Friday, March 24, 2017

God IS moving

Portal Cities Creating Networks
I saw heavenly portals being created in different cities. For those unfamiliar with the term, portal just means door. Google defines portal as a doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and elaborate one. These doors and windows of Heaven I'm referring to are like the ones in the Bible at Bethel, for instance. Cities under an open Heaven are coming. Then those cities will connect to each other in a network.
I saw lights as I was flying above the USA, seeing cities lit up in the darkness. God will connect those cities through a supernatural highway. I saw that favor, provision, mantles, and glory will flow between those cities for the revival that's coming. God will also cause supernatural transportation like when Philip was transported between cities – He'll do this using open Heaven portals.
"When a heavenly portal opens up over a city it shuts down the demonic portal and ley line of the enemy."
These cities, which are being linked by a supernatural highway, will create a net across the nation for the harvest. Like a lightning bolt it will strike, causing a fast connection between the portals. Ministers from glory portals in other cities will minister in each other's open Heaven portal city, bringing something new from Heaven.
Many "suddenly" doors will open where you will participate or minister in these portals, as the glory over them gets brighter and brighter and spills over into harvest! You might just get transported to different cities – like Phillip!
I believe God showed me the cities where portals would be opening: San Diego and Santa Maria, California, Sedona and Phoenix, Arizona, Las Vegas, Nevada, Spokane, Washington, Kona and Hilo, Hawaii, Houston, a city near Dallas, Texas, Charlotte, North Carolina, Atlanta, Georgia, Rochester, New York, and Washington, DC. I believe there are other cities as well.
Encouraging One Another in the Faith Through Portals
I saw God link the portals internationally. We just saw a portal open up in Shanghai, China as we gathered for five days with hundreds of hungry pastors across China. Once we left there we brought it straight to Kona. The enemy does not want the Chinese Believers linked with the US Believers. Yet, as you see enmity trying to get created in the news, behind the scenes God is doing the opposite as these two nations connect and allow the revelation, impartation, and blessing to flow freely between them. The last two years, Chinese pastors and leaders have been connecting with a portal in Jerusalem more than ever, as we have seen Israel flooded with Chinese "tourists" causing a power surge back in China, specifically in Shanghai. (Photo via Pixabay)
Right before China, we were at the San Diego revival, which is another portal, and took that glory to China. We started to see the portals open up last Rosh Hashanah in Phoenix, Arizona in a way that was the most amazing we had ever experienced up until that point.
Times and Seasons United with Glory Portals is Increasing the Harvest
Often these portals open up the most during the feasts. God promised to open the heavens when we show up and honor His appointed times and seasons. In that way when you intersect a geographical portal with a seasonal portal, amazing things happen.
The supernatural wealth transfer that many have been talking about is from Heaven, and it will also be connected with what God is doing in China in the earth realm and the new technology coming out.
Jerusalem is opening up more than ever now, as the glory is descending upon that city. Washington, DC and Jerusalem are interconnected. At the US Presidential Inauguration in January (and even several days before it), a huge heavenly portal opened up over the US capital like I have never experienced before. This caused immediate shifts, not only in the USA and our government but it started to shift things in Israel.
This shift will cause things that have never been taken seriously (like moving the US embassy to Jerusalem) to occur. This will cause the plates to shift in the spirit, further securing the portal between the two nations of Israel and the US and speeding up the plans of God for world Harvest and revival in Israel.
Destroying Enemy Ley Lines
The enemy has his own ley lines on the earth (we see this through gross darkness in specific lands) and there are seasons where demonic activity is conducted at certain locations on certain dates. As we come into alignment with the Lord in these geographical and seasonal portals, it will short-circuit the enemy's demonic routes and close down his evil grid, hindering the powers of darkness to operate on the same level of speed as it has in the past.
An example from the Bible is when Elijah called down fire from Heaven and the hundreds of false prophets of Baal tried to do what had worked for them in the past, summoning power, but this time they had no power and nothing happened.
"Cities under an open Heaven are coming. Then those cities will connect to each other in a network."
When a heavenly portal opens up over a city, it shuts down the demonic portal and ley lines of the enemy, cutting off his supply line. Being in the right place (heavenly open portal) and at the right time (the feasts that sync with Heaven like Passover) this begins to occur. When the wealth of the wicked and unsaved souls start to come in the hands and jurisdiction of the righteous there will be a new sheriff in town, the Holy Spirit.
Portals of Revival in France
God is opening up a portal of revival this year in France. It has been mostly hidden in smaller venues but these portals will start to break open and come to the surface. This will have a direct effect on the French elections coming up. The seriousness of this French election is very similar to the urgency of the last US Election and the Brexit vote.
If God's people in France, Europe, the USA and worldwide would pray for this election, God will bring in someone that will align most with His purposes. They will align with Israel and stand for the protection of France, and this will allow a season of freedom for revival and harvest in France. It will not be someone that most would suspect, as God often chooses different than man like He did with King Cyrus. God sees something in them that He can use for His glory. Please pray like you have never prayed before for France's election and upcoming revival.
This election could shift France and save it from total chaos into a season of revival if we will pray. The US owes France much for standing with the US in the Revolutionary War, and they also owe us for helping to liberate them in WW2, but now they need our help more than ever.
This is due to the covenant God made to the French Huguenot revivalists (French Protestants, John Calvin included) centuries ago. God is not finished with France and as most have written her off, she will have at least one more major move of God which will affect many unreached nations. France is like Samson with its eyes plucked out under the spiritual oppression of the Philistines. (Photo via Pixabay)
The French Believers, much like Samson, are asking and praying for more of His glory and sudden supernatural strength. They are believing that love and unity will come on a core of Believers to push the pillars down in the heart of the enemy's camp. Those pillars are secular humanism, which was exported to the USA and many other nations. The pillars are also immoral laws and decrees, as well as an invasion of Islam that will come down turning the tides, causing many French citizens and Muslims as well as many French Jews – to turn to the Lord.
New Technology and Divine Reversals
Watch for new technology God is releasing this year for God's people to use to speed up the harvest worldwide. This is also a season of DIVINE REVERSALS. Just as Esther fasted and prayed along with the Jewish people, the assignment of Haman to destroy the entire Jewish race along with Esther – was totally reversed from doom and destruction to total favor and prominence in every area.
Also, just as the US elections and the Brexit vote saw a dramatic reversal of what all the polls predicted, so God is about to do that in your life too! As you seek Him, the Courts of Heaven will reverse the curse and the decree that came against you and your destiny! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Dr. David Herzog
David Herzog Ministries: The Glory Zone
David Herzog is the founder of David Herzog Ministries based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. David is a dynamic motivational speaker, best-selling author, and television host, who moves in unusual creative miracles, signs, and wonders worldwide; he also equips Believers to operate in the glory and power of God. David and his wife, Stephanie, have seen multitudes saved in nearly every continent. Their passion is to live in the glory of God and to bring the Gospel to as many souls as possible in every nation of the world.
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