Monday, April 16, 2018

Is it really SPRING?

  Spring has been very slow in coming to North Dakota this year.  However, the robins have returned and flocks of geese rest in the marshy places before they continue their flights to the North.  Some perennials are popping up and we have MUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!  It MUST be Spring!
 Here is a poem about Springtime's blessings!  I pray that they are all yours today!!  Happy Spring!
                                                           The Blessings of Spring ~
There are many blessings,
that each new Spring brings
you can see it bloom about
and hear the song it sings.
With winters bleakness over,
and brighter days ahead
comes promises of new life
Springtime loves to spread.
As God unfolds the flowers,
and their buds begin to show
He gives to us the assurance
grace in our hearts will grow.
He sends us the robin’s song,
with the promise to provide
a shelter under His mighty wing
where in His love we can abide.
He melts the snowy covers,
and sends the refreshing rain
sprinkling us with His mercies
to heal winter’s ache and pain.
God’s given to all His Son,
to shed upon us a new light
and the real blessing of Spring . . .
is keeping Jesus in our sight!

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