Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My son, Andrew, is officially a man

*This is a reminder to register for the free BodyTalk session by the 19th by placing a comment on the giveaway post.

I can recall, like yesterday, when Andrew Robert Bornemann was born.  He came into the world at 10:54 AM on November 12, 1990 at St. Alexius Hospital in Bismarck, North Dakota. 
 It was a pretty traumatic experience for me as I had a hostile nurse.  My doctor had written in his notes that I had gone through one birth without any anesthesia so he was willing to give it a try a second time.  The nurse had another idea and she insisted that I have an IV.  I insisted that I would not have one.  She insisted more firmly and Robert said that she needed to call our doctor if she wouldn't take our word for it.
A few moments later, the nurse came in again, and started huffing around the room.  She started slamming my name labels on all of the items that I would be needing while in the hospital and I do mean SLAMMING.  What a spoiled brat she was--GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Anyway, we got through it and I can recall clearly pulling Robert's head next to mine and yelling at him, "WE GOT OUR BOY!"  The doctor laughed as he continued his examination of our newborn.  It seems hard to believe that this all occurred 21 years ago as I recall it all so vividly.
Well, last Sabbath we celebrated both of our sons births as Jacob's is on the 5th and Andrew's is on the 12th.  It was just our family, plus Jerome who is like part of the family, and we had a grand day.  We actually did cut the cake after the feast on Friday night as it was plenty big for just us.  Here are my birthday boys on Friday.  Can you believe that I did not have one single piece of their cake as I am determined to avoid starches.
Here is a picture of their father taken during the party.  Since I'm blogging, he's a little bit camera shy.  That is my new exercise ball that the massage therapist recommended to help loosen the muscles in my right arm when I'm working. 
Robert  actually did pose for me a moment later.  Here is the proud papa of 3 incredible children PLUS many others up in Heaven.
Leave it to Robert to know what Andrew would LOVE.  This is a magnetic tray that can stick to anything metal.  You can put screws, nuts, and bolts etc in it so that you don't lose them while you're working.  WHAT AN AWESOME IDEA!
Cora is our movie giver.  I don't know where she finds them all, but she certainly broadens our horizons.  We watched one last night called, FOLLOW THE RIVER.  It was too scary for me but I do realize that movies must have some suspense or people will get bored.
Jacob loves hot chocolate so I got him a big variety box of unheard of blends.
Andrew just HAD to have a case of root beer for his 21st.  He has never had any desire to drink alcohol but he sure does love a good root beer once in awhile.  Isn't he a handsome young man?
Here we are--the proud parents of that handsome young man.  Robert is such a goof at times.

Jacob got Andrew good.  He put Andrew's gift in one of these little boxes but which one is THE box?
After digging awhile, Andrew found this cute little package from his younger brother.
Can you guess what was inside of it?  You are looking at the proud owner of a lighted hockey puck.  We've been talking for years of building a hockey rink around the farm here and it looks as though this is the year for it.  Now we'll be able to play in the dark too!!!
Robert and I gave the boys new Bibles.  We had bought them King James Versions over a decade ago and they were falling apart--literally.  I prayed a lot about which kind to get and was very happy with my choice when Jacob and I checked it out.  It's called THE EVIDENCE BIBLE:  Irrefutable evidence for the thinking mind.  There are many tools included to help my boys lead people to Christ.  What could be a finer gift for any birthday?
Cora followed our lead and bought both of the boys new Bible covers to protect them.  Their old ones were cute about 10 years ago but not too manly.  Now, that problem has been rectified and Jacob no longer carries around a big frog with FULLY RELY ON GOD emblazoned on the front.  How do like this one?
Andrew's old Bible cover was a cute dog with floppy ears and the words, DEPEND ON GOD, on it.  Here is Andrew's new version compliments of his sister.
Cora and Jerome were enjoying the gift opening too.  Like I said, Jerome is like a brother to Robert and is almost part of our family.

When Cora and I were looking through the CBD catalog, I decided to buy Andrew a tie for his 21st birthday.  I think it's nice when men were suits and ties, at least for funerals, and I wanted to make sure that Andrew would have a good reminder of God's love every time that he wears his.
The verse on his tie is Isaiah 40:31:But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.  What an incredible promise this is to us to stay calm no matter what life throws at us. AMEN?

Cora and I also gave Andrew the expansion to the birthday game that we gave him last year--Agricola.  You can see that Andrew is delighted as his incredible mind continually seeks harder and harder games.  Goodness, I can't imagine how they can possibly make these games any more complex but he just loves it.

The group decided not to dig into Andrew's new game, though, and ended up playing Jacob's new birthday game which is called AUTOMOBILE.  This, too, is a complex game and IF YOU CAN BELIEVE IT, I won the first game and Cora the second.  HMMMMMMMMMM

Well, that's all folks.  It was a great day and now we're going to watch one of Andrew's new birthday movies. 


Love to all,


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