Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today is my favorite day of the year because it's a day that people are MOST likely to thank God for all of the blessings that we take for granted.  My happiest childhood memories (and they were few) were memories spent on Thanksgiving Day.  It seems that even old grumps are moved by the day to rejoice.

This afternoon I ended up doing something that I wasn't really thrilled about.  After spending the morning in the kitchen with Cora, it was a bit of a dud actually.  However, the wall in the shop needed painting and everyone is excited about getting the shop insulated so that the guys can work in there when it's cold outside.  I must admit that after it was finished, the white wall improved the morale of the place immensely!

While we were painting, the thought came to me, "Why aren't there any really good movies about Thanksgiving?"  If there are any, my mind wasn't drawn to them just then.  I said to the boys, "We need to make a good Thanksgiving movie.  I'll write it; we can all act in it; and Andrew can video it."

"Sure, Mom," said Jacob, and we continued rolling the stinky white paint on the new wall. 

Well, after I got the paint off of me and the brushes, I decided to share with you all here.  You must imagine my delight when I went to You Tube to see if there was anything worth sharing there on this special day.  Here was our future president (that's how I'm praying) talking about God and the Constitution and my heart was happy.  Of course, I must add that I had just started to watch the video of our current President discussing Thanksgiving so the contrast in philosophies was quite remarkable.   I say, "Started to," because I couldn't stomach watching all the way to the end. 

I know that you're probably all busy with family today so I hesitated to post this rather long video.  However, after I started listening to it, my heart was so happy that I just HAD to share it.  I urge you to take the time in the next few days to listen and I pray that doing so will make you thankful that you're an American too. 

If you aren't an American--please join with us in praying for our country to turn around and run away from all it's sin.  God is always calling, even nations, to enter into His sweet presence with true THANKSGIVING--and not only today!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all,


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