but  now we DO have sin.  This sin keeps us separated from God who is the healer of us all.

Well, when an attunement is done on a person, it opens up their chakras.  A chakra is an opening in our protective energy field where energy can flow in to us from the environment.  Because of sin, the chakras get plugged full of negative energy and healing energy cannot flow into the person.  The attunement process opens up the chakras so that healing can flow in to the person like it did before the fall in the Garden of Eden.

Anyway, tomorrow I am having a class for 4 people in my Bismarck office.  I'll tell them my first attunement story; explain how Reiki began on the planet; give them their attunements; and then have them give each other full Reiki treatments.  The whole thing will take between 5 and 6 hours and I am VERY excited about it.  Every person that I can attune will have the ability to harvest the energy that is all around us to bring them, or anyone they work with, healing.  Anyone who really knows me will understand how much that thrills me! 

I think that I'd like to share my first attunement story with you now while I'm thinking about it.  It was 2 years ago last Fall.  I rode with my friends, Jean and Donna, to Rugby for the afternoon.  We went to the home of a Reiki Master/Teacher who had the most peaceful living room that I have ever entered. 

 Sharon was so gracious to answer our questions before she gave us our attunements.  She had told us that many people were given visions during the process that helped them as they went on their lives.  She said that some people just saw colors, and others words, and some nothing at all.  I didn't know what to expect. 

As Sharon opened up my chakras to be in tune with God, He gave me a vision.  I saw myself nailed up on the cross.  It stunned me, and as I looked around, I saw that I was being crucified between 2 criminals just as Christ had been.  I looked down and saw many of my friends weeping for me.

"WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?" I recall crying out to God.

Into the still room, I heard God's voice saying to me, "You need to remember that any power that comes out of your hands, is from ME!  If you ever start to think otherwise, you will be put up there.  THIS IS MY WORK--NOT YOURS!!!!!!!!!"

I was trembling because I knew that God was serious--Reiki is HIS power and to be used for HIS purposes.  So how does this play out in the average person?  The Reiki energy goes against anything that is bad in the client.  For 3 days, the Reiki will clean out each of the chakras. 

Being the first chakra has to do with survival, let's say that someone has a problem with suicidal tendencies, the Reiki will go to work against that.  This is what my second attunement did for me but that's another day's story. 

Going up through the chakras, the Reiki will clean out negative thinking and habits the next 3 days in the area of sexuality; the next 3 days in the area of personal self-control; the next 3 days in the matters of the heart (self-love; receiving love from others; and giving love to others); the next 3 days with being able to express yourself verbally; the next 3 days with being intuitive; and the last 3 days the Reiki will begin to clear out problems that the client has in his relationship with God.

All of this can be tough on a client so I keep them in prayer a lot those first 21 days.  After those 21 days have passed, then the client can go on to their second attunement in Reiki 2 and the whole process starts over again, but at a deeper level.

Reiki makes us better people, it's that simple.  I love how it has helped me to learn to take responsibility for the things that I do and say rather than just walking around thinking, "I have an excuse for my impatience.... because I was abused." 

Well, I need to study a bit more and then get to bed early.  It's going to be a big day tomorrow and I covet all of your prayers.  In the meantime, if you would like to read more about Reiki, I encourage you to go to the website listed on my sidebar.  I think it's called, "Reiki for Christians." 

Thanks for listening to my rambling and I wish you all a wonderful new week.  It sure was nice outside tonight, when I went out to milk the goats, so maybe Spring really is right around the corner.


PS.  I realized that I haven't shown a picture of my new office yet.  This is right after I moved in, but I thought I'd show it so that you can see me here and send your prayers when you think of me working in here.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Technology--a benefit to mankind?

Hello everyone,

Is it freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing where you live too? BRRRRRRRR--it's been cold this week. However, it warmed my heart this morning to read this article on Dr. Mercola's website.

For years now we've been watching bio-tech monster, Monsanto, consuming the world. Their tactics have put many organic farmers in jeopardy and some, completely out of business. Eight years ago a man named Percy Schmeiser was the keynote speaker at the organic convention. We learned how Monsanto completely ruined his seed company and you can read about that here if you like:

I can recall shivering in fear as I listened to Mr. Schmesier talk about how Monsanto's millions of dollars were threatening small farmers all around the world. By claiming to have the right to patent life forms, they began taking away farmer's rights to save seed one year and plant it the next as has been done since the beginning of time. Then I learned about the Organic Consumer's Association's campaign called, "Millions against Monsanto," and I took heart as I realized that many "Small guys" joining together, truly ARE big!

Then in 2002, it became an all out war for us when Monsanto threatened to force North Dakota farmers to accept GMO wheat. That was the beginning of our involvement in politics. If we had not joined together with many small groups, organic wheat would have ceased to exist by now. There is no way for anyone to contain pollen and GMO pollen travels on the wind to ANY plant.

That story ended happily by Monsanto, oh so heroically withdrawing it's GMO wheat from the market place. However the same threat is always hanging over our heads as they release one after another of their unnatural products. The newest one to threaten our farm's existence is GMO alfalfa.

As you can imagine, then, we listen constantly for news that God Himself is intervening to stop these horrific bullying tactics against small farmers. This morning I was excited to read this article.

I want to make it clear that I do not wish ANY farmer trouble. However, it simply is not natural to be messing with the plants the way these bio tech monsters are doing. When we put the "Easy" way ahead of the right way, sooner or later it bites us. In this case, I am far more concerned about people eating these GMO tainted foods, than farmers loosing their income from diseased crops.

So, as you read, I urge you to ponder along with me, "Is ALL technology a benefit to mankind?"
I leave you to your reading.


This Could Threaten the Future of Food – Destroying the Entire Food Chain…
Posted By Dr. Mercola February 02 2011 28,307 views

PreviousRoundup, Monsanto's glyphosate-based herbicide, is causing Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), a serious plant disease, in many fields. Study after study shows that glyphosate is contributing not only to the huge increase in SDS, but also to the outbreak of numerous other diseases.

Glyphosate is the world's bestselling weed killer; it was patented by Monsanto for use in their Roundup brand, which became more popular when they introduced "Roundup Ready" crops -- genetically modified (GM) plants that can withstand applications of normally deadly Roundup.

But the herbicide doesn't destroy plants directly; instead, it creates a unique perfect storm of conditions that activates disease-causing organisms in the soil, while at the same time wiping out plant defenses against those diseases.

The Institute for Responsible Technology reports:

"By weakening plants and promoting disease, glyphosate opens the door for lots of problems in the field. According to Don [Huber, a plant pathologist], 'There are more than 40 diseases of crop plants that are reported to increase with the use of glyphosate …'

Some of the fungi promoted by glyphosate produce dangerous toxins that can end up in food and feed ... They've 'been linked to the plague epidemics' of medieval Europe, 'large-scale human toxicosis in Eastern Europe,' esophageal cancer in southern Africa and parts of China, joint diseases in Asia and southern Africa, and a blood disorder in Russia."
Institute for Responsible Technology January 14, 2011

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

More than:

•75 percent of soybeans
•65 percent of cotton
•10 percent of corn grown in the United States
… contain the genetically modified (GM) Roundup Ready gene, which allows farmers to spray Monsanto's Roundup herbicide directly onto their fields, killing weeds without harming the crops … theoretically.

However, this convenience comes at a steep price, as evidence shows that Roundup's active ingredient, glyphosate, is actually devastating crops and human and animal health around the world, even when the exposure is restricted to residues leftover in the soil.

"The Perfect Storm" for Plant Devastation
Glyphosate is the world's bestselling weed killer, and it's found in more than 30 percent of all herbicides. While Roundup Ready crops can withstand the toxin because of GM genetic material from viruses and bacteria, the weed killer is thought to be contributing to Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), a deadly plant disease that causes plants to turn yellow and die.

As reported by GM expert Jeffrey Smith, numerous studies have linked glyphosate to increases in SDS, including in crops that have never been sprayed with the herbicide but were planted in a field that received an application the previous season.

As Smith points out:

"The herbicide doesn't destroy plants directly. It rather cooks up a unique perfect storm of conditions that revs up disease-causing organisms in the soil, and at the same time wipes out plant defenses against those diseases. The mechanisms are well-documented but rarely cited."

In fact, Roundup herbicide weakens plants and promotes disease in a number of ways, including:

•Acting as a chelator of vital nutrients, depriving plants of the nutrients necessary for healthy plant function
•Destroying beneficial soil organisms that suppress disease-causing organisms and help plants absorb nutrients
•Interfering with photosynthesis, reducing water use efficiency, shortening root systems and causing plants to release sugars, which changes soil pH
•Stunting and weakening plant growth
•Promoting disease-causing organisms in soil, which then overtake the weakened crops
So the glyphosate in Roundup is not only weakening plants, it's changing the makeup of soil and boosting the number of disease-causing organisms, a deadly recipe for crops around the globe.

As Don Huber, a plant pathologist at Purdue University, stated:

"There are more than 40 diseases of crop plants that are reported to increase with the use of glyphosate, and that number keeps growing as people recognize the association between glyphosate and disease."

As the use of Roundup has increased, so too has the prevalence of potentially devastating plant diseases, which could threaten future food crops and the food chain that depends on them.

Dangers for People and Animals Too
It's not only plant life that's threatened by the use of Roundup -- human and animal toxins are created too. As Smith reported, glyphosate promotes the formation of certain types of fungi that are dangerous to people and contaminate food and animal feed. One such fungi, the Fusarium fungus, has been linked to plague epidemics, cancer, infertility and animal diseases.

Residues of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide found in GM food and feed have also been linked to cell damage and even death, even at very low levels. Researchers have also found it causes membrane and DNA damage, and inhibits cell respiration.

It's also possible that glyphosate is significantly altering the nutrient content of our food, through its chelating mechanism, leading to widespread mineral deficiencies in animals and humans. Smith writes:

"The same nutrients that glyphosate chelates and deprives plants are also vital for human and animal health. These include iron, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, boron, and others. Deficiencies of these elements in our diets, alone or in combination, are known to interfere with vital enzyme systems and cause a long list of disorders and diseases …

Glyphosate-induced mineral deficiencies can easily go unidentified and untreated. Even when laboratory tests are done, they can sometimes detect adequate mineral levels, but miss the fact that glyphosate has already rendered them unusable.

Glyphosate can tie up minerals for years and years, essentially removing them from the pool of nutrients available for plants, animals, and humans. If we combine the more than 135 million pounds of glyphosate-based herbicides applied in the US in 2010 with total applications over the past 30 years, we may have already eliminated millions of pounds of nutrients from our food supply."

Roundup in the Environment
Monsanto long used the slogans, "It's Safer than Mowing," "Biodegradable," and "Environmentally Friendly" to describe Roundup -- until the real effects of this toxic herbicide were revealed and they were forced to discontinue their deceptive advertising.

The truth is Monsanto's own tests showed that only 2 percent of the herbicide broke down after 28 days, which means it readily persists in the environment. Glyphosate is actually the most commonly reported cause of pesticide illness among landscape maintenance workers in California. Additionally:

•The surfactant ingredient in Roundup is more acutely toxic than glyphosate itself, and the combination of the two is even more toxic.
Glyphosate is suspected of causing genetic damage.
Glyphosate is acutely toxic to fish and birds and can kill beneficial insects and soil organisms that maintain ecological balance.
•Laboratory studies have identified adverse effects of glyphosate-containing products in all standard categories of toxicological testing.
In one animal study, rats given 1,000 mg/kg of glyphosate resulted in a 50 percent mortality rate, and skeletal alterations were observed in over 57 percent of fetuses!

And just so you understand, GM crops that are resistant to Roundup are the most widely sold GM varieties. So if you eat GM foods, there is a very good chance those foods contain Roundup residues -- and possibly hefty amounts of them.

According to Smith, by 2004 farmers used an estimated 86 percent more herbicide on GM soy fields compared to non-GM. Higher levels of herbicide residue in this GM soy might cause health problems, and many symptoms identified in one UK soy allergy study are also related to glyphosate exposure.

The allergy study identified irritable bowel syndrome, digestion problems, chronic fatigue, headaches, lethargy, and skin complaints including acne and eczema, all related to soy consumption.

Symptoms of glyphosate exposure include nausea, headaches, lethargy, skin rashes, and burning or itchy skin. It is also possible that glyphosate's breakdown product AMPA, which accumulates in GM soybeans after each spray, might contribute to allergies.

Again, the use of Roundup herbicide has increased dramatically since the GM Roundup Ready crops were introduced. In the first 13 years, American farmers sprayed an additional 383 million pounds of herbicide due to these herbicide-tolerant crops. And now the repeated exposures have given Mother Nature all she needs to stage her comeback in the form of devastating superweeds.

How Can You Avoid Roundup and Roundup Ready Crops?
Did you know that genetically modified foods are so prevalent in the United States that if you randomly pick an item off your grocery store's shelves, you have a 75 percent chance of picking a food with GM ingredients?

It's true. At least seven out of every 10 processed food items have been genetically modified, and there's more to come.

The potential health ramifications of these world-wide experiments with our food supply are frightening to say the least. If you care about the health and future of your family, I strongly urge you to refuse to participate in this destructive trend.


It's actually simpler than you might think... By buying only non-GM foods.

The True Food Shopping Guide is a great tool for helping you determine which brands and products contain GM ingredients. It lists 20 different food categories that include everything from baby food to chocolate.

Additionally, here are four simple steps to decrease your consumption of GM foods as much as possible:

•Reduce or eliminate processed foods in your diet. The fact that 75 percent of processed foods contain GM ingredients is only one of the many reasons to stick to a whole foods diet.
•Read produce and food labels. Conventionally raised soybeans and corn make up the largest portion of genetically modified crops. Ingredients made from these foods include high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), corn flour and meal, dextrin, starch, soy sauce, margarine, and tofu.
•Buy organic produce. By definition, food that is certified organic must be free from all GM organisms, produced without artificial pesticides and fertilizers and from an animal reared without the routine use of antibiotics, growth promoters or other drugs. Additionally, grass-fed beef will not have been fed GM corn feed.
You can also get involved in helping to defeat GM crops at the regulatory level. Right now the USDA is considering the approval of Monsanto's Roundup Ready alfalfa, which would lead to the application of millions more pounds of Roundup herbicide each year.

You can urge U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to NOT approve Roundup Ready alfalfa, which would lead to the addition of more Roundup on U.S. fields and in our food, by using this action form from the Institute for Responsible Technology

Related Links:
Monsanto's Roundup Residues in GM Food Cause Cell Damage

Blood on our Farms: Is Monsanto Responsible for 1 Suicide Every 30 Minutes?

New Study Exposes the Dark Side of New Genetically Engineered ‘Killer Weeds’…

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