Friday, November 11, 2011

"A day to honor freedom" giveaway

I know that many people are spending time honoring our veterans today.  This is such an important thing to do seeing as these folks have placed their lives in danger so that we can continue enjoying our freedoms, and way of life, here in this great country.  May God bless each service person who is doing so today and may He bring them safely back to their families ASAP! 

I am also thankful today for another type of freedom.  For now anyway, we are still free to express ourselves through our blogs.  I know that there are people tucked away in secret who are reading and listening to all that we do and say.  GOOD!  That means that every time they come to a believer's blog, they can hear the truth that God loves them and sent His son to die on the cross for them.  Even government spies are loved by God, although it seems hard to imagine at times.

This is a special day for me as it is my third blogiversary.  It hardly seems possible that 3 years ago, as I made supper for my family, Andrew set up this blog for me so that I could "Speak my mind" when I could no longer hold in my thoughts.  I can recall him saying, "You need to start a blog, Mom.  When you have something to say, you need to say it so that everyone can hear it."  So I did and, yes, I know that this is NOT a complete sentence, but sometimes fragments can say a lot. 

Yesterday I worked with a new client who is a fellow BodyTalker.  As she paid for her session, I handed her one of my cards and said, "I have a blog where I write about my life and this is the address."

She got a big smile on her face and said, "I know, I've been to your blog." 

That's all that she said but it gave me a warm feeling to know that there truly are people out there who are reading what I write and getting some measure of blessing out of it.  It was the smile that I tucked into my heart to pull out when gloom sets in.

Now, those of you who have been with me since the beginning of A RAY OF HOPE, may recall that I said, "I will give this thing a whirl and, if there seems to be someone actually reading this, then I will continue."  So I will.

In honor of 3 years of sharing here, then, I will again give away one free BodyTalk session.  If you are interested in winning this session, just leave a comment here sometime in the next week.  I'll pick the winner on the 19th and let you know who it is then.  Keep in mind, that I've had the training to do remote sessions so you do not need to be able to come to my office for the session.
Well, tomorrow we are having the boy's birthday party here.  Jacob turned 16 last Sabbath and
Andrew is turning 21 tomorrow.  The party will be much smaller than in years past but we will celebrate with as much gusto as usual--perhaps more. 

God has been faithful to help us raise our sons for Him.  At times like this, I think of our many children who are living with God now.  I wonder how old they'd be and what their names are and if they ever think of their mother who misses them still.  It is good to know that they are happy living with the King over there! 

Oh my, how I ramble sometimes.  Drop me a note if you want to qualify for the free session in honor of  my 3 years of blogging.  That's the gist of it.  Cora and Jacob both said this morning, "I'm sure that Kimberly will try to win it, Mom!"  I wonder who else will have me put their name in the hat............

Happy Sabbath to everyone.  If you're in our part of the world tomorrow, feel free to drop in for a piece of birthday cake.

A happy mother,



Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
I would like to win that fre session. We made it to Tucson,Az. on the 29th fo Oct. Everything went ok except some of the things we were going to take with we left behind,Glenns brother toke some of it and some Glenn through out. We are in our apartment. It is sixty nine degrees here it"s suppose to be seventy five degrees today. Glenn and I get pretty tired every day for some reason. Well I better go for now! Lov You! Gwen PS Email me sometime.

Kimberly said...

Cora is right! I have enjoyed reading your blog since you started it. I feel it has helped me get to know you better. I appreciate your boldness with sensitive topics and your honesty about your feelings. Keep writing, getting those feelings out. By the way I am needing a session next week. Do you have a Monday afternoon time open? Email me.

Love you!

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...