Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Condemnation or love?

Today I've been attacked for my stance that God is loving all the time.  I've been insulted for not wanting to throw the book at those who haven't found Jesus yet.  I retained my position that, if all we do to the lost is to yell at them how rotten they are, they will NOT want our Jesus at all!
Now, I know that God judges us all at our deaths.  I know that He cannot let any evil people into Heaven lest Heaven ends up being like the Earth is now.  I get that but I have to continue asking, "Who will want to come to someone who only tells them how rotten they are?"
I made this mistake in my parenting for a long time.  That's because I truly believed that I was rotten to the core even though I'd been saved decades before my children were born.  I praise God for all of the recovery work I've done so I can see that even though rotten things were done to me--that doesn't mean that I am rotten--NOR IS GOD!  Perhaps others are confused in this area as I was???????
Anyway, as I pondered how to share love with those who so obviously just wanted to shut me up, the Lord led me to this song.  I sang this years ago with my pastor on Easter morning.  It sank deep into my soul that I may be the only person in some people's lives who knows the way to Heaven.  They are reading my life like I read a book.  What message am I truly sending to those around me?
If you're still in the condemnation camp, I would urge you to begin to read Pastor Joseph Prince's daily meditations as I have for probably 6 years.  NO, God does NOT love sin.  Yes, He made a way for all people to come into His kingdom.  He sent His perfect son to die ONCE on the cross to provide a way to peace with Him.  All we need to do is come to the Father; tell him that we know that we're sinners and that we're sorry for our sins; ask Jesus' blood to cover all our sins; ask Him to forgive all of our sins.  Ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit to come into our lives and make us the people that we're meant to be! 
So to those who would have me hate the sinners, I would have to hate myself.  Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  Well, I gave up self-hatred in 2006 when I lay dying from it. When God showed me how much He truly loved me, I had no more desire nor need for hating myself.  It is my prayer that all true Christians, who are confused in this area, ask God to show them exactly how much He loves them!!!
In the meantime, I pray that this song will show how important it is to be loving, like Jesus is loving, to ALL those we meet!  God puts them in our paths because we're the best ones to minister to their needs.  You ARE the only Jesus SOME WILL EVER SEE!!  Making sure that what they see IS what God wants them to see--well, that's my life's goal!
For Him,


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