Thursday, March 30, 2017

Another simple healing tool

This blog is dedicated to sharing simple healing tools that anyone can easily learn and that almost everyone can afford.  During all my years of living in poverty, I have discovered many tools of God/nature that have eased the suffering of myself and our family.

Years ago I stopped telling most people when I was suffering from some malady or another.  I grew so weary of their, "YOU NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR."  My mom truly blessed our family when she gave me her book, 'Before you call the doctor."  This book tells you many ways to take care of health issues at home and when you truly must call a doctor.  It freed me up from the idea that every sliver must be seen by a doctor.

When I developed lumps on my body, I heard God say to me, "You know what to do about cancer."  You see, He had had me read THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS by Dr. Hulda Clark 5 years earlier.  More and more I realized that the last thing my body needs is more chemicals put into it OR some part of it to be chopped off and thrown in the garbage.

OK, so I became determined not to run to the doctor for every little (not that cancer is a little issue) problem that came along.  The rising cost of health care, and the poor results I observed from those who went there, convinced me that I was on the right track.

This is a simple tool that I learned about years ago from an herbalist friend of mine.  It has come in handy many times for coughs or pains and so I went in search of an article to explain it to you all.  This is what I just found.  It's a pretty well-written article but I would add a couple of thoughts here.

When you start out, the hot water is only very warm and the cool water is only a little cool.  The variation in temperatures at the beginning is very little as we don't want to shock the body--especially if one is ill.  Also for people with heart issues, it is imperative that the body be allowed to get used to the temperature change gradually.

As you get into the process, you can handle greater temperature extremes.  The cold from the previous cycle makes the warm water in the next one more welcome.  In this way you eventually get used to very hot and very cold water and this is where the healing comes in.  This is what loosens up the worst cough or tight muscles.

I disagree with leaving yourself cold at the end of the whole process.  I was taught to run warm water over my body after the last cold cycle.  We don't want to bring in a chill so warm yourself a bit; then get out of the shower; and go to bed.  You will sleep like a rock!!  ;)

Also, you need to count through this procedure.  You count to 30 with the warm water and to 10 with the cold.  Do this 7 times as shared in the article.  By having a longer period of warm water than cold, you keep yourself from getting chilled which is very important if you are already ill.

This truly is an amazing tool for healing.  This past Winter I got run down from too much stress and ended up with pneumonia.  Instead of running to the doctor, I walked to my shower multiple times per day/night.  This technique plus Manuka honey (another blog post) kept me out of the doctor's office and out of the hospital.

Believe me, I've been hospitalized for pneumonia when I was younger and it was NOT a pleasant experience.  I much prefer my shower and sweet Manuka honey to getting my chest beat on and having to inhale some chemical into my lungs multiple times a day. Besides hospitals are breeding grounds for disease and, when you're already sick, the less germs you're exposed to the better.

I trust that this therapy will bring relief to many as you learn how to use this simple healing tool!

God bless,


Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy - Showers

Part of the Whole Body Cleanse Program

One's circulation can be given a tremendous boost by taking a shower and alternating the flow of water from hot to cold, back and forth. The result is invigorating and extremely healthful.
running water from shower head
One of the main advantages of hot and cold showers is their ease of use. Wouldn't you love having a cheap easy way to improve your circulation, relieve pain, feel more energetic and revitalize your health?
Hot water has relaxing properties, helping to reduce stress. Cold water helps relieve inflammation and stimulates the removal of toxins from elimination organs like the skin and lymph. Hydrotherapy is a time-honored technique that uses these properties of water such as temperature and pressure to stimulate healing and cleanse toxins. There are many different types of hydrotherapies, including saunas, colonics, and simple hot and cold showers.
Why Hot and Cold Shower Therapy Works
When the body is subjected to cold external temperatures, the flow of circulation is directed inward toward the internal organs. As the outside temperature gets hot, the flow of circulation goes outward toward the skin. Alternating hot and cold makes the circulation move in and out like and accordion. This has the effect of unblocking stuck flows, increasing the rate of detoxification and moving nutrients more readily to various parts of the body.
This is how to do it:
  1. Make sure that the water used does not contain chlorine, fluoride or other highly toxic chemicals commonly used in public water supplies. It is counter-productive to greatly increase one's circulation and at the same time drive in a large dose of toxic chemicals. If you cannot readily filter these chemicals out of the water before it comes into your home, install a shower head filter that is truly effective in this regard. We know of one sold at Home Depot for about $30 that uses replaceable carbon cartridges.

  2. Get completely wet with a temperature of water that is comfortable.

  3. Slowly increase the temperature up to the point that you can barely stand it. Quickly expose all the parts of the body to this hotter water including the top of your head and your face.

  4. Now turn the water temperature down to the coldest tolerable setting. No matter how cold the water is, at its coldest, it cannot harm you in any way. The only thing stopping you from going to the coldest setting is your ability to confront the experience. Make sure all parts of your body get this cold water exposure.

  5. Next turn the water to hot again but make it a little hotter than you had it before. Again, get each part of your body good and hot before reversing the temperature to the coldest setting.

  6. Repeat the procedure seven times - seven times hot, seven times cold. Always begin with hot and end off with cold. Make the temperatures as hot and as cold as you can tolerate.
Tips for Success with Hot and Cold Water Therapy
  • Do skin brushing using a natural bristle skin brush. Scrub yourself hard with the dry brush all over your body every day just before your hot and cold showers. This you have to experience to believe! A vigorous dry brush scrubbing over every part of the body, spending a little time on each and every part to scrub thoroughly, followed by an intense hot and cold shower will make a new person out of anyone.

  • Use only natural soaps, shampoos and toothpastes (read the labels!) such as Miracle II soaps, since they are not toxic for you like most of the products on the regular grocery store shelves.

  • You may be more sensitive to temperature when recovering from an injury or fighting off an illness. You're not trying to win any competition by proving how hot or cold you can take the water. This can be done with moderate temperatures. Listen to your body, if you feel you need to stop at any time, just take a minute, sit down if you need to and see how you feel.
You can use a hot and cold shower to "get into gear" in the morning or, ironically, use it at the end of the day to get an unusually restful night's sleep. If your weekdays are too busy, do this both days on the weekend for rejuvenation.
Hot and cold showers can also be taken 2 or 3 times a day as a therapeutic measure to enhance the effectiveness of a natural health repair program. These showers are inexpensive, convenient, never cause any harm, and always make you feel better. Give this routine a try and see for yourself!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The New Improved Cortices Technique

Hello everyone,
I hope that your weekend has been delightful! 

If you've been reading here for awhile, you know that I would have died in '07 had I not found the BodyTalk program!  I was trying to recover from shingles on the brain which had gotten started for me the Summer before. 
My naturopathic doctor is the one who urged me to check out BodyTalk and I am so glad that she did!  Not only did BodyTalk save my life, it gave me a new purpose as others started asking me to help them with their health struggles while they watched me improve.
The cortices technique became my best friend!!!  YES, I prayed constantly for healing but doing the cortices technique helped my brain to heal even faster.  On bad days I did it up to 20 times a day.  On good days it was half that many times.  Being it only takes a minute or two, what was that to being able to think better and to have less pain?
Recently I got an email from the International BodyTalk Association sharing that Dr. Veltheim found a way to make the technique even stronger. The new method is even MORE powerful so I decided to share it with you.
Now, in this video, Dr. Velheim explains why tapping out one's cortices works to bring a higher quality of life!  I urge you to watch it.
In this video, Dr. Veltheim explains how to actually do the tapping the original way.

So the change is that after we tap on the head brain and the heart brain, we tap on the gut brain by tapping over the navel. 
Dr.. Veltheim explained in his email to us practitioners that he's been observing something that has concerned him.  It seems that our "Busy" culture has produced a tendency to live out of our logical beings. When we just tap on the head and heart, our emotional aspects are diminished.  Why is that bad?  Well, God gave us a 2 sided brain.  The left side is strong in the logical/reasoning aspects of life.  The right side dominates the intuitive/emotional aspects.  We were given BOTH!!
Have you observed that our culture is big on logical people and hard on intuitive ones.  Perhaps you didn't realize this.  As a VERY intuitive person (God has blessed me with this), I have been shunned and ridiculed for using my gift to help others get well.  I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers.  I'm simply stating what has happened to me these past 10 years.  I have very much felt the fear our culture has for "That type of thinking--meaning intuitive thinking!"  Why, I've even been called "Dangerous," don't you know.
This is absurd!!!  God gave us logic AND intuition and I DO mean ALL OF US!!! 
OK, I'll save that rant for another post.  This is what I'm saying.  As I highly intuitive person, tapping for the past 10 years on my brain and heart only has left my intuition lagging.  It has caused me to even DOUBT my intuitive gift.  My logically based education and upbringing made me go so far as feeling ashamed of my intuition.
So now Dr. Veltheim has learned that when we tap on the head, heart, and navel our intuition and logic balance each other in a powerful way.  I've been tapping all 3 for about 8 days now and I am feeling more stable emotionally than I can ever remember feeling!!!  I was even strong enough emotionally yesterday to go forward and get anointed with healing oils in church.  I've thought about doing this many times, over the past 10 years, but never could "Talk myself into it."  Why? One possible explanation could be that my left brain logical tapping was overruling my right brain intuition.
This may all seem complex but it isn't really.  I believe that God wants us to be balanced individuals.  Generally men are more logical and women more emotional BUT does that mean that men should have no emotions and women should have no logic?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!
So, if this isn't clear after all of that explanation, let me know.  Perhaps I'll make a video of the new tapping procedure and share it here.  Would that be helpful?
Happy tapping and have a marvelous new week with newly connected brains--head, heart, and gut!
 PS  The cortices are the 2 sides of the cortex part of the brain which is where we think and analyze.

Friday, March 24, 2017

God IS moving

Portal Cities Creating Networks
I saw heavenly portals being created in different cities. For those unfamiliar with the term, portal just means door. Google defines portal as a doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and elaborate one. These doors and windows of Heaven I'm referring to are like the ones in the Bible at Bethel, for instance. Cities under an open Heaven are coming. Then those cities will connect to each other in a network.
I saw lights as I was flying above the USA, seeing cities lit up in the darkness. God will connect those cities through a supernatural highway. I saw that favor, provision, mantles, and glory will flow between those cities for the revival that's coming. God will also cause supernatural transportation like when Philip was transported between cities – He'll do this using open Heaven portals.
"When a heavenly portal opens up over a city it shuts down the demonic portal and ley line of the enemy."
These cities, which are being linked by a supernatural highway, will create a net across the nation for the harvest. Like a lightning bolt it will strike, causing a fast connection between the portals. Ministers from glory portals in other cities will minister in each other's open Heaven portal city, bringing something new from Heaven.
Many "suddenly" doors will open where you will participate or minister in these portals, as the glory over them gets brighter and brighter and spills over into harvest! You might just get transported to different cities – like Phillip!
I believe God showed me the cities where portals would be opening: San Diego and Santa Maria, California, Sedona and Phoenix, Arizona, Las Vegas, Nevada, Spokane, Washington, Kona and Hilo, Hawaii, Houston, a city near Dallas, Texas, Charlotte, North Carolina, Atlanta, Georgia, Rochester, New York, and Washington, DC. I believe there are other cities as well.
Encouraging One Another in the Faith Through Portals
I saw God link the portals internationally. We just saw a portal open up in Shanghai, China as we gathered for five days with hundreds of hungry pastors across China. Once we left there we brought it straight to Kona. The enemy does not want the Chinese Believers linked with the US Believers. Yet, as you see enmity trying to get created in the news, behind the scenes God is doing the opposite as these two nations connect and allow the revelation, impartation, and blessing to flow freely between them. The last two years, Chinese pastors and leaders have been connecting with a portal in Jerusalem more than ever, as we have seen Israel flooded with Chinese "tourists" causing a power surge back in China, specifically in Shanghai. (Photo via Pixabay)
Right before China, we were at the San Diego revival, which is another portal, and took that glory to China. We started to see the portals open up last Rosh Hashanah in Phoenix, Arizona in a way that was the most amazing we had ever experienced up until that point.
Times and Seasons United with Glory Portals is Increasing the Harvest
Often these portals open up the most during the feasts. God promised to open the heavens when we show up and honor His appointed times and seasons. In that way when you intersect a geographical portal with a seasonal portal, amazing things happen.
The supernatural wealth transfer that many have been talking about is from Heaven, and it will also be connected with what God is doing in China in the earth realm and the new technology coming out.
Jerusalem is opening up more than ever now, as the glory is descending upon that city. Washington, DC and Jerusalem are interconnected. At the US Presidential Inauguration in January (and even several days before it), a huge heavenly portal opened up over the US capital like I have never experienced before. This caused immediate shifts, not only in the USA and our government but it started to shift things in Israel.
This shift will cause things that have never been taken seriously (like moving the US embassy to Jerusalem) to occur. This will cause the plates to shift in the spirit, further securing the portal between the two nations of Israel and the US and speeding up the plans of God for world Harvest and revival in Israel.
Destroying Enemy Ley Lines
The enemy has his own ley lines on the earth (we see this through gross darkness in specific lands) and there are seasons where demonic activity is conducted at certain locations on certain dates. As we come into alignment with the Lord in these geographical and seasonal portals, it will short-circuit the enemy's demonic routes and close down his evil grid, hindering the powers of darkness to operate on the same level of speed as it has in the past.
An example from the Bible is when Elijah called down fire from Heaven and the hundreds of false prophets of Baal tried to do what had worked for them in the past, summoning power, but this time they had no power and nothing happened.
"Cities under an open Heaven are coming. Then those cities will connect to each other in a network."
When a heavenly portal opens up over a city, it shuts down the demonic portal and ley lines of the enemy, cutting off his supply line. Being in the right place (heavenly open portal) and at the right time (the feasts that sync with Heaven like Passover) this begins to occur. When the wealth of the wicked and unsaved souls start to come in the hands and jurisdiction of the righteous there will be a new sheriff in town, the Holy Spirit.
Portals of Revival in France
God is opening up a portal of revival this year in France. It has been mostly hidden in smaller venues but these portals will start to break open and come to the surface. This will have a direct effect on the French elections coming up. The seriousness of this French election is very similar to the urgency of the last US Election and the Brexit vote.
If God's people in France, Europe, the USA and worldwide would pray for this election, God will bring in someone that will align most with His purposes. They will align with Israel and stand for the protection of France, and this will allow a season of freedom for revival and harvest in France. It will not be someone that most would suspect, as God often chooses different than man like He did with King Cyrus. God sees something in them that He can use for His glory. Please pray like you have never prayed before for France's election and upcoming revival.
This election could shift France and save it from total chaos into a season of revival if we will pray. The US owes France much for standing with the US in the Revolutionary War, and they also owe us for helping to liberate them in WW2, but now they need our help more than ever.
This is due to the covenant God made to the French Huguenot revivalists (French Protestants, John Calvin included) centuries ago. God is not finished with France and as most have written her off, she will have at least one more major move of God which will affect many unreached nations. France is like Samson with its eyes plucked out under the spiritual oppression of the Philistines. (Photo via Pixabay)
The French Believers, much like Samson, are asking and praying for more of His glory and sudden supernatural strength. They are believing that love and unity will come on a core of Believers to push the pillars down in the heart of the enemy's camp. Those pillars are secular humanism, which was exported to the USA and many other nations. The pillars are also immoral laws and decrees, as well as an invasion of Islam that will come down turning the tides, causing many French citizens and Muslims as well as many French Jews – to turn to the Lord.
New Technology and Divine Reversals
Watch for new technology God is releasing this year for God's people to use to speed up the harvest worldwide. This is also a season of DIVINE REVERSALS. Just as Esther fasted and prayed along with the Jewish people, the assignment of Haman to destroy the entire Jewish race along with Esther – was totally reversed from doom and destruction to total favor and prominence in every area.
Also, just as the US elections and the Brexit vote saw a dramatic reversal of what all the polls predicted, so God is about to do that in your life too! As you seek Him, the Courts of Heaven will reverse the curse and the decree that came against you and your destiny! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Dr. David Herzog
David Herzog Ministries: The Glory Zone
David Herzog is the founder of David Herzog Ministries based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. David is a dynamic motivational speaker, best-selling author, and television host, who moves in unusual creative miracles, signs, and wonders worldwide; he also equips Believers to operate in the glory and power of God. David and his wife, Stephanie, have seen multitudes saved in nearly every continent. Their passion is to live in the glory of God and to bring the Gospel to as many souls as possible in every nation of the world.
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Thursday, March 23, 2017

ANOTHER Gloomy day

If I'm honest, this is the hardest time of year for me.  I know that Winter is going to be cold, dark, and gloomy for months at a time.  I get it. I live in North Dakota--what can I expect?

Then it starts to warm up.  The snow melts.  The birds return.  People order garden seeds.  The sun shines again.

No wait!  THE SUN SHINES AGAIN??    Right?

We woke up to rain this morning and everything went downhill from there.  After all the snow we had this Winter, the mud is more than usual, and it's causing troubles.  Yesterday the guys got a semi truck stuck up at the plant.  We don't need MORE moisture right now--for lots of reasons.  I'm thinking of people who are calving too!

At any rate, my spirits hit a new low this morning.  After doing a couple of BodyTalk sessions for clients, I feel a little better like at least I accomplished SOMETHING with my morning.  BUT THE GLOOMIES!!!

I don't know if you ever get tired of my sharing Booth Brother's songs with you but they are my sure-fire way to feel brighter and cheerier so I turned to them again.  I think it's their way of singing about THIS TYPE OF DAY that is so encouraging to me!

As I listened to this song, I loved the reference of turning from the dark to the light.  That's what I will do right now.  Sometimes I feel guilty for writing, when I am in the dumps, but I know that there must be others out there in the depths of despair too!

This song is for you!  May it bring sunshine to your soul!


Monday, March 20, 2017

"Let the Healing Begin"

OK I'll admit it, I was NOT happy when Jim said that he was leaving the Booth Brothers.  I get so intensely loyal to people and it seemed like he was turning his back on Robbie and Michael.  I was so sure that the Booth Brothers would never be the same without Jim.
Actually, it's NOT the same.  How could it be?  Still, as I listened to this just now, it touched my heart just as much as the version they did with Jim.  I didn't think THAT was possible but see, I was WRONG, and glad of it!!  ;)
So much is changing in my world--things that I still cannot discuss publicly.  I am talking about good things but still change seems more onerous the older I get. 
One change is not good.  My brother is dying.  Two years ago Mayo clinic gave him a year and a half to live in their opinion.  I only hear through others how I is doing.  Now, I don't want to hear any comments like, "Why aren't you by his side?"  I DID call and share my concerns and haven't heard a word back.  If someone doesn't want you in their life, what are you supposed to do?
Still, I haven't done NOTHING to try to help him. Prayer warriors that I don't even know are praying for him to get saved before he dies AND they are praying for his healing.  Perhaps you will join their prayers for his salvation and healing???
Well, my day is calling me but I want to share this special Booth Brother's song, LET THE HEALING BEGIN!  I dedicate this song to my brother who is hurting so badly!
Lots of love,


Sunday, March 19, 2017

My silly poetry

For as far back as I can remember, little rhymes would pop into my head.  As early as Junior High School, the silly things would just come over me when I was doing something else.  I would run for a note pad; write it down; and smile at how witty I was.  Then I'd throw the paper out a few days later, when I could clearly see how juvenile it was, and I didn't want anyone to know that I had "Wasted time on nothing." 

A few years later, I found music being added to my rhymes.  It just flowed out of me--usually when I was cleaning the house. 

At one point, I thought to myself, "That was really good.  I should try to record it."  So I would get out my parent's little recorder and repeat what I had just been given.  The tin can sound that played back at me convinced me that I had no talent whatsoever.

Little by little, that part of me died.  I had no easy way to record it and nobody seemed interested in my part time activity of "Making believe that I had talent" as one brother told me. 

Then I got married to a farmer/rancher and started milking 120 Holsteins and no poetry came. 

Then I became a mother and took on the challenges of home schooling my 3 children.  At that time, I can recall that lots of little songs flowed through me to my children which seemed to delight them. 

Then I grew ill and the music stopped completely.  For the past 10 years my entire focus has been to try to find a way to keep living!!!  If I could keep the laundry done; the lessons taught; meals on the table; and the house tidy WHAT ELSE MATTERED?????????????????

Now this morning, JUST NOW, something happened and I DO have a way to share it with someone else.  I have my blog!

I got up; made the guy's lunch; did cortices for them; drank my Vital Reds; and was sending them off to work at the plant for the day.

As I was carrying their cooler down the hall to them, while they were putting on their coveralls, a little jingle just POPPED INTO MY HEAD!!!! 

I cannot think of when the last time was that this happened.  It certainly hasn't happened in the past decade as I struggled to recover from shingles on the brain and now MS.

As the old habit returned,  I sat down the cooler; went into my office; grabbed a notebook; and wrote down these words.  Then I waved the guys off and went back to my office to read it.

HOWEVER, knowing my tendency to perfectionism AND being an older and wiser Dawn, I decided NOT to read it before I share it. 

This is pretty scary.  SERIOUSLY!!  How dare I not proofread 10 times what I share with my readers?  It is soooo unprofessional. 

Well, maybe that is JUST what it IS supposed to be!!  Maybe all of those spur of the moment jingles that came to me as I was maturing were SUPPOSED to be imperfect--no matter WHAT my English teacher said???? 



There, that wasn't so hard.  I suppose that I could delete this post but that would be a bigger waste of time than just throwing out a piece of paper.  No, I'll leave it here and perhaps it IS meant for another to ponder and not only myself.
God bless you all with an adventurous new week as you shake off old fears and soar on the wings of confidence!


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

My Heavenly Trip

On October 2, 2006 I died and went to Heaven.  It was after 3 months of never-ending nerve pain from shingles.  They had started at the base of my neck and then moved up into my brain.  I had gone to a health center to die knowing that my sufferings were more than my children could bear to see.  I knew that they would never see me again, when they left me there, and I was ready to go home to live with Jesus!

That day the owner of the health center had prayed that God would either take me home to my rewards or give us some other remedy to try.  That night the Father took me home but He said that He had work for me to do yet so that I couldn't stay.  I will always remember the light that shone like nothing I'd ever seen before but more than this.  I remember the powerful love that I felt coming through the door of Heaven as I leaned against it and begged to be let in.

God's love for me is the only thing that gave me courage to come back here and live these past 10 years!
The sufferings have been great but so have the rewards.  God has given me tools that have saved lives; relieved pain and suffering; and brought hope to those who felt as hopeless as I felt that night!

Still, to say that Heaven isn't constantly on my mind would NOT be true.  I have been taught about Heaven, and how to get there, from a very early age.  I have served my King with a willing heart since I was 11 years old.  I did it all out of love for Him but I never REALLY knew how much HE LOVED ME until that night.

The love of God was on the other side of that door.  It oozed out of the sides of the door frame and slipped out the sides of the door along with the light of Heaven.  The love of God slid under the door and engulfed me with hope that I would be able to recover my health again and be a blessing to many!  God's love warmed my heart and breathed life into my dying body.

Now I have found Kat Kerr and she tells stories of the glories of Heaven.  She speaks of all the mansions and all the wonders of Heaven and all of the fun things that there will be for us to do when we get to Heaven.  I LOVE listening to Kat talk about her repeated trips to Heaven and all the joys that we have to look forward to there!

BUT nothing draws me to Heaven like the love that I felt coming from the other side of that door on the night that I died!!!

I'm inviting you to watch this, along with me, and let your heart be strengthened by Kat's words.  GOD LOVES US.  He loves us so much that He gave His ONLY son to come here and be our Savior!  Jesus/Yeshua had EVERYTHING in Heaven but He gave it up to come here and die on the cross so that HIS blood can cover our sins and we can be close to the Father again like in the Garden of Eden.

GOD LOVES US, DEAR FRIENDS!!!  Who wouldn't want to go and live with Him?????


PS.  Later I asked the Lord why it was so silent in Heaven the night that I was there.  All I had heard was a loving voice telling me that I had to go back to Earth to finish my mission.  Then He told me that I was not permitted to hear the music of Heaven because, had I heard it, He would not have been able to get me to come back to Earth.  ;)   Well, I've heard it since and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Queen Esther's Fast

I haven't listened to this but I have listened to others describing why we need to have an Esther Fast this week.  I'm in!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

I'm a mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is a tremendously special day for me!!  You see, 30 years ago today my first child came out of my womb and into the world!

I never knew how tremendously being a mother would change my life.  I can still remember the shock that shook my frame when these words sunk into my being, "I'm a mom now!  Like my mom is my mom, now I am Cora's mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Nothing could have prepared me for being a mom.  Although I had read a lot of books about being a mom, NOTHING could have prepared me for the love that I would feel for my daughter and later my 2 sons who lived.  I even have a wonderful love for the many children that Robert and I have sent to live with Jesus already!  They are my children, too, and some day I will get to live with them and learn to love the wonderful things about each one of them!!!!  I am glad that we'll have eternity together to get to know each other!!

My now adult children just don't get how much their papa and I love them.  They don't get how we have worked our rears off to give them a good life and an opportunity in the business world.  They can't grasp how much effort it took me to grow and cook all their food while I was ill most of the time.  They don't have a clue what it's like to home school a child from elementary school through high school let alone 3 of them.  I hope that they never know the agony it was for me to try to figure out if I should do the laundry first or get school started and then stick some dirty clothes in the washer.  Perhaps I should do the milking before everything else seeing as it's half an hour late and the udders are full.  WHAT SHOULD I DO NEXT?

How could our children possibly know all that we have done for them?  How can they until they're 30 years down the road of parenthood themselves?

That's why this post isn't about my wonderful children--although they are all tremendous people!  This post is about ME!!!  How utterly selfish can I get?????  Dare I blow my mind and say in public that I AM FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  SO IS MY HUSBAND, ROBERT!!!!!!!!!

If you beg to disagree, go ahead.  You weren't here the past 30 years but I was.  Yes, God is the truly amazing one to guide me through life and to let me raise 3 of my 20 children for Him!  BUT I CHOSE HIM EVERY DAY EVERY STEP OF THE WAY AND I'M AMAZING FOR THAT!!!!

I hope that you'll enjoy this tribute to motherhood as much as I have.  YAY MOMS!!!!  YAY ME!!!!!!!!


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Chastened again

Hebrews 12:6 says, "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth." 

Nobody likes to be chastened and I am perfectly normal in this.  However, over the past 48 years of serving my King, I have learned to welcome His chastening. I would rather He correct me than let me keep living in offense to Him!!  Of course, I'm always happy when it's a private chastening, which normally is the case.

This morning, though, I am feeling compelled to share with my readers the chastening that I received from my loving Heavenly Father just now.  After I sincerely prayed the prayer in this morning's email, I could see that others may need to pray it too.  That makes this a public chastening for me. 

I'm not going to go into detail but I have been guilty of mocking the Millennial generation for the soft life they've lived and how it has shaped them.  This article helped me to see my sin in not seeing their potential for the Lord and doing all that I can to encourage them to seek His face above everything else!  Yes, I repented and that's all that I'll say for now.  However, if you want to capture a vision for a country that is turned upside down for the Lord, then I urge you to read this too and pray the enclosed prayer as I just did.

When God gets a hold of the energy and stamina of this youthful generation, our country will be the country that we're all missing!!!  God CAN do what He says and He WILL do it.  We all need to pray for doors to open for the younger generation to grasp His vision for their lives!!



Thank YOU for Giving to the LORD!
I'd like to THANK YOU, adults and senior adults, for your love and faithfulness to hold the line of righteousness and to pray through the last year into the USA presidential election as well as continuing the prayer shield.
To have seen in the last decade our nation fall so quickly away from moral standards that were society's norms for the last few hundred years, caused much sorrow and grief—and YET YOU PRESSED ON. Many will be the "thank yous" you receive in Heaven, but let me say it now: Thank you for NOT giving up. Thank you for pressing onward.
Father, thank You for them and release their rewards, recompenses, and harvests with Your angels moving throughout their lives. Grant them the desires of their hearts and RENEW THEIR YOUTH in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen!
It wasn't just a life that was changed, but room for a nation to change and the world. Because of our Heavenly Father, the faithfulness of the generations before, and your service in prayer and faith, we stand at the verge of a movement of the Holy Spirit among students (Millennials and younger) that will eclipse the Jesus Movement. Paul Keith Davis has referred to them as the "harvest of harvesters."
Generation CHASM
May I ask for your help in removing the stones and preparing the way for them? First, a little background. There's always been a generation gap, a chasm, which means: a sundering breach in relations, as a divergence of opinions, beliefs, etc., between persons or groups. (Photo via Wikipedia)
However, we're looking down the mountain into a generation chasm (which could create hopelessness if we only look at the surface of things) for key change-agent reasons:
1. Information-technology age – highly increased speed and spread of ideas which, when based on the already crumbling foundation of the family's love, trust and mutual respect, highly inflames communication break-down creating an environment for rebellion.
2. Social media (this has completely changed the way people communicate. In just the last decade communication is completely different).
3. Social norms no longer back family values (society backed moral values and would reinforce those to the next generation. That, in itself, was a restraining force.)
Generationally Faithful to Broken Generations
Our Heavenly Father is generationally faithful—He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, three generations. This is something we need to STOP for a moment and think about. Faithfulness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is a solid place to stand for children if their parents' marriages are intact. It's been broken down to the point that we can't imagine! But our God who is generationally faithful, has remembered the generations, the Millennials, of His faithful ones for ONE THOUSAND generations (yes! one thousand = millennials!) who now stand with Him in Heaven.
He's given parents the job to make it better for the children, and the children the job of building it bigger. And that is happening. However, with the breakdown of the family, the next generation has been building what was broken, bigger.
Father deals with generations. "The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here" (Matthew 12:42). Jesus said that the Queen of the South would rise with this generation and condemn it because she put effort into pursuing Solomon's wisdom. Here was Wisdom in Person—Jesus—and religious leaders would not walk across town, much less ride on camels across nations to receive Him.
Please understand many Millennials are going forward with Father. And we bless those who are! More blessing, more grace, more, Father, for them! Those who are not, yet, and who are joining marches and crying rooms together with the rest of the stereotypes, are called by our Father, too. And the God-following Millennials NEED the help of their generation to do the work Father has called them to—massive change on all the seven mountains of society. This is a "harvest of harvesters" at hand.
The Millennial Generation (which needs us to recover them) have learned knowledge—they have learned how to protest, how to march, how to voice their emotions. They have come to a time of change (as mentioned above) without due challenges. Peaceful transition of power in a nation is not a due challenge. It's a freedom that came at a high price. (Photo via Wikipedia)
Challenges DEFINE a Generation
One of the greatest generations were the young men and women when World War II began. In their late teens and early adulthood, they were presented with a global challenge that called to, and desperately needed their courage and strength. And they rose spectacularly to the challenge. The challenge and their courage combined termed them: Greatest Generation.
In the last 50 years, the Church (in broad terms) has been in decline as has the nation(s). Combined with the breakdown of the family and the rise of the "new" way of communication, these young adults and students did not have: 1. Solid family foundation. 2. Experiential knowledge of an intervening generationally faithful God. 3. Challenges that called to their courage and strength.
So, that's why we're seeing them use "protests," because the desire for change together with knowledge is present, but understanding and wisdom together with a love strong enough to lay aside itself for the good of others—those golden connector cords which are passed from the senior generation to the junior generation—have been absent.
Asaph, worship leader, priest and wisdom writer, understood and addressed the younger generation so that the trouble in the wilderness (40-year delay) would not be repeated.
"I will utter hidden things, things from of old—
things we have heard and known,
We will not hide them from their descendants;
He decreed statutes for Jacob
which He commanded our ancestors
so the next generation would know them,
Then they would put their trust in God
They would not be like their ancestors—
whose hearts were not loyal to God."
 Psalm 78:2-8
The Millennials too, will have a "new name" as they face their challenge (not an election) and meet their God and rise up in their courage and strength.
"Throughout history both bad and good revolutions frequently begin because student-aged young people are hungry for change and willing to lay down their lives for a cause, whether political, social, or spiritual." –James Goll
Recover the Lost Generation
The future Father has planned (and light-scribed in their spirits) for the Millennial and younger harvesters, is so wonderful. They deeply desire massive, sweeping change. They are called by Father to create massive social and spiritual change in this nation and beyond. They will be and give rise to the next CHRISTIAN senators and congressmen (and women) and judges. They will demand the nation shift back to God-values. They will deal justly and compassionately with social ills—they will go to a level that we have not even imagined possible. They will, in the Church, be concerned with the well-being of people from the womb to the tomb.
It's time to recover this lost generation.
I invite you to take some moments, read through this prayer and pray it from your heart for them. We can help remove the "stones" in their hearts through prayer and pave the way for the LORD to come.
Prayer Strategy
Father, please cover me and my family with the Blood of the Lord, Jesus Christ. No warfare is allowed to cross the Blood-barrier around us. We have the right to come to You boldly, to receive grace and mercy and to pray to You without interference of any kind. Father, thank You for the hope and future good plans You have for the Millennial generation and those to come.
Father, on behalf of ourselves, our families, and Your family, we confess as sin and making negative decisions (judgments and curses which release assignments) against the Millennial generation, based on what we are seeing and hearing in the media and on the news—rather than taking the time to hear from You.
Every negative thought, word or action (that was out of alignment with Your will for them, that we, our families and Your family has released), we bring to bear the power of the Cross of Christ to them. Destroy the power of agreement there and wash us clean. And we bring to bear the power of the Resurrection for release of the NEW thoughts, words, and actions to be released on their behalf in accordance with Your good will and covenant purposes.
Father, forgive where we, our families and Your family have missed the time of our visitation through the generations just like the Pharisees and Sadducees did. Father, forgive where we, our families, and Your family have not listened to the faith and courage of Joshuas and Calebs through the generations, but rather listened to the doubt and unbelief of the unfaithful spies and have spent needless years wandering in deserts. Father, forgive where we, our families, and Your family have followed rigidly the traditions passed down by spiritual fathers and mothers, thinking we were pleasing You, when You were moving forward and we were stuck in tradition.
Father, forgive where we, our families, and Your family have had forms of godliness, religious traditions, and yet have denied the power of the Cross. Father, forgive where we, our families, and Your family have been stuck in generational patterns and caused trouble to those who were moving forward with You, creating fear strongholds which kept successive generations in yokes, bondage, prison and captivity by binding the administration of Your government. Father, forgive where we, our families, and Your family have broken the hearts of our children and given them no room to grow in freedom, based on the truth of Your Word and the movement of Your Holy Spirit.
Father, this is what the Millennials have been handed. Please forgive us. We bring to bear the power of the Cross to bear on these sins—please wipe the record and our hearts and theirs, clean. We bring to bear the power of the Resurrection—please bless and release them into the amazing NEW that You have for them! Their NEW PERSON in Christ! (Photo via Pixabay)
We are coming to You, Father, to offer these prayers of repentance to remove the stones, the hard places in their hearts, and to redeem the time. Father, we agree with Your good plans and Your hope which You light-scribed in the hearts of the Millennials. You have called them to create massive (good and God-ordered) change. WE BLESS IT! GRACE, GRACE! Let the capstone, Christ Jesus our Lord, be laid in their hearts to our shouts of GRACE, GRACE!
Father, we call for the release of their Kingdom generational legacy, their Kingdom purpose, their Kingdom DNA in Christ, their Kingdom release, as they meet THE KING. Father, orchestrate it so that they have a massive encounter that speaks to their individual hearts with the KING who gave up His life and suffered a cruel death, because they are of such great value and worth to Him. Do it for them individually in amazing, miraculous, personal ways so that they KNOW they have met their King, the God of their fathers. Give them grace to receive the Lord, Jesus Christ. Give them grace to be who You created them to be and who they want to be. Release them from their prisons, bondages and captivities, and bring them HOME to Your Heart as their loving, strong, kind and protective Father.
We stand with You, Father, and welcome them Home to Your House. Draw their hearts with the presence of the Holy Spirit and your bands of love and kindness.
Please direct them, each one, into the "net" that will best fit their needs. Please bless and anoint all the ministers, ministries, laypeople, grandfathers and grandmothers, mothers and fathers, siblings and friends, which are positioned to receive them—and grace them with the prayer support, buildings, equipment, resources, time multiplication, and all that they need to be able to run the marathon You've set before them to heal, deliver, train, equip, release, and support these who are coming HOME! And rearguard and seal them with Your Glory.
Father, restore and DO MUCH MORE for the Millennials! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Crystal Wade writes to throw out a lifeline of hope for people to receive connectivity to trust the Father and be internally aligned to relate to Him, and thus receive His relationship and the blessings that naturally flow from Him. She loves to discover the redemptive plan of the Father in people, places, and things. She co-authored Pure Joy and wrote Perfect Peace together with its audio album, tools for healing trust and growing the spirit. She is managing editor of Crystal and her husband Stephen share a passion to position the next generation to be anchored in truth so they can fly in the spirit. To that end, their family launched Let's Wade In, a media outlet, which is both a community for children and teens and a tool for parents and caregivers to anchor students in truth so they can fly in the Spirit. They have three wonderful sons.
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The host of Heaven

Hello everyone,

I am finally able to say that pneumonia is behind me once again.  It's been a long haul but God is amazing to heal us over and over and over again.

Better yet is THIS approach.  I've been listening to Kat Kerr for over a month now and I am changing as I learn of the power I have to command the host of Heaven to pull down EVERY stronghold of evil that has been used against me and my family!!

This is brand new from Kat and it thrilled me beyond imagination!  The victim's mentality that I have had my whole life is NOT part of God's best plan for my life!!!  NO, IT'S NOT!!

No matter where you are living in this world, I encourage you to watch this video.  Kat shares God's words of hope for Christians in EVERY country.  God IS taking over the world in this Kingdom age!!!  YAY!!


See you,


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