Sunday, March 26, 2017

The New Improved Cortices Technique

Hello everyone,
I hope that your weekend has been delightful! 

If you've been reading here for awhile, you know that I would have died in '07 had I not found the BodyTalk program!  I was trying to recover from shingles on the brain which had gotten started for me the Summer before. 
My naturopathic doctor is the one who urged me to check out BodyTalk and I am so glad that she did!  Not only did BodyTalk save my life, it gave me a new purpose as others started asking me to help them with their health struggles while they watched me improve.
The cortices technique became my best friend!!!  YES, I prayed constantly for healing but doing the cortices technique helped my brain to heal even faster.  On bad days I did it up to 20 times a day.  On good days it was half that many times.  Being it only takes a minute or two, what was that to being able to think better and to have less pain?
Recently I got an email from the International BodyTalk Association sharing that Dr. Veltheim found a way to make the technique even stronger. The new method is even MORE powerful so I decided to share it with you.
Now, in this video, Dr. Velheim explains why tapping out one's cortices works to bring a higher quality of life!  I urge you to watch it.
In this video, Dr. Veltheim explains how to actually do the tapping the original way.

So the change is that after we tap on the head brain and the heart brain, we tap on the gut brain by tapping over the navel. 
Dr.. Veltheim explained in his email to us practitioners that he's been observing something that has concerned him.  It seems that our "Busy" culture has produced a tendency to live out of our logical beings. When we just tap on the head and heart, our emotional aspects are diminished.  Why is that bad?  Well, God gave us a 2 sided brain.  The left side is strong in the logical/reasoning aspects of life.  The right side dominates the intuitive/emotional aspects.  We were given BOTH!!
Have you observed that our culture is big on logical people and hard on intuitive ones.  Perhaps you didn't realize this.  As a VERY intuitive person (God has blessed me with this), I have been shunned and ridiculed for using my gift to help others get well.  I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers.  I'm simply stating what has happened to me these past 10 years.  I have very much felt the fear our culture has for "That type of thinking--meaning intuitive thinking!"  Why, I've even been called "Dangerous," don't you know.
This is absurd!!!  God gave us logic AND intuition and I DO mean ALL OF US!!! 
OK, I'll save that rant for another post.  This is what I'm saying.  As I highly intuitive person, tapping for the past 10 years on my brain and heart only has left my intuition lagging.  It has caused me to even DOUBT my intuitive gift.  My logically based education and upbringing made me go so far as feeling ashamed of my intuition.
So now Dr. Veltheim has learned that when we tap on the head, heart, and navel our intuition and logic balance each other in a powerful way.  I've been tapping all 3 for about 8 days now and I am feeling more stable emotionally than I can ever remember feeling!!!  I was even strong enough emotionally yesterday to go forward and get anointed with healing oils in church.  I've thought about doing this many times, over the past 10 years, but never could "Talk myself into it."  Why? One possible explanation could be that my left brain logical tapping was overruling my right brain intuition.
This may all seem complex but it isn't really.  I believe that God wants us to be balanced individuals.  Generally men are more logical and women more emotional BUT does that mean that men should have no emotions and women should have no logic?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!
So, if this isn't clear after all of that explanation, let me know.  Perhaps I'll make a video of the new tapping procedure and share it here.  Would that be helpful?
Happy tapping and have a marvelous new week with newly connected brains--head, heart, and gut!
 PS  The cortices are the 2 sides of the cortex part of the brain which is where we think and analyze.

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