Friday, September 23, 2011

Module 6

Well I'm off for Winnipeg this morning.  Please keep me in your prayers as I travel and learn new information.  Did you ever notice how learning is HARD WORK?  Also please cover the class with your prayers as we have had some opposition to it already.

I banged up my finger yesterday trying to fix the disc.  Let's put it this way, the disc still is NOT fixed and neither is my finger.  I am a little disappointed that I didn't get the field finished but God always has a reason.

I'm excited to say that I noticed this morning that my waistline is definitely shrinking and I'm not even on the full GAPS program yet.  I urge everyone to listen to the posts of Dr. McBride's wonderful GAPS program.  I am taking along my broth, lots of protein foods, and some frozen goat's milk.  I think I'll be OK as Elizabeth said last night that she and Esther are taking their food along too. 

Best get everything packed up and in the car.  OH I AM SOOO EXCITED to be able to spend 3 days with BodyTalkers again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To those whom I'll miss seeing at Harvest of Thanks tomorrow, I truly regret missing the day.  However, God has called me to take this class so here's a hug for all of you that I will miss seeing. 

Love to all God's people!


PS.  Elizabeth told me last night that there are 33 people taking the class so it will be a big one!

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