Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Three meals a day

I grew up taking this for granted although I know that there are people in the world who would love to be able to.  It's so natural to "Come to the table" three times a day.  Being on the Master Cleanse certainly does make one appreciate the opportunity that we have to eat whenever we are hungry.  I mean, I was so amazed how full I felt today on my first day back to eating three meals a day.  It's been 21 days since I did it and it was quite awesome how much I appreciated my food today!
So what did I eat today?  Well, I ate a bowel of our freshly made applesauce with 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil and 1 scoop of Dr. Mercola's peanut butter whey protein powder for breakfast.  YUMMMM!
I ate 2 small meatballs with 4 Roma tomatoes for lunch.  For dessert at noon I had a slice of pepper jack cheese with a few walnuts.
For supper I ate a bowel of beef and vegetable soup with 2 slices of pepper jack cheese melted into it.  I feel so full and contented as though I'd just had a huge Thanksgiving meal.  WOW--do you suppose my stomach shrank a little on the cleanse?  I'm also going to have some Smooth Move tea tonight just in case the cheese wasn't the best thing to eat on the first day back.
Although I only lost 10 pounds, I still deem the cleanse a success.  My memory is better yet; my eyesight is tons better; and my shoulders and neck hardly ached even on the days when I was too busy or weak to exercise.  I got rid of some more of that old bubblegum and my spirits are better than they've been in years.  The other day I was downright happy.  I kept saying to Andrew, "I am sooooo happy."  I said it so many times that he actually raised his eyebrows at me--it takes a lot to make Andrew raise his eyebrows.  :)
  During the cleanse, I also made myself a promise to not ever eat unless things have exited the other end.  This is something that I've been wanting to promise myself for a long time but just couldn't bring myself to do as food had such a hold on me.  I still like food but I don't see any reason why it should rule my life.  :)
Well, other people are wanting this computer so I guess I'll close.  Look here soon for a post on the GAPS diet which is the next step in my recovery.  I've known for a long time that Dr. Mercola was right to forbid grains in the diet but I wasn't strong enough to do it.  Now I feel the time has come and I'm ready.  Thanks to Sarah K. for sharing with me about the symptoms that GAPS can help with. 
Sleep well and I'm sending love to all those who are truly doing their best to serve Him with strong, healthy bodies!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The many beauties of Montana

As usual my computer has a mind of it's own when it comes to loading pictures.  I see that these are mixed up AGAIN but I must assume that it is this way for a reason as GOD is never mixed up.  Isn't THAT a comfort?  I'll try to tell the story in spite of the order that the pictures are in as it's too stressful to try to get them all moved around. 

How can it be a week already since I took BODYTALK FOR ANIMALS?  It was a highlight of my life, as was the trip.  Actually, I was dreading the trip because I've heard how dry and dead Montana is but Robert reminded me that this is a high rainfall year so perhaps it is more dry and dead on other years.  Then, too, irrigation plays a large role in agriculture out there.  You can see in this first photo how dry things look without irrigation.
 Here is irrigated alfalfa and you can see what a difference the irrigation makes.
 Those are some BIG rocks!
 I'm amazed that I caught our flag blowing in the wind at 75 MPH down the Interstate.  Can you see it?
 We went through much of Montana without seeing cattle.  When we got past Billings, though, there were lots of cattle and we felt more at home.
 This is entering Missoula.  For some reason I have always been captivated by tunnels.
 Here are 2 Roberts.  The "Other" Robert was in class with me.  He kept talking about the Good Food Store so we dropped him off there on our way home so he wouldn't have to walk both ways--a distance of about 3/4 of a mile.
 This is THE most incredible health food store I have ever seen in my life and, if you're ever in Missoula, you MUST see it.  They had about 35 types of rice and they run the store, "Not for profit" with all volunteers!
 Here's a picture of our class with our instructor, Ange, and coordinator, Tory, squatting in front.  Some folks had already left by then as we had 17 all together in class those 2 1/2 days.
 Here's the waiting room at the Red Willow Learning Center where the class was held.
 The grounds of the center were just lovely.
 I asked Robert to take this of me out by their billboard.
  A classmate took this of us.
 Here she is with me.  This is Nancy from Casselton, ND and I was so happy to meet her as she is a true follower of our Lord.  We'll see each other again in Winnipeg next month.
 This was Ange's closing screen on Friday night.  I thought it was so cool as it truly was God who put man and animal together in the garden.  What would man be without our animal friends?
 This is what the front of the room looked like and
 this was my spot in class.  You can see the lemonade by my purse.
 Is this gorgeous or what?
 OK, went we left here on Thursday, we drove to Bismarck and Robert saw the chiropractor for his back.  Then we took off for my brother's house in Sydney, MT which is about 50 miles North of Interstate.  They were so happy to have us spend the night with them and Russell told me that it was the first time that I had ever come to visit him.  LV told me that it meant a lot to him.

Here LV and I are together--she is really short.  She is a seamstress and had just sewn this Hawaiian dress which she begged me (literally) to receive as a love gift from her so that we could match.  Of course, we HAD to have our picture taken together.
 Here Russell is showing us his pin ball table.  I was so glad that the boys weren't there or they'd have been salivating.  He offered to let me play but I've never been good at that and my wrist was bothering me.
 I thought that this clock was soooooooo cute.
 LV is from the Philippines and has some beautiful Asian things in their home.  These fan was the most gorgeous in my opinion.
 It was hard being there and not eating some of LV's Filipino delicacies but I told her, "I'm sure that I'd get sick if I ate anything now."  She understood as she has fasted before too.  It sure was hard when the cheesecake came out though.  I decided to go for a walk while they had their supper and I enjoyed exploring the lovely homes in their neighborhood.
 At 6:30 the next morning we were off for Missoula.  We ran into lots of road construction which slowed us down.  One time that we stopped I noticed that there were loads of lumber going down the road which is something you definitely do NOT see in ND.  You can see the load on the truck that is stopped across from us here.
 Basically, then, we left here Thursday at noon and drove 5 hours to Russell's home.  We spent the night there and left early Friday morning for Missoula.  We drove 11 hours and pulled into the Red Willow Learning Center exactly 15 minutes before we needed to be there.  IS THAT COOL OR WHAT?

We followed the Yellowstone River all the way from Russell's house to Missoula and back to Glendive.  It kept peeking out at us saying, "I'm still here," and "You better keep moving as there's no time for fishing today."  It's beautiful and it's the lifeblood of agriculture in Montana.  Where there was no irrigation from the Yellowstone, there was no crop--no life.  I praise God for giving us the wonderful gift of water!!!!!!
Best get to sessions.  I am sorry that these are so mixed up but hopefully you all enjoyed them anyway.

Have a great week!


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Last Days

No, I am NOT referring to the rapture?  Actually I meant days 13, 14, and 15 of the cleanse.

Thursday (Day 13) was GREAT!  I worked in Bismarck and saw 6 clients.  One of these was a horse so it was my first official AnimalTalk session.   BIG CAT is a race horse who got injured coming out of the gate in her last race.  The vet said, "Put her down," but the owners couldn't.  I can see why those with only conventional animal care skills would have been distraught at the condition of that leg but love has kept BIG CAT alive since the accident.  I am hoping to help her to heal completely so we'll see if the owners ask for more sessions.  I was too excited that day to notice any hunger and I just kept sipping my lemonade.

Yesterday was also busy as we picked up our beef from the locker and did other errands in Napoleon.  If anyone is in need of a quarter of some of the finest beef I've ever eaten (one customer termed it, "Premium"), you can let me know here by posting a comment which I will keep confidential. 

In the afternoon, we cleaned and cooked for Sabbath and I worked quite a bit on Cora who is down with a cold.  Also, I began radionics for a very handsome bull of another client who is very down with a sore leg so he is my second "Official" animal client.

Now, today is the Sabbath for which I am very grateful.  It's my 15th and last day of the cleanse.  I'm not sure why it was necessary for me to feel so terribly achy, with an upset stomach, on the last day but I guess it is.  Please cover me with your prayers, if you're so inclined, as I so despise feeling wretched on the Sabbath.

Church was wonderful, though.  We had a hymn sing complete with a vocal lesson for Hristiyan to begin to grasp singing in parts.  I was so pleased with my children, as they did the lesson, and it was fun to watch. 

Then we watched a Pastor Davis video on acceptance and rejection.  He shared about a teacher who touched her student's lives by having them all write something nice about each other.  She then compiled a sheet for each student with all of their classmate's kind remarks attached.  Years later she learned that this had been a turning point in their lives.

We decided to do it too and spent the next half hour blessing each other.  It's private, of course, but I was so encouraged with concepts like faithful; kind; concerned for others; brave to stand for truth no matter what; a good energy worker; and honest applied to me.  I put all the scraps of paper on a recipe card and dated it.  Then I put the card in my treasure chest to pull out on doubtful days.  I can highly recommend this for any families where there have been rejection issues in the past.  WOW--it sure felt good!  The Lord knew that I needed a picker upper today.

Robert and the older children just drove to Napoleon to pick up supplies for root bear floats and to try out Andrew's "New" car.  Not wishing to watch their enjoyment when they return, I am heading for the whirlpool but first I'm going to use my SusSplash.  I've been neglecting this part of my self-care, with all of the wonderful sunshine these days, but perhaps it'll help settle this upset stomach.  I'm not usually upset in the stomach unless something is upsetting me emotionally.  How little we understand ourselves.  Now why would I be upset when I just received all of these wonderful affirmations from my family and from Hristiyan?  Perhaps I don't think I deserve it??????????????????

As Maria said right before she entered the Captains house, "OH HELP!"

Blessed Sabbath rest,


PS.  I started looking through trip pictures but my stomach won't let me post right now.  Perhaps I'll get to it later today.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 11--almost Heaven

I'm serious.  After I made the decision to keep cleansing, yesterday was a fantastic day!  I prayed quite a bit about going off the cleanse with Cora but decided to keep on as my right wrist is still having issues.  It throbs a lot and aches something terrible for no explanation.  I assume that means that there are either some more poisons that need to be gotten rid of or it's emotional and I need to keep doing BT on myself. 
When I look at the consciousness of the wrist, I see that they are stomaching life; digestion of life; flexibility; and hanging on to life.  These certainly do apply to some of the main issues that I am dealing with now so it makes sense that is screaming like my finger did last year. 
Anyway, I was strong yesterday and got lots of laundry done plus drove up to the pasture to do a session on the cattle herd.  THAT WAS SO INCREDIBLE! Last night we all watched the movie called, "Walking across Egypt."  It was one of the best movies that I have ever watched!  Thanks for sharing it, Dorena, if you happen to be reading this.
Today was awesome as we had an incredible session on my elderly lady from Napoleon.  Here's the best news of all.  We worked out an agreement where I will work out of her assisted living home this Winter when she doesn't want to drive.  The more people she brings in for sessions, the greater the discount on her session.  I told her that I'll pay her rent if she has more than 4 lined up for me.  She leaned over; patted my hand; and said, "I won't be too hard on you."  I almost cracked up--what a cutie she is!!!!
Cora told me that there is a man in the nursing home who wants me to work on him but how could he ever get out here?  Perhaps they will bring him over to the assisted living unit as they are attached?  We'll see but it is so exciting as I have been praying and praying for a way to work in Napoleon without having to set up a second office.  Offices are expensive.
Now today's news is that Hristiyan is coming today.  He is my cousin's son and he is bringing his grandma and grandpa for supper.  I have always been fond of my Uncle David so it will be great to have him here.  This means that I'd best get to work on my long list of "Making them feel special" jobs this afternoon.  Hristiyan will be with us until Monday so things are sure to be lively around here.  :)  Thanks for loaning him to us, Kristi and Michaeljon!

Most likely I won't write tonight so this is my Day 11 and Day 12 post.  I'm still not sure how long I will go.  I can't seem to get a clear answer on that.  However, I want you to know that after the first 3 days, things are pretty much clear sailing.  Why, I might stay on this the rest of my life.  Just kidding.

Much love,


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Class was GREAT!

I have a ton of things to do today but, I know that if I don't write quickly about my class, it may not get done for a month, if then.  I decided to handle the class and the trip separately. 

This is my instructor, Ange, who WROTE the "BodyTalk for Animals" course with Dr. Veltheim.  She is a Tellington Touch instructor which is a method to calm animals.  I'm going to buy the book about TTouch on Amazon because it's a simple way of calming any animal which is a good way to start sessions.  Yes, we did hit it off great as we both love BodyTalk AND animals!
 I guess I waited too long to bring up taking a class picture as some of the class members had left by this time.  I was surprised that it's not a tradition in Montana BT classes to get a group picture after class as I had just assumed that it would be done.  There were 17 of us together for 2 1/2 days and it was GREAT!!!!  It's amazing how being an animal lover can be very bonding!  These are those who I caught before they headed out for other parts of the country.
It's the only time this year that the class will be taught in the States and it's being taught only 2 other places in the world so I am soooooo very grateful to have had the chance to go.  Tory is in the front kneeling and she is the class coordinator.  We had 3 practitioners there from ND but the other 2 were from the Fargo area.  One for sure I think will be a life-long friend as we both love the Lord so much!

We arrived at the Red Willow Learning Center 15 minutes before we needed to arrive so I'd call that quite amazing on that long of a trip.  Robert checked us in to the hotel while I had my first segment of the class on Friday night.  This was all lecture as was Saturday. 

We learned how to know when animals are getting stressed out and how to calm them.  We learned about how to do sessions on animals; how to bring balance to the entire family by working on an animal (really my main reason in wanting to go); and the legal issues involved in working on animals. 

On Sunday we worked in groups of 3 on 4 different animal.  We had to each do the 3 steps in a session to get familiar with each one in detail and then for the forth one we got to pick which role we wanted.  The 3 duties were: get the information about the dog using the intake form; do the session; and watch the animal during the session to look for shifts as they occurred.

 It was the most intriguing animal experience of my life!  In fact, it's been hard for me not to run up to the cattle herd immediately today but duties have kept me from it so far.  It IS on my list for this afternoon, though, as I am aching to apply what I learned to our very own livestock. 

Now, listen to what the Lord has lined up for me on Sabbath--we're going to go to the Bismarck ZOO!!  OH BOY!!!!!!!!

I'd best get to work but I'll post about my visit with my brother and his wife and the rest of our trip later. 



Monday, August 22, 2011


Robert and I pulled in here at home around 7:30 tonight after driving roughly 1800 miles in the past 5 days.  PRAISE THE LORD FOR A SAFE JOURNEY! 

"How did you like the class?" I can hear you ask.  Well, I can honestly say that it was my very favorite class that I have ever taken in my entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I said to the instructor, "This class combines 2 of my passions--BodyTalk and animals."  She feels the same way, of course.  I will share the few pictures of the class and the TONS of pictures that I took of Montana ASAP.

I'm tired so this will be short but I wanted you to know that I'm home safe and sound.  By the way, I DID stick to the cleanse the whole time and today was day 10.  There were moments of temptations, with all of the nourishing snacks all around me during class, but I just kept reminding myself of my goals and how sick I would get if I were to start eating suddenly.

I will share one splurge that I had and that is this WONDERFUL herbal tea from GOOD EARTH.  It's called, "Sweet and spicy Herbal tea" and I loooooooooooooooooooooooved it!  These are the ingredients: red rooibos, chicory root, natural flavors, rose hips, cinnamon, lemongrass, peppermint (a no-no for my constitution so this will NOT be a habit), papaya, chamomile, panax ginseng, anise seed, dandelion root (another no-no), ginger root, orange oil, orange peel.  This tea made life worth living while I watched all 16 of the other class members enjoying snack time.  :)

Off to bed,


PS.  Thanks for all of your prayers for safety!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 5/Still alive

Just kidding--it isn't THAT bad.  I have still been pretty achy today mostly in my right wrist.  It seems strange as I didn't ever break it or injure it as far as I can recall. 

This has to be short as we're leaving tomorrow and I still have tons to do to get ready.  I spent the afternoon switching my client's sessions around for when I'm gone.  I just made 4 gallons of lemonade and put them in the freezer.  I hope that it won't bother it any but it's my only option that I can see.

I'm still not sure who is going to help me drive and enjoy the beauty of MT while I'm in class.  It depends on the weather but I am definitely leaving tomorrow.  We'll go as far as my brother, Russell's, house in Syndey, MT.  They've so graciously invited us to dinner AND to spend the night with them.   That will be a blessing as I was nervous about a 3 hour class on top of a 12 hour drive. This will break up the trip on the way out.  PTL

God bless the faithful,


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 4--not so great

That just goes to show how we can get thrown off by our memories.  I was sure that day 3 was going to be the worst but I have been aching EVERYWHERE so bad all day.  Cora is not having a good day today either so it just shows that one can never tell what life is holding up ahead of us.  If I didn't have the Lord to cling to on painful days like this, I just wouldn't make it and that's all that can be said on that subject.

As the poisons are released from the body, they go into the bloodstream and need to be washed out with LOTS of fluids.  Another problem that we had involved the fluids.  We ran out of maple syrup yesterday and drank the last of our lemonade this morning.  Although I only had one client today,  I went up to Bismarck to help her and to try to locate some organic grade B Maple syrup. 

I finally found some at Terry's Health Food Store so I bought 2 jugs.  We have some ordered but it just is not coming.  That happened to us last time too but we had waited until it came to start the cleanse.  This time we started at the drop of a hat.  Now why was that again????????????

Anyway, I have to make a bunch of lemonade to take to MT this weekend.  I'm thinking about freezing it and thawing it over there as I need it.  Does anybody know if this will destroy any of the nutrients in the lemonade?

The good news is that, when I stood on the scale this morning, I learned that I have lost 5 pounds already.  WOW--this is great and I'm wondering if it may have something to do with the iodoral (iodine supplement) that Sarah K. had such great success with.   Cora and I have both been rather disgusted with it up until now, as neither one of us lost any weight on it.  When Sarah was here she encouraged us to be patient; to keep using it; and it would kick in at some point.  Perhaps it just needed us to go on this cleanse to begin working it's miracles--something about not eating constantly???????????

Anyway, Cora and I are both going to bed early.  I thought about soaking in the whirlpool tonight but I felt more led to do a session instead.  I'm sure I'll be in there sometime before we leave for Montana, but I'm just too tired right now.  

If you read this tonight, Cora and I would both appreciate prayers for strength to continue through the 10 days (although I may go longer).   God bless all of you who uphold our family in your prayers. 

Happy to be five pounds lighter,


Monday, August 15, 2011

Misoulla, here I come/Day 3

Can you believe it?  The Lord has worked it out for me to go to AnimalTalk after all!  Robert said, "I've never seen Montana either."  He's going to try to take me but, if work keeps coming in like it has been before then, he'll send Andrew along as my escort.  Either way I know that I'll be perfectly safe on the road with one of those 2 mechanics along.  The CP (Crysler Pacifica) is almost new but I wouldn't feel safe traveling without a man with me anyway and I know that my neck would not take that much driving.   I am so thankful that my family feels that this will be a blessing to our farm to go through so much trouble to let me go to the class at the last minute!

I hope this won't seem tacky, but there IS always the issue of money.  Gas is high; the class will cost $750; plus the hotel expense.  I've been meaning to do this sometime anyway so this seems like a good a time as any.

You may recall that KRT allowed me to become a BETAR dealer last Winter.  Since then I have finally slept through the night.  The BETAR sleep units put out the frequency which the brain copies to either dream or go into deep dreamless sleep.  I think that I must have been too big of a dreamer (pun intended) as I couldn't go down into the deepest sleep before I started using my BETAR sleep unit.  All you have to do is plug it in close to your bed, so that's pretty easy.

There are also BETAR relax units which help you to relax when you are stressed out.  These are wonderful anywhere you are tense--including driving in the car with a bunch of children. 

I'd like to send you to if you think that you'd like to purchase one of these units at this time.  They cost $150 plus shipping so it would really help me get down the road to Missoula.  If I can answer any questions about the units, please let me know.  I realize that this is a long shot but, just in case someone out there has been putting off buying a BETAR unit from me, this would be a great time to do so.

Oh yes, day 3 of the Master Cleanse is over and it was ok.  Both Cora and I woke up weak this morning so we resorted to taking some of Dr. Mercola's whey protein powder too.  She had to go to work and, for me anyway, day 3 has been the hardest in the past, so I urged her to take some protein along with her lemonade to work today.  I keep praying for her as the work that she does is very strenuous and this cleanse goes deep.

I started seeing some major cleansing today so I'm happy.  However, this is the first time that I've ever taken a class while on the cleanse OR gone on a long trip.  It does make me a little bit nervous so I continue to ask for prayers as I make my preparations for AnimalTalk.

God bless you who keep me covered with your prayers,


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Master Cleanse 6/Day 2

Thanks for your prayers--it helps so much when people pray for me!   It helps me to keep focused although I did have one weepy time this afternoon.  It seems like each cleanse goes deeper into the old issues and releases more pain that has been stored there all my life.  Eventually it will all be gone and pure joy will fill my entire being--I really believe that!  I've done enough of these cleanses to feel the negativity leaving daily and it IS worth it!

 Today went well although my tongue is driving me crazy.  I'm going to see if I can find one of those tongue cleaners that the young man on the video I posted talked about.  When you are cleansing, the tongue gets all coated with white junk but that's good as it shows that the body is cleansing.  Still, it is VERY aggravating. 

I'm sorry that I don't have a video to post yet as I spent the time that I had with Andrew today on a different purpose than learning how to run his camcorder and post to You-Tube. I did my best to convince him that what he really wants to do is to drive me to Missoula for AnimalTalk this weekend. 
It sounds like I may be able to go yet but the fast is helping me to purify my motives and all I want to do is what God wants me to do.  I'll let you know when His will becomes clear.

Off to dreamland,


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Master Cleanse 6/Day 1

Today was the first full day on the cleanse and it went pretty well.  Cora and I drank lemonade (recipe on Cora's blog) all day.  It was such a blessing to have her with me especially on the Sabbath when we traditionally feast.

 It was a quiet day and I didn't want to bother Andrew to show me how to post to You-Tube, so hence no video post today, but I'll see what I can do about that.  He said that it isn't that hard to learn how to put videos on You-Tube but nothing techy IS difficult for him.  How I wish I was more like that but I am so thankful that he doesn't mind teaching me as we go along.  I can't imagine what I'll ever do without him, when he gets married, but maybe I'll know everything that I need to know about technology by that time.  :)

Please keep Cora and I in your prayers as we continue on this cleanse.  Also, I would appreciate prayers for wisdom about attending AnimalTalk.  Elizabeth and I both have been trying to find another practitioner who wants to go from here.  The class coordinator did send me the name of a woman from the Fargo area who wants to share a hotel room.  However, when I spoke with my fellow practitioner this morning, she told me that she is flying out so I can't drive with her.  I just don't have peace with the thought of not going and I just don't have peace with the thought of going so far by myself.  HMMMMM

Well, I'm tired so I will wish you all a wonderful week and say, "Good night," like my Cora does so many times. 

Have a great week!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Taking Action

Hi everyone,
Thanks for praying for Robert! He had his tooth removed yesterday and is back to work today. Now I, myself, am asking for prayer. As I drifted off to sleep last night, I felt that there was pressure in my left foot again. First thing this morning I tuned in to what is going on in my body, through muscle testing, and learned that the cancer is active again there. When I asked how long it's been active, the answer was 3 days.

It's amazing how one can stuff things that we don't want to deal with, isn't it? Well, I am fed up with my apathy about this so I told Cora this morning, "I'm going on the Master Cleanse again. I'm tired of messing around with this." That was when she told me that she's been thinking of doing it again too. We decided to begin immediately and she whipped up a batch of lemonade and ordered more maple syrup. 
This will be my sixth Master Cleanse and I am so thrilled to have Cora to do with it.  Like the other times, I am inviting YOU to come along with me on the journey.  We'll be working into it for 3 days and then go at least 10 days and come out with 3 on the other end.   Perhaps you'd like to join us for a day or two and get a taste for how wonderful you can feel when on this cleanse. 
If you are thinking about joining me, I urge you to go to this website:  Raylen has an ebook that I bought which helped me to safely get through the other 5 cleanses that I've been on.
You may recall that, during the other cleanses, I posted every day throughout the fast to share my thoughts while cleansing.   I'm pondering doing something different this time seeing as my son, Andrew, has a camcorder.
I found this video online, when I googgled MASTER CLEANSE just now.  This young man videod his progress on the cleanse which is pretty quick and easy.  If you'd like to hear how he felt while on the Master Cleanse, take a few moments to hear of his progress.  I hope that you'll open your mind to join the large number of people who use the Master Cleanse regualarly to purify themselves on the inside. 
Getting well,

Saturday, August 6, 2011

An "Impossible" dream come true


  I've been dreaming of taking Animal Talk for several years but it's just not taught very often.  Few people have a financial interest in animals to warrant paying the kind of money that BodyTalk classes cost.  Now this morning I just got this email.  PLEASE PRAY WITH ME ABOUT THIS!

I just read the email to the children and Cora said, "Are you going to go?"  Without even thinking, I said, "YES".   However, if you look at the dates you will understand my concerns.  Yet, if God wants me to go, I WILL be there.

Blessed Sabbath rest to all!


Hello BodyTalk Community!

BodyTalk for Animals - Mod. 8a is going to be taught by Ange Trenga-Anderson in Missoula, MT on Aug. 19th - 21st.

This is the only 8a scheduled in the US and no other classes on the calendar anytime soon. So if you have been waiting to take this class, now is your chance! There are still some spaces available, so please hurry and reserve your space today.

We don't want you to miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn how to use BodyTalk with Animals.
Your Instructor, Ange Trenga-Anderson, is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and Instructor, Senior BodyTalk for Animals Instructor and Tellington TTouch Practitioner. Ange blends her educational background in Biology/Zoology, her study of animal communication, behavior and consciousness, and her professional certification in Tellington TTouch with her years of training and professional practice with adults and children. Ange’s training and experience with animals and people offers a unique, holistic approach to strengthening family bonds and better understanding our animal companions. Students complete Ange’s seminars with tremendous levels of skill, understanding and confidence. Ange is the author and developer of the BodyTalk for Animals curriculum.

Student testimonial:

"AnimalTalk was a delight! . We literally watched the animals we worked with shift in very positive ways right before our eyes. Ange is an incredible Instructor who will inspire and empower you to connect with these amazing beings."

More information about what you'll gain from this seminar:

Module 8a of the BodyTalk System is designed to offer theoretical and hands on practical instruction to use of the BodyTalk protocol for domestic animals.
Animals generally have a natural and strong desire to be healthy and well, but domesticated species are easily affected by the stresses of living in human environments. This stress can compromise their physical, mental, emotional and behavioral health.
When an animal is physically not feeling well or is experiencing stress in his environment, he will usually exhibit specific behaviors to communicate these discomforts. These communications, however, are typically misinterpreted as “bad behavior.” Because the BodyTalk System allows us to explore and balance the physical, emotional and environmental experiences of the animal, positive shifts in behavior are commonly observed after a BodyTalk session, as the animal experiences increased well-being on all levels. Module 8a of the BodyTalk System allows the student to work through the entire BodyTalk protocol, discussing the unique experiences of all areas of the protocol for domestic animals.
But there is so much more to the seminar than a simple comparison of human to animal use of protocol. The bonds between humans and the animals with whom they cohabitate are tremendous. Many animals take on physical, emotional and energetic stresses of their human companions. Module 8a offers a unique study of this connection, how to acknowledge and honor the connection, and most importantly, how to balance it. Module 8a focuses heavily on BodyTalk for group dynamics, as it is the entire family matrix that will be balanced in an animal BodyTalk session. Learning how to balance group dynamics will allow you to successfully address issues between animals and owners, conflicts between animals living in the same environment, as well as how to balance pack/herd dynamics.
Students often comment that while they may have been already getting great results using BodyTalk on animals prior to taking Module 8a, their entire understanding and approach to BodyTalk for animals is dramatically changed after sitting the course. And, students often report that after taking the seminar, their work with animals was heightened to an entirely new level. They begin attracting clients with far more complex issues and their results go from great to phenomenal. This course really is a must for any individual interested in using the BodyTalk system with animals.
The course material is presented in a way that allows animal health care professionals as well as lay people to go on working professionally with animals in a safe, effective and legal manner. While the course focuses on domestic animals, the techniques can be used effectively with any animal you are experienced with. 
Although Module 8a certainly would seem to be only for individuals interested in working with animals, it is actually is so comprehensive in content that it offers opportunity for all BodyTalk practitioners and students to develop their skills and understanding of BodyTalk in general. No other course within the BodyTalk curriculum offers the same level of practical instruction in how to balance a group matrix with immediate, visual feedback of the effectiveness of your sessions. And, time and time again students share that they only thought they understood Module 3 until taking Module 8a. Because animals demonstrate the connection of mind and body so literally, the opportunity to see consciousness manifest will never present itself so clearly as it will after a weekend working with animals. Finally, practically every tip and approach covered in this seminar can be applied directly towards working with kids. If you are working with children in your clinic, you will gleam so much from Module 8a, allowing your work with children to be more effective and far easier!
This seminar is really for everyone. We hope to see you in Missoula in August!
To register, please sign up on the IBA website:

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Those teeth

Please pray for Robert as he has been in terrible pain with an old decayed tooth.  He didn't sleep well last night and woke me early this morning to drive him to Bismarck to see the dentist.  The doctor didn't recommend taking the tooth out today because of all of the infection.  He said that, when there is that much infection in the mouth, the anesthesia doesn't work well and who wants THAT? 

Robert is on an antibiotic and a pain killer and next week Tuesday will have the tooth extracted.   UGH.  I very vividly recall going through that last year.  It made me even more determined to keep sugar out of my mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!  Is that sweet REALLY worth it when it rots the teeth--not to mention other lovely affects???????

This post is short, although not sweet, so I will close with a hug.  Prayers to all who are suffering from teeth issues today.


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