Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A wonderful trip

Canada was beautiful this time of year.  The leaves were just lovely everywhere and it felt much like home to me until I saw this gas station sign,
 and this highway sign with Canada on top.  All of the speed limit signs are in the metric system which surprised me the first time that I saw the speed limit was 100.
 Many of the stores have names like KING, QUEEN, PRINCE, and PRINCESS as I captured in this "Princess Auto" sign.
 Elizabeth just loved this rounded building in Winnipeg.
 Here is my dear friend with her daughter and grandson in our classroom.  When it was all over I realized that I did not take any other pictures of our classroom for some odd reason.  It was a nice hotel and everyone was very friendly and helpful.
 On Sunday at break, Elizabeth came in all excited to show me a picture.  She had taken an up-close photo of this sign which you can see says, "Kintyre Street."  We knew that our hotel was located on Portage Avenue but did not realize that it's intersecting street was Kintyre Street. 

We just HAD to get a picture of me under the pole.  I said to Elizabeth, "That just goes to show that, no matter where you are, you can always be at home."  When she ended the AT HOME with me, I teared up with joy.
 The class was fantastic--that's all I can say.  As the instructor spoke, and explained the new techniques, I kept thinking of different people whom I work with that this could help--including me.  You may recall that the reason I went into BodyTalk in the first place was to save my life and my never-ending pursuit of good health will never leave me I am sure.  That's why it's so exciting to keep gaining in my knowledge of how the human body works. 
I'll speak more on the different techniques as I learn them better.  Suffice it to say that most of the class was lecture time.  I kept hoping that we'd get time to practice the techniques, like we do in the earlier modules, but there was just so much to cover.  After all, I have the rest of my life to perfect my use of the new techniques.
On Sunday night, after eating out of my cooler for 3 days, I was eager to get out and eat a warm meal.  The class coordinator recommended the restaurant that we went to and I was so glad.  I can honestly say that I have never had a finer waiter--we all just loved him!!!!!!!
  Several of the ladies ordered ribs--the house speciality.  When Willy came with the ribs, he asked the ladies if they wanted bibs and they thought he was joking but he was NOT.  I asked him if he minded my taking a picture of him tying on Sandra's bib, but he didn't, hence this shot.  I truly think that this was the most pleasant meal of my life, even though I stuck to GAPS.  I had a wonderful Ceaser salad with sliced chicken breasts and said, "Hold the croutons" which they did.   
 Melissa and Sandra were my 2 roommates and we got along fabulously.
 Here are Elizabeth and Esther with their bibs on.  If you look closely, you can see baby Joseph too.
 After supper, Elizabeth showed us a wonderful wool hat that she treated herself to.  Being she was a monitor (one who had taken the class before), she spent some of her time in shopping for little Joseph and she found this wonderful, "Dream-come-true" hat.  I was so happy with her as she has "Always wanted" a wool hat and finally she got her wish.
 This is what our hotel looked like when we got back to it after our fabulous meal after class was over.
 Early the next morning, we packed up the vans and headed out of Winnipeg.  I caught a few pictures of it's loveliness.
 There were hanging basket s of petunias EVERYWHERE!  I wondered how they kept them from freezing.
 Here's my chauffeur.  :)
 There was a sweet little town that we went through called, Holland. This real windmill was on it's outskirts.
 How would you like to do your shopping in THE GROCERY BOX?  Eli and I both thought that this was such a cute name for a grocery store.
 This is the last photo that I have of Canada.  It was so lovely with it's Fall colors.  Driving in the hills all decked out for a gay party reminded me of that drive 5 years ago through the Turtle Mountains with our mutual friend, Paulette.  My how time flies.
It was a treat to visit my dear friend, Carol B after we left the Hansons in Rolla.  Then I dropped Melissa off at her house north of Rugby; got gas in Rugby; and made the roughly 3 hour journey with ease.  I was so excited to have learned so much that can help so many people and I was floating on a cloud.

It's been fascinating to have these new links come up in my sessions.  I am so thankful to my family to cover things for me here while I was away!  Thanks guys!!!


PS.  I'll write about our border crossings later as I am tired and I have an early client tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

That was interesting. I like the concept of balance which makes sense to me. It looks like you had a wonderful productive weekend. How nice that you were able to go. Canada looked beautiful. Thanks for including the pictures. I look forward to talking to you tonight for Leah's session. Love you, Dawn.

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...