Friday, November 4, 2011

A day with Andrew

I am so excited as tomorrow I will be spending the day with Andrew.  It kind of bothers me, because it will be Jacob's birthday, and I have never been away from one of my children on their birthday.  However, Jacob said that it's ok because it's for, "A good cause".

It also helps that I spent all day with Jacob yesterday in Bismarck so I feel a little bit less guilty.   I saw clients, while he studied in my other office room, and then we took care of ourselves.  He went to Dr. Faye for a cranio-sacral treatment and I went for another massage with Jessica--can she ever give a massage.  I'll share what I learned about feet and shoes from her another time--after I have some good results to share with you.
Anyway, Andrew and I are going to be spending the day in Fargo tomorrow.  The North Dakota Home School Association has been encouraging people to take the training over there to become delegates to the Republican convention in Bismarck next March. 
Our family has been pretty politically active since 2002 when we had to try to save our organic farm from Monsanto's unwanted GM wheat.  However, this will defintely be taking activism one step further.  By attending the training, we'll learn how best to influence the political process for God in the choosing of those people who run for office. 
The John Birch Society will have a training time as well.  Robert B., who is the supervisor over our state, will be speaking on the Consitution.  I guess we will get to learn more about how to get our Representatives and Senators to vote according to their oath to uphold the Consitution of our great country.
Then, for the grand finale, we will get to hear Ron Paul speak.  Andrew and I heard him in Bismarck when he was running for President last time around.  We were so encouraged to hear someone speak about morals as being a priority for the leadership of our country.  WHAT A NOVEL IDEA!!!!!
Here are the links for more information if you are feeling led to join Andrew and I tomorrow for this inspiring day.  The Campaign for Liberty people have a 4 hour delegate training, which includes lunch, that costs $15.  Then the John Birch Society will have their talk about the Consitution which is free.  Lastly, the North Dakota Policy Council is hosting the Ron Paul talk which can cost anywhere from $35 to $500 depending on how VIPish you are feeling.                       
Lastly, I want to pass on this email from the home school office.  If you are feeling the nudge to attend the trainings tomorrow, then you will want to take the time to read this as it has vital information for you to ponder.  If not, then just skip it.
It would be wonderful, if everyone who is concerned about the direction that our country is going, would take a few moments to pray for the meetings tomorrow.  The forecast doesn't sound very good, so please pray for safety on the roads as people travel to and from the meetings.  It would be even more wonderful if you could all join us over in Fargo. 
HERE'S TO FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear home schoolers,
It is vital toward home education freedom to get pro-home schooling candidates on the ballet, not just candidates that say that they support home schooling, because they all say that they support home schooling.
We need candidates that understand Biblical and constitutional freedom and are willing to fight for both in the context of home education as well as other areas.
Practically speaking, to get such candidates on the ballet means that home schoolers with Biblical and Constitutional convictions need to be the ones selecting the candidates.
There is a training session for you to learn how to become a delegate on November 5th in Fargo. Please attend if you can, if you can’t, train yourself and be a delegate from your district anyhow. A few of the details are below.

Thanks for seriously considering this important political involvement! Details below…

How do you defend liberty and control government?

Become a Delegate!
How do you ensure the right people are elected to office?
How do you secure the rights of the unborn from an ever growing and powerful government which is controlled more and more by officials who don’t share your beliefs, don’t represent your values and are working against our inalienable right to life?
By voting in the November election? NO, November is too late! 

If you want your vote to have the biggest impact; if you want to actually have a part in determining your choice of candidates - you need to be involved in your legislative district and become a delegate to your party’s convention. It is the delegates that determine which candidates name gets on the ballot for the November election:
At the district level:
  • The candidates for the state legislature are chosen.
  • The delegates to the state convention are chosen. And it is these delegates that determine which candidates will be elected in the fall by choosing who will be on the ballot.
  • Becoming a delegate usually involves nothing more than applying and singing a sign-up sheet. If more people apply to be delegates than your districts can accommodate, then there will be a vote. This where you need to be familiar with your district’s by-laws ahead of time to be sure everyone is given a fair opportunity to become a delegate.
What does a Delegate do?
A Delegate to the State Convention represents (in fact, determines) the will of the party, and carries the voice of the grass roots. The Delegate helps direct the path the party takes by deciding who will be the party's candidates in state and federal races. Delegates to the State Conventions choose the Delegates to the National Conventions where the presidential candidates are chosen. All the debates about who is the best candidate and how much support will go to each candidate are all really decided at the district level and then at the State Convention. After that, voting on Election Day is little more than as a rubber stamp for what others have already decided.
How to become a Delegate in 5 easy steps:
1. Find out what Legislative District you live in and who Chairman is for your Legislative District. 
Here is the interactive map of North Dakota’s legislative districts:
2. Attend your Districts Reorganization and Nominating Convention.
Contact the Chairman of your Legislative District. Ask them when they will be holding their Reorganization Meeting (district officers will be elected during you reorganization meeting – you must be there for this one-time meeting) and their Nominating Convention. Mark these dates on your calendar and attend. 
3. Read and understand your State Party and Legislative District by-laws.
These bylaws will determine how candidates and delegates will be chosen. You need to make sure that you have complied with those rules in order to become a Delegate.
The ND Republican Party by-laws are here:
Your Legislative Districts will also have their own version of these by-laws. You need to get a copy of your Legislative District’s by-laws from your district chair.
4. Actively participate in your District Nominating Convention.
It cannot be emphasized enough: Attendance at these meetings is vital! There is no substitute for your attendance. There is no other opportunity to have your voice heard. Once decisions are made at the District Convention, it’s final. 
Choosing Delegates to the State Convention: It is only at your district nominating convention that delegates to the State Convention are chosen. The process for choosing Delegates depends on:
  • The District's bylaws
  • The number of people who attend this meeting
  • The number of delegates your district is allowed
  • The leadership style of the District Chairman.
5. Attend the State Convention
The State GOP state convention will be March 31 and April 1, 2012 in Bismarck at the Bismarck Convention Center. Almost all of the significant voting will occur on Saturday, March 31st.
NOVEMBER 5th Delegate Training
Pro-life supporters and homeschoolers, ask yourself, honestly, how much of a difference do you think you've been able to make in our state government? Do you have enough legislators who address your concerns, who support your position? How many times has your legislation been stalled, amended, killed? Do you feel like you are swimming upstream and what little progress you make comes at great cost? Do you think we have candidates who will promote and protect freedom?

The problem isn't your issue or your passion for that issue. The problem is, you are playing by the wrong rules! You are playing by the rules they taught you in High School. But the reality, politics has a whole different rule book that they want to keep hidden.  

If you want to be effective, you need to learn how to play by the real rule book. Armed with the real rule book, you can become a force for change. You can literally change the political landscape OVERNIGHT. Don't wait for 2014 or 2016. Don't work on a 4-year or 10-year plan. Make changes NOW, today. 

Come listen to special guest speaker and successful activist Jeff Greenspan, who will teach us how to bring the Republican Party back to its conservative roots and become the activists that will restore freedom.

Training will begin at 10:00am and go until 2:00pm, with a break for lunch. It will be held at the Radisson Hotel, 201 5th St. N in Fargo, right across the street from the Civic Center where the NDPC event will be held later that evening. The cost is only $15, which includes lunch and all materials. 

 Jeff knows how the political system works and what it takes to change it. He will give us some great schooling on how to be effective activists. Jeff has been an activist since 1988. He was a precinct committeeman, county delegate and state delegate in the Utah Republican Party. Jeff was a precinct committeeman, state committeeman and state delegate in the Arizona Republican Party, serving as Vice Chairman for the Maricopa County Republican Committee, the 5th largest county Republican party in America, from 2007-2009. Jeff worked for the Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign as the southwestern United States campaign director. Since then he has been state coordinator for the Arizona Campaign for Liberty. Jeff is a political activist who has changed the direction of the GOP in Arizona.

The training will cover these topics:

     Principles of Liberty
        What We Are Up against
        Nature of Political Power
        Mechanics of Local Political Involvement 

You do not want to miss this training.

This is a great deal for anyone who wants to see North Dakota politics change. Even better, college students who take the training will receive a free ticket to the Free Market Forum with Congressman Ron Paul and conservative commentator Jack Hunter that evening.

Don’t miss the Delegate Training and the Free Market Forum on November 5th, and look for additional news regarding other events on that day.

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