Hebrews 12:6 says, "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth."
Nobody likes to be chastened and I am perfectly normal in this. However, over the past 48 years of serving my King, I have learned to welcome His chastening. I would rather He correct me than let me keep living in offense to Him!! Of course, I'm always happy when it's a private chastening, which normally is the case.
This morning, though, I am feeling compelled to share with my readers the chastening that I received from my loving Heavenly Father just now. After I sincerely prayed the prayer in this morning's email, I could see that others may need to pray it too. That makes this a public chastening for me.
I'm not going to go into detail but I have been guilty of mocking the Millennial generation for the soft life they've lived and how it has shaped them. This article helped me to see my sin in not seeing their potential for the Lord and doing all that I can to encourage them to seek His face above everything else! Yes, I repented and that's all that I'll say for now. However, if you want to capture a vision for a country that is turned upside down for the Lord, then I urge you to read this too and pray the enclosed prayer as I just did.
When God gets a hold of the energy and stamina of this youthful generation, our country will be the country that we're all missing!!! God CAN do what He says and He WILL do it. We all need to pray for doors to open for the younger generation to grasp His vision for their lives!!
A Word to the Church:
"Recover THIS Generation"
Thank YOU for Giving to the LORD!
I'd like to THANK YOU, adults and senior adults, for your love and faithfulness to hold the line of righteousness and to pray through the last year into the USA presidential election as well as continuing the prayer shield.
To have seen in the last decade our nation fall so quickly away from moral standards that were society's norms for the last few hundred years, caused much sorrow and grief—and YET YOU PRESSED ON. Many will be the "thank yous" you receive in Heaven, but let me say it now: Thank you for NOT giving up. Thank you for pressing onward.
Father, thank You for them and release their rewards, recompenses, and harvests with Your angels moving throughout their lives. Grant them the desires of their hearts and RENEW THEIR YOUTH in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen!
It wasn't just a life that was changed, but room for a nation to change and the world. Because of our Heavenly Father, the faithfulness of the generations before, and your service in prayer and faith, we stand at the verge of a movement of the Holy Spirit among students (Millennials and younger) that will eclipse the Jesus Movement. Paul Keith Davis has referred to them as the "harvest of harvesters."
Generation CHASM
However, we're looking down the mountain into a generation chasm (which could create hopelessness if we only look at the surface of things) for key change-agent reasons:
1. Information-technology age – highly increased speed and spread of ideas which, when based on the already crumbling foundation of the family's love, trust and mutual respect, highly inflames communication break-down creating an environment for rebellion.
2. Social media (this has completely changed the way people communicate. In just the last decade communication is completely different).
3. Social norms no longer back family values (society backed moral values and would reinforce those to the next generation. That, in itself, was a restraining force.)
Generationally Faithful to Broken Generations
Our Heavenly Father is generationally faithful—He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, three generations. This is something we need to STOP for a moment and think about. Faithfulness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is a solid place to stand for children if their parents' marriages are intact. It's been broken down to the point that we can't imagine! But our God who is generationally faithful, has remembered the generations, the Millennials, of His faithful ones for ONE THOUSAND generations (yes! one thousand = millennials!) who now stand with Him in Heaven.
He's given parents the job to make it better for the children, and the children the job of building it bigger. And that is happening. However, with the breakdown of the family, the next generation has been building what was broken, bigger.
Father deals with generations. "The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here" (Matthew 12:42). Jesus said that the Queen of the South would rise with this generation and condemn it because she put effort into pursuing Solomon's wisdom. Here was Wisdom in Person—Jesus—and religious leaders would not walk across town, much less ride on camels across nations to receive Him.
Please understand many Millennials are going forward with Father. And we bless those who are! More blessing, more grace, more, Father, for them! Those who are not, yet, and who are joining marches and crying rooms together with the rest of the stereotypes, are called by our Father, too. And the God-following Millennials NEED the help of their generation to do the work Father has called them to—massive change on all the seven mountains of society. This is a "harvest of harvesters" at hand.
Challenges DEFINE a Generation
One of the greatest generations were the young men and women when World War II began. In their late teens and early adulthood, they were presented with a global challenge that called to, and desperately needed their courage and strength. And they rose spectacularly to the challenge. The challenge and their courage combined termed them: Greatest Generation.
In the last 50 years, the Church (in broad terms) has been in decline as has the nation(s). Combined with the breakdown of the family and the rise of the "new" way of communication, these young adults and students did not have: 1. Solid family foundation. 2. Experiential knowledge of an intervening generationally faithful God. 3. Challenges that called to their courage and strength.
So, that's why we're seeing them use "protests," because the desire for change together with knowledge is present, but understanding and wisdom together with a love strong enough to lay aside itself for the good of others—those golden connector cords which are passed from the senior generation to the junior generation—have been absent.
Asaph, worship leader, priest and wisdom writer, understood and addressed the younger generation so that the trouble in the wilderness (40-year delay) would not be repeated.
"I will utter hidden things, things from of old—
things we have heard and known,
We will not hide them from their descendants;
He decreed statutes for Jacob
which He commanded our ancestors
so the next generation would know them,
Then they would put their trust in God
They would not be like their ancestors—
whose hearts were not loyal to God." Psalm 78:2-8
things we have heard and known,
We will not hide them from their descendants;
He decreed statutes for Jacob
which He commanded our ancestors
so the next generation would know them,
Then they would put their trust in God
They would not be like their ancestors—
whose hearts were not loyal to God." Psalm 78:2-8
The Millennials too, will have a "new name" as they face their challenge (not an election) and meet their God and rise up in their courage and strength.
"Throughout history both bad and good revolutions frequently begin because student-aged young people are hungry for change and willing to lay down their lives for a cause, whether political, social, or spiritual." –James Goll
Recover the Lost Generation
The future Father has planned (and light-scribed in their spirits) for the Millennial and younger harvesters, is so wonderful. They deeply desire massive, sweeping change. They are called by Father to create massive social and spiritual change in this nation and beyond. They will be and give rise to the next CHRISTIAN senators and congressmen (and women) and judges. They will demand the nation shift back to God-values. They will deal justly and compassionately with social ills—they will go to a level that we have not even imagined possible. They will, in the Church, be concerned with the well-being of people from the womb to the tomb.
It's time to recover this lost generation.
I invite you to take some moments, read through this prayer and pray it from your heart for them. We can help remove the "stones" in their hearts through prayer and pave the way for the LORD to come.
Prayer Strategy
Father, on behalf of ourselves, our families, and Your family, we confess as sin and making negative decisions (judgments and curses which release assignments) against the Millennial generation, based on what we are seeing and hearing in the media and on the news—rather than taking the time to hear from You.
Every negative thought, word or action (that was out of alignment with Your will for them, that we, our families and Your family has released), we bring to bear the power of the Cross of Christ to them. Destroy the power of agreement there and wash us clean. And we bring to bear the power of the Resurrection for release of the NEW thoughts, words, and actions to be released on their behalf in accordance with Your good will and covenant purposes.
Father, forgive where we, our families and Your family have missed the time of our visitation through the generations just like the Pharisees and Sadducees did. Father, forgive where we, our families, and Your family have not listened to the faith and courage of Joshuas and Calebs through the generations, but rather listened to the doubt and unbelief of the unfaithful spies and have spent needless years wandering in deserts. Father, forgive where we, our families, and Your family have followed rigidly the traditions passed down by spiritual fathers and mothers, thinking we were pleasing You, when You were moving forward and we were stuck in tradition.
Father, forgive where we, our families, and Your family have had forms of godliness, religious traditions, and yet have denied the power of the Cross. Father, forgive where we, our families, and Your family have been stuck in generational patterns and caused trouble to those who were moving forward with You, creating fear strongholds which kept successive generations in yokes, bondage, prison and captivity by binding the administration of Your government. Father, forgive where we, our families, and Your family have broken the hearts of our children and given them no room to grow in freedom, based on the truth of Your Word and the movement of Your Holy Spirit.
We are coming to You, Father, to offer these prayers of repentance to remove the stones, the hard places in their hearts, and to redeem the time. Father, we agree with Your good plans and Your hope which You light-scribed in the hearts of the Millennials. You have called them to create massive (good and God-ordered) change. WE BLESS IT! GRACE, GRACE! Let the capstone, Christ Jesus our Lord, be laid in their hearts to our shouts of GRACE, GRACE!
Father, we call for the release of their Kingdom generational legacy, their Kingdom purpose, their Kingdom DNA in Christ, their Kingdom release, as they meet THE KING. Father, orchestrate it so that they have a massive encounter that speaks to their individual hearts with the KING who gave up His life and suffered a cruel death, because they are of such great value and worth to Him. Do it for them individually in amazing, miraculous, personal ways so that they KNOW they have met their King, the God of their fathers. Give them grace to receive the Lord, Jesus Christ. Give them grace to be who You created them to be and who they want to be. Release them from their prisons, bondages and captivities, and bring them HOME to Your Heart as their loving, strong, kind and protective Father.
We stand with You, Father, and welcome them Home to Your House. Draw their hearts with the presence of the Holy Spirit and your bands of love and kindness.
Please direct them, each one, into the "net" that will best fit their needs. Please bless and anoint all the ministers, ministries, laypeople, grandfathers and grandmothers, mothers and fathers, siblings and friends, which are positioned to receive them—and grace them with the prayer support, buildings, equipment, resources, time multiplication, and all that they need to be able to run the marathon You've set before them to heal, deliver, train, equip, release, and support these who are coming HOME! And rearguard and seal them with Your Glory.
Father, restore and DO MUCH MORE for the Millennials! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Crystal Wade writes to throw out a lifeline of hope for people to receive connectivity to trust the Father and be internally aligned to relate to Him, and thus receive His relationship and the blessings that naturally flow from Him. She loves to discover the redemptive plan of the Father in people, places, and things. She co-authored Pure Joy and wrote Perfect Peace together with its audio album, tools for healing trust and growing the spirit. She is managing editor of HopeStreams.net. Crystal and her husband Stephen share a passion to position the next generation to be anchored in truth so they can fly in the spirit. To that end, their family launched Let's Wade In, a media outlet, which is both a community for children and teens and a tool for parents and caregivers to anchor students in truth so they can fly in the Spirit. They have three wonderful sons.
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Thank you SO much, Dawn, for sharing this lengthy piece (that I didn't even want to read it looked too long)! There were so many good ideas and TRUTH shared here, and I prayed that prayer like you did.
There is so much hope for my millenial sons including my oldest. I still fully expect him to come to his senses and to have a greater faith than even his brothers because of this season in his life. It's happened time and time again to others.
I'm praying for your kin as well and that all of this millenial generation becomes one worth MUCH to God.
AMEN Kristi! God has GREAT plans for ALL of our children!!! Praying that prayer has given me so much hope! God bless you richly!
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